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Bridging the Blokverse - Community

Bridging the Blokverse

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This is going to be a story—of how one custom figure travels across the Blokverse, and not only unites the forces of good against evil, but keeps the world(‘s) as the inhabitants know them from collapsing—or joining together.
-Oh, and it’s also my first attempt at this :)

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Chp 1: The old man looked over his shoulder at the portal that sent him here, slightly perplexed at what exactly happened. He knew there was a reason the council of assassins sent him here, to one of the forgotten realms, and struggled—simply to remember. Remember what it was that they said, what his purpose—BOOM! An explosion went off, not very far from him. The sound of a Scorpion tank firing at covenant troops, and cries for help from UNSC forces. “No time to sit around,” Logan thought, his claws coming out and heart pounding, “ Those men need help, and if the Wolveriene has to be the one to save them, then I gotta do it fast.”

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Chp 2; A covenant ranger and his squad were setting up a plasma turret to fire upon Yankee squads main turret emplacement. He knew if he sent his grunts in at just the right time, the humans would have no chance___even with reinforcements from Maverick platoon coming in. The ranger began to give the order to attack— “ RAAAAAGH!” Logan yelled as he took out the ranger. Crash, and one down, twelve to go. The zealot in charge of the strike team drew his plasma rifle, and unloaded in old man Logan’s direction. Logan dodged, and took him out as well, and got rid of the stragglers with a few plasma grenades. “Men, move up! Check out that position!” A marine with an officers cap approached, flanked by some marines in blue uniforms. “ Your men okay, bub?” Asked Logan as he withdrew his claws. “ Who___what, what are you?” The startled officer asked, awestruck at the amount of defeated aliens. “Not much time for that, sorry bub: you got your orders, and I have mine. Now, be a fella and point me in the direction of your base.” The officer pointed back at the turret, and said “Come with me: I don’t care who you are, but I think we can help each other out if this mess, and get you sent on your way.” Logan hesitated; he didn’t know where, or when he was. All he remembered was this was on the way to the realm with bigger and badder problems, so he just went with the officer___to Alpha Base.

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Chp 3: A mongoose convoy drove by as the embattled men of Recon Team alpha trudged through the firebases main gate. The sentries manning the turret and Gate controls took one look at who was coming in, and opened up for them. “Yankee leader and Maverick One to control room Bravo! Report to Colonel Hastings at once for debriefing! Bring your guest with you!” The intercom shut off with a ZzZt. The officer and a blue marine broke off from the rest of the unit. “ I’m SGT Kring of yankee, and he’s CPT Parker of maverick company. Thanks for the help and all, but now you have to see the Colonel. Pleas follow us.” Logan looked at Parker, who nodded and opened up the bunker door, and in the three men went.
“By Admiral Cole, how long does it take to report to me!” Colonel Hastings shouted. “You all should have been here an hour ago! I have ONI breathing down my neck, Covenant and Banished kicking my shins, and my top men are out messing with—” The Colonel froze, and stared intently at Logan. “ Who exactly are you? You seem—familiar.” Logan raised an eyebrow and said “Well bub, you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so I’m just a guy here to help.” Hastings looked him up and down, and said “ I—I think I know the reason your here, and I think we can help you be on your way. But, you have to help us first.” Logan grinned. “Bub, that’s what I’m here for.”

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Chp 4: As crazy as Colonel Hastings plan was, it was going to have to work. Sgt Kring and Cpt Parker just had to gather they’re men, (50 of the meanest leanest marines, ODST’s, cyclops jockeys, and a spartan,) get to an Elephant mobile base of operations, and take Logan to a mysterious forerunner ruin’s that the Covenant and Banished forces seemed to want they’re troops on only. Every attempt to take the ruin’s had been repelled so far, but the Colonel was certain with Logan’s help he could complete two missions at once. As the officer reviewed the plan to the gathered troops, the elephant driver hit the brakes and halted at the valley entrance the ruins were located in. Cyclopes began gathering at strike points. ODST’s checked each other’s armor and weapons. Marines all readied fall-back positions and gathered all the rocket launchers and grenades they could. And Logan, well, he just looked at the enemy forces. A dozen grunts, a few jackal snipers. Some brutes picking on another grunt, throwing it like a ball. And then he saw something he really didn’t like: a pair of hunters, one gold and one blue, just standing guard at the ruins entrance.
Parker gave Logan ‘The Look’: Logan nodded, and drew his claws. Parker fired a sniper round—and the battle began.

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Chp 5: A grunt ran as the cyclops operator backed up, nearly stepping on him. The batte had been going good, with most of the covenant defeated or flying away in banshees and spirit dropships, while the Banished forces held the line. A brute with a gravity hammer battered away a handful of marines, while an ODST readied his rocket launcher to take him out. Parker and Kring were back to back firing at the jackals that had waited until they were close to fire, and the Spartan snuck behind them with dual SMG’s. As for Logan, he was fighting the hunters, both at the same time. He jumped of the hunters back after slicing into him, and landed in front. The blue hunter turned to shoot Logan, but at the last second he dove to the right—and caused the blue hunter to shoot the gold one. As the gold hunter fell, the blue battered Logan to the side, and as he turned to fire— RATA TAT TAT RATA! An ODST in sniper armor jumped on the other hunter and brought him down. “Go on! We can hold them off here!” Logan nodded his thanks, and as he ran to the door it glowed—red? Forerunners were all about blue and orange, thought Logan. Why would the door be red—
At that moment, a sickening smell and green mist roiled out of the doorway and___a flood combat form stepped out and backhanded Logan. “SCREEEEEAAACH!” It shouted—and was answered by dozens more. All Logan knew was if the hunters were hard, these infected would be imposible.

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Chp 6: The flood forms rushed right past Logan and at the fallen covenant and UNSC, hopeing to add to their impressive force already. Logan knew that the portal to the next realm was just through the doorway, and past another foe: he could sense it. What he couldn’t do, however, was leave these troops to get infected by something so evil. He leaped on a combat form that attacked a sniper. Next up were some tank forms on the left, assaulting a cyclops, literally ripping parts off to get at the driver. Logan sliced it to pieces instead. The Banished quickly left after realizing nothing would stop this crazy old man from anhillating anything in his path, and left only a token force to cover the main units retreat. Finally, after all the flood were destroyed, the Elepahnt made it's way up, and deployed it’s mini-Base mode for the local troops to pull themselves together. “Logan! You sure you want to go in there alone?” SGT Kring said. “Only way I can go, thanks bub: see you on the other side.” And with that, the Wolveriene entered the ruins.

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Chp 7: Logan snuffed the air, and sensing no danger, moved forward. All he could really tell was something was wrong, a feeling of dread mixed with—being watched? As he went room to room and further down the hall, the past days battles finally took their toll, forcing our hero to rest. As he lay down, he was suddenly given a very vivid dream—

A circle of men in archaic robes and weaponry, giving him his task. A man in white robes, and a blonde man, having a very long discussion on where to send him, all as a figure with pointy ears listened. The blonde man gesturing to the portal generator, and then saying “Beam him out, Scotty.” Then, blackness.

Logan awoke with a start for two reasons: the air around him held a faint scent, and he remembered—everything he needed to complete his mission. The door opened at his command, and he maneuvered further down the hall to another doorway, only this one was blocked. Seven spartan lll’s were in his way, all of them glowing a sickly fluorescent green and wielding green energy swords. The one in Operator armor stepped forward and said, “We are ordered not to let you rasped, unless you beat us in combat.” Logan drew his claws—and the Spartans lunged as one.

Logan dodged as best he could, but every time he was wounded the wounds didn’t heal. Then, he knocked an infected down, and his wound from that one healed. He did it again and again, until only he and the leader were left. “You have proven yourself worthy, and may pass.” Logan stepped around the infected, claws drawn, until he was through the doorway. Not a single spartan budged. He moved forward, down another hall, until he could sense the portal again. ‘Beware the Red’ a voice whispered. Logan froze and looked around, but there was no one to be seen. He pressed on, and finally entered the portal chamber, only to see a force of Promethean soldiers blocking his path. And there, at the top of a lift, were both the portal and...a spartan in mismatched red armor. “BEHOLD! I, SPARTACUS, SHALL BE YOUR DOOM!” The rogue spartan pressed a button, and the promethians fires as one.

All the old man could do was dodge and slice for a little bit. One soldier fired an incineration cannon at him, missed, and sent bloks flying everywhere. One blok slammed into the lift control, and down it went. As the last soldier fell, the rogue spartan gathered his weapons,(a brute shot and a gravity hammer), and began firing at Logan. BOOM! A near miss ended up taking out another wall. CRASH! A soldier went flying into the other side of the room. Then-CLICK-the brute shot was empty. “Time to do this the old fashioned way then,” Spartacus said. He then slammed his hammer into Logan, and sent him right into a pile of soldiers and weapons. “YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF-AUUGH!” Spartacus fell to to the ground as his shield dropped, and his hammer went flying. Logan stood there, a scatter shot in each hand, then tossed them and headed to the spartan and the porta. “This is only the beginning for you—” the Spartan said as he pulled out a red coin and threw it into the portal. The portal then glowed—red? ‘Forerunner portals don’t do that—” Logan thought as the spartan lunged into it. “NO!” The Wolveriene jumped into the portal, but it changed back to blue____and then there was only blackness.

“Get up you lazy cur!” A gruff voice yelled as Logan was poked into consciousness. “Get up or I shall have your head!” He awoke to see—an orc? “Patience Ragerock, can’t you see he’s old?” A snooty elven priest looked him over, checking for injuries. “He clearly has come a long way—but for what, pray tell?” The orc looked him over as well. “Valoren, I care not where he came from: a human is a human, and they still gather much money from the dark ladies’ bounty’s. He comes with us!” Logan sat up, but the last things he saw were a Horde zepplin—with a red flag. Oh, and Ragerock green fist slamming into his head before utter darkness.

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