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CAMO DAYS ADVENTURE. - Page 9 - Community


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Well sounds like u fellas like the footy? And nice can't wait to see those builds J5

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That's awesome RED. J5, can't wait to see them builds. I'm anxious. J-85 I'm working on the next 5 shots of CAMO DAYS ADVENTURE. your up bro.

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Nice man, I am ready for this lol

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Yo, J101, will I be showing up in the next comic? Cause I'm just raring to see some action!

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eliteslayer4915 wrote:Yo, J101, will I be showing up in the next comic? Cause I'm just raring to see some action!
Yes Sir, You and your gun will be there.

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Jason-101 wrote:
eliteslayer4915 wrote:Yo, J101, will I be showing up in the next comic? Cause I'm just raring to see some action!
Yes Sir, You and your gun will be there.
Oorah to that! Also, his personality, could you make him a bit reserved and mistrustful to the squad? He'll still work with the others, he just has a lone wolf attitude

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eliteslayer4915 wrote:
Jason-101 wrote:
eliteslayer4915 wrote:Yo, J101, will I be showing up in the next comic? Cause I'm just raring to see some action!
Yes Sir, You and your gun will be there.
Oorah to that! Also, his personality, could you make him a bit reserved and mistrustful to the squad? He'll still work with the others, he just has a lone wolf attitude
You got it bro. "Done" I appreciate the input.

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No problamo mate, always happy to help!

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Glad to see some character to the well characters lol

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Assassinater117 wrote:Well sounds like u fellas like the footy? And nice can't wait to see those builds J5
You know that their talking American football right? Not the same as what the rest of the world thinks as football (or soccer for you Americans). Lol
Just pointing it out cause I've never heard anyone refer to American football as "footy" always either American football or just football. Lol

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