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Scrolls of the High Elves: non-canon Project: V.O.R.T.E.X lore - Community

Scrolls of the High Elves: non-canon Project: V.O.R.T.E.X lore

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Please note that none of this is canon with the Project: V.O.R.T.E.X storyline, nor the Mega-Verse. Think of this as an alternate reality perhaps.

Ah… The Ancient Scriptures of a forgotten time… A time of peril… A time of war and death… The age of the Orc! There were many other races back then, of course, the Dwarves, greedy and rich, who would burrow underground and build massive civilisations. The Elves, the first to evolve, tall and proud, not to mention wise and old. Then there were the goblins, sneaky, undisciplined, tiny monsters, with the eyesight of a lesser swamp pig. And the Men, the last to evolve, destined to rule the world for another 7,000 years. Of course, that is just the intelligent beings, if you could call Goblins intelligent, of this time.
The year was 5,327 B.C, in the modern term of year… All this bloodshed began with a power-hungry young Orc named Jeff…

Very little is known about Jeff’s childhood, his parents, his upbringing, where he stood in the social hierarchy, and what his interests were. Of course, what we do know is that he lived in the accursed Orc Badlands and one day, he went off to seek his fortune and raise an army to conquer all nations and begin one of the biggest and longest wars of all time…

And so, Jeff packed his troll-hide bag and picked up his orc-steel battle-axe and journeyed on, through treacherous ravines, across raging rivers and burning human border watchtowers as he went…

His journey took him to the point of no return, a deadly cliff with jagged rocks below.

Jeff clambered down the near vertical rock-face and onto the rocks. He knew what was in one of the caves at the bottom of the cliff: Goblin Town, a rickety series of boardwalks and stairways connected together and expanded over time joining up to houses and mines on the sides of the huge cathedral-like cave.

After walking through the oddly boat-shaped hole leading into the town, Jeff then slammed through the hundreds of guards. None lived. He walked up to the Goblin King, Max, sitting on his stone throne, and chopped off his head. Jeff declared in his booming, gravely voice “ Your king is dead! You will follow me, now!”. And what followed was known as the allegiance of Goblins and Orcs.

There were, of course, other alliances in that time: the Elves, Men and Dwarves united together to trade and fend off the terrible evil of those lands, each species had something different and important: the Elves had near unlimited knowledge and wisdom, the Men had food and supreme military power and the Dwarves had the finest tools and weapons, not to mention shiny gems and gold!

After conquering the Goblins, Jeff went out to make new alliances with the undead pirates that guard a long-lost treasure… The Skeleton Crew, deadly and clever, with an armada of warships at their disposal, know as “Phantoms”. All who lived on costal islands knew of their mighty and merciless wrath. Jeff, on the other hand, had no fear whatsoever towards them. In fact, he journeyed on a rickety Goblin raft to meet them at the Islands of Skulls, costal islands, each with a skull-shaped rock, famed for being the home of The Skeleton Crew and the souls of those they killed and trapped forever as their slaves…

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:27 am
And so, it began.
Yes it did.

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charliebucket wrote:
Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:33 pm
Ah… The Ancient Scriptures of a forgotten time… A time of peril… A time of war and death… The age of the Orc! There were many other races back then, of course, the Dwarves, greedy and rich, who would burrow underground and build massive civilisations. The Elves, the first to evolve, tall and proud, not to mention wise and old. Then there were the goblins, sneaky, undisciplined, tiny monsters, with the eyesight of a lesser swamp pig. And the Men, the last to evolve, destined to rule the world for another 7,000 years. Of course, that is just the intelligent beings, if you could call Goblins intelligent, of this time.

The year was 5,327 B.C, in the modern term of year… All this bloodshed began with a power-hungry young Orc named Jeff…
Cool. In your Universe (or reality since you are part of a Multiverse) do the Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins originate from Earth or are they alien species that settle on Earth since Humans at that time are not able to repel them? Something I thought would be an interesting story to tell would be that the non-human races from myth were actually aliens that were eventually overrun by Humans and that is why you don't see them on Earth anymore. Then as Humans develop and start to travel between stars they may find some of those mythological races again on other planets or find the remains of those old races as they died off or destroyed themselves over the millennia (see the Fermi Paradox theory (there is a good video that summarizes it on YouTube that comes up near the top of a Google search about it) on why modern Humans haven't seen any aliens).

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omegabob wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:19 am
charliebucket wrote:
Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:33 pm
Ah… The Ancient Scriptures of a forgotten time… A time of peril… A time of war and death… The age of the Orc! There were many other races back then, of course, the Dwarves, greedy and rich, who would burrow underground and build massive civilisations. The Elves, the first to evolve, tall and proud, not to mention wise and old. Then there were the goblins, sneaky, undisciplined, tiny monsters, with the eyesight of a lesser swamp pig. And the Men, the last to evolve, destined to rule the world for another 7,000 years. Of course, that is just the intelligent beings, if you could call Goblins intelligent, of this time.

The year was 5,327 B.C, in the modern term of year… All this bloodshed began with a power-hungry young Orc named Jeff…
Cool. In your Universe (or reality since you are part of a Multiverse) do the Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins originate from Earth or are they alien species that settle on Earth since Humans at that time are not able to repel them? Something I thought would be an interesting story to tell would be that the non-human races from myth were actually aliens that were eventually overrun by Humans and that is why you don't see them on Earth anymore. Then as Humans develop and start to travel between stars they may find some of those mythological races again on other planets or find the remains of those old races as they died off or destroyed themselves over the millennia (see the Fermi Paradox theory (there is a good video that summarizes it on YouTube that comes up near the top of a Google search about it) on why modern Humans haven't seen any aliens).
It's a kool idea don't get me wrong, I have already set up a story for the Ancient Races which I'm happy with and has been featured on the timeline and a bit in my comic. I prefer the idea that civil war wiped them out: the remainders slowly died out over thousands of years... All but Jeff. At least, that's my plan.

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Very little is known about Jeff’s childhood, his parents, his upbringing, where he stood in the social hierarchy, and what his interests were. Of course, what we do know is that he lived in the accursed Orc Badlands and one day, he went off to seek his fortune and raise an army to conquer all nations and begin one of the biggest and longest wars of all time…

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My-my Lord. He is coming

Of course he is, he must, as I have foreseen his rise to power on the winds of yor. So have I seen his downfall in the nights sepulcer.

But, sire is there no other way but by sword.

We must play our part, to the *** end. However child There is hope. There is always hope. So we may pray to those who soon will look upon our beating hearts as they set way and move the fluids of a vast and ancient sea. When the very confluence of our exspirance leans on the broken sepulcer may there be one that shall shatter the sun and break the shadow that will lie upon this land and stop it to its core. So pray with me, pray that one day we will return to walk this barren world bathed in the light of a wanning star. Where we set yee to our placid holdings and celebrate for a thousand years or more. Let there be a city of white with gleaming spires that will reach for the golden sun. Eight silver stars or perhaps lilies shall shine down there divinity upon the land and bath it in wounder of a new age. Purple banners shall turn as the wings of angels. Here our children will sing songs. Songs and story's, of life everlasting. From here we will set out into the vissages of a night sky and find within its cold exspance a future where we all are free.

Sire they have arrived!
The siege has begun.
He is here.

Alas we knew this day would come. So now brothers and sisters shall we make our last prayer! To you then my friends and beastly foe you shall set us free once more. Now take arms. Take shield and let's us set our blade to the writhering beast that come to knock on our very door. Lets us not go by droughted nector but by the end of a sword. To glory, to battle, to death.

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charliebucket wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:53 pm
That's kool.
Sorry if its not perfect. Like said I don't normally do midevil stuff. I thought this was fitting though. This is the high eleven king and some of his royal guard near the end of the second time war. I don't need to tell you who he is. I tried to reference the kings vision in his words about what he has seen both past and present and a future where all are free. Hope it works. If not I'll re-write parts of this.

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