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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/mega/pbj/event/main.php on line 81: implode(): Invalid arguments passed
CAMO DAYS ADVENTURE. - Page 426 - Community


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Haha nah I haven't seen the trailer yet n don't know if you guys could help me out, can you put music in a video? I wasn't sure but someone posted a video (last stand) and they had music in the background, so is it allowed or?? I was thinking of asking on the ask forum section but wanted to know if any of you had an idea?

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CaptainHolt wrote:Ya! Wud up big bro J101!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your so much bigger than whats the square root of 24! Hmmmmmmm!!!!!! Hmmmmmm!!!! I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!!!!!! BTW have you guys seen the trailer for titanfall 2?!!?!?!?!?!? It looks bad A! I might get an xbox one just so I can get Titan fall 2! My dads a huge titan fall fan so he will most likely buy it for himself but that means I can play it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm too busy playing bf1 right now. Lol, can't wait for titanfall 2 though.

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Jason-101 wrote:I like the Cowboys, And Green Bay Packers, plus the Texans. And the Tampa Bay Bucktooth. Footy ball is awesome.
Go Bills

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Ughh.. I've been SWAMPED with homework and the PSAT...

HEY THERE NATER!!!! Glad you're back bro. :D

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Official moving day = tomorrow :(

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CaptainHolt wrote:Ya! Wud up big bro J101!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your so much bigger than whats the square root of 24! Hmmmmmmm!!!!!! Hmmmmmm!!!! I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!!!!!! BTW have you guys seen the trailer for titanfall 2?!!?!?!?!?!? It looks bad A! I might get an xbox one just so I can get Titan fall 2! My dads a huge titan fall fan so he will most likely buy it for himself but that means I can play it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not really a fan of titan fall. GEARS OF WAR SERIES IS 999,999,999,999,999,999,x BETTER!

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Gears of war is pretty fun... I just got the new infinite warfare Mega Block figure!!!!!!! Gamestop exclusive! I just posted a review on him! If you want a video review check out Spicy Blocks Infinite warfare mega block fig review on Youtube! Its awesome!!!!!!!

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Wait Cpt are you SpicyBlocks? Visited the channel n I like the reviews *thumbs up*

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got a few more uppers to load. and we will be seeing an old friend.

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