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Call of Duty: Battle Status - Page 16 - Community

Call of Duty: Battle Status

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Just played Future Soldier for the first time... I can't believe that my scene is in there. That's so awesome

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DevilDoll wrote:Just played Future Soldier for the first time... I can't believe that my scene is in there. That's so awesome
We're talking Ghost recon? And the mountain sniping thing right? Lol

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AkulA1996 wrote:
DevilDoll wrote:Just played Future Soldier for the first time... I can't believe that my scene is in there. That's so awesome
We're talking Ghost recon? And the mountain sniping thing right? Lol

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Kool, wait how did it have your scene?

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Assassinater117 wrote:Kool, wait how did it have your scene?
DDoll described a scene in these pages about a 4 man team taking down a convoy on a mountain road in the Yucatan.
Ghost Recon FS the first level is a 4 man ghost team taking out a convoy on a mountain road in south America (Though they found out it was a trap at the cost of their lives - note The games been out for years thus I'm not saying spoiler alert in front of this information)

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The Akula Texts:
?: Wondering when you'd contact me
A: Y? To check up on things?
?: No to check up on ur sister, I no she plans 2 go to where ever u r
A: how'd u no that?
?: C'mon u 2 r inseparable, she always follows her brother
A: Right well anyway I need someone to make sure she gets here safe n sound, ur only one that I trust the most
?: sounded like a compliment
A: Calm down can u do this for me or not?
?: I'll do it, but u owe me another beer
A: Since when did I owe u any beers
?: well there was that time I stopped u from blowing up a russian fuel depot. And blowing urself up in the process, then there was that time I stopped u and undercover cells fighting each other... Then I stopped ur sister from running across open ground to come and see u..... Yeah u owe me a lot of beer
A: well Here u go
A: *Sends image of a 24 can case of beer*
A: My debts have been payed
?: aw c'mon don't tease me with that
A: sorry but u no that when someone says I owe them something via text it's just 2 tempting 2 send them a pic of what I owe.
?: True that, ok I'll get ur sister there safe n sound
-Both people deleted text conversation histories-
Akula has another contact in Europe, will this contact help get his sister to south America safely....
What will happen to this new mystery character....
Well stop asking me I have no control over the next part of the story

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Haha, wow man you are good, you really know how to leave someone in suspense. By the way, these Akula texts are these going on around or at the same time we had our collaborated story running?? Only because I don't know whether to write another part or not.

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Assassinater117 wrote:Haha, wow man you are good, you really know how to leave someone in suspense. By the way, these Akula texts are these going on around or at the same time we had our collaborated story running?? Only because I don't know whether to write another part or not.
I was requested to make up an extra character in my texts by DDoll over in the Halo thread so I guess it's a collaboration of some sort lol.

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Okay I get it, just cause I was going to write about Ice but he's stuck with the two sisters atm and I would rather DDoll write about her own characters. Anyways look forward to the nxt part, hopefully DDoll will enlighten us with the nxt part ;)

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Northern Russia

?-"Copy that. Won't be long 'til we're inbound. Just make sure I get my **** beer."
Fyre-"Hard to say weather you will or not. I may drink it all."
?-"You better not or I'm gonna-"
Venessa trudges up through the snow.
Venessa-"Who are you talking to?"
?-"Nobody of any importance."
A slight sound can be heard through the COMLINK
*Nobody... portant*
?-"Package is on schedule. Prepping for launch."
The two of them head to the water where a retired Yankee class Soviet Submarine is surfaced.
Venessa-"I hate this plan. Never feels good being under water in a giant cylindrical tube with only rusted metal separating you from drowning."
?-"C'mon now. She doesn't leak that much."
Venessa turns to him with a worried look. The man cracks a smile that turns into a laugh.
Venessa-"That's not funny! I hope for your sake it doesn't leak at all, or I'll launch you out of the torpedo bay."
A third voice breaks in.
??-"No need for that. I make sure Bennot keeps her in tip-top shape."
Venessa looks to the new man to enter the conversation.
Venessa-"You must be Merrick."
Merrick-"That I am. If all is good and well, I'd like to launch. The sooner we're out of Russian controlled space, the better."
Venessa-"I'm more than happy to leave the cold behind."
Bennot-"Trust me, when you go to the Arctic, that's when you'll know the definition of cold."
All three climb aboard the sub before it submerges.

At an undisclosed location.
Devil Doll smiles as she reviews the satellite feed from South America.
I.C.E.-"I don't think they like you."
Devil Doll-"I don't really care."
I.C.E.-"Your ploy worked. You flushed 'em out. The question is, why?"
Devil Doll-"The plan will reveal itself to you when you're ready to see it."
Rourke walks into the room carrying a small case.
Rourke-"They're making a move. Soviet sub was spotted, Merrick popping his head up in Russia."
Devil Doll-"What would they want with a hunk of retired metal?"
I.C.E.-"Interestingly enough, retired metal has its perks. No GPS Navigation systems. All analog. Nuclear power. Hard to track in this day and age. Your sister can't just hack a system and pinpoint its location."
Rourke produces pictures from the case.
Rourke-"Something tells me it's more of a snuggling op."
He tosses the pictures on the center table.
Devil Doll-"Pretty girl. Looks familiar."
I.C.E.-'She should. She's Akula's sister.'
Devil Doll-"Help me here, which one was Akula again?"
I.C.E.-"The one that gave you all that money for ODIN II."
Devil Doll-"Oh, right, right, right. And I'm supposed to recognize her because? She was never in the mix of deals."
I.C.E.-"You're supposed to recognize her because... Never mind. You'll remember her, someday."
Devil Doll-"So vague. Gives me cause for concern."
I.C.E.-"Don't worry, it'll all be clear soon enough. The plan will reveal itself... when you're ready to see it."

To be continued...

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