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IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS: Sets, Characters, Packs, Brands etc.. - Page 2 - Community

IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS: Sets, Characters, Packs, Brands etc..

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an actual "Monster Hunter" the video game line would be kinda cool.

I think a ninja theme such as Ninja Gaiden/Tenchu would be great.

If I could have any license my top choice would be Fallout. Think of all the cool location scenery they could do and all the awesome figures.

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AkulA1996 wrote:
> omegabob wrote:
> > I would like to see a line of buildable "giant" robots (like
> > Shogun Warriors or some other anime style mechs) using the type of joints
> > that are used in the Power Ranger Mega Zords. In my mind these would
> > basically be articulated skeletons that the armor and accessories can be
> > built on for additional customization.
> > It would also be nice if these robots came with pilots (using the new
> > articulation of course) that could be put into cockpits in the robots.
> > If a licensed line is needed to make this happen there are Gundam Series
> > and Pacific Rim that could be used.
> Cool ideas

Pacific Rim Mega Bloks would be awesome if the pilots had new articulation!

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ok here we go ready??? NEVERMIND! LOL

MAD MAX i want this to happen to bad please. interceptor and Dog!

Fallout series yes try this atleast. fallout 4 has changing power armor. so theres some Accesories

metroid if you can get the license from nintendo.
and F Zero

Macross Japan or Robotech USA ( Most importantly sell it as Robotech cause people dont know Macross in US.
but basicly make the VF1s and swap helmets with hair of the charcters and make the exo skeleton of the VF1 robots and make them transform back and forth from jet to mech. add Armor sets and fast pack sets fully detailed nice looking take off the sides and see the insides of the thrusters and show missles hidden inside the armor opening up.
maybe add some other mechs from the franchise. this could sell like crazy. iv showed people the figures and they love it. specially adults surprisingly
the only problem are the people who have the license there not to nice
Harmony Gold Owns Robotech in USA, and Bigwest has Macross in Japan
maybe maybe not. i dont know its up to you guys.

Gundam (maybe not be famous over in usa. but atleast give it a try with Gundam Wing. most people in US know that one. and try to add 0079 and Zeta Gundams. Change figures with space suits and helmets maybe. but add exo Skeleton detail inside the Gundams for sorta model kit style building Models realistic looking.

Metal Gear Solid (Solid Snake from the PS1 Style sneak Suit. Liquid Snake with Metal Gear REX. maybe add some Metal Gear Characters from the MSX games. like the first Metal Gear and the Bosses. and Metal Gear 2 MSX games)

Shenmue just the Figures from the game. like Ryu

ALIEN and ALIENS (Ripley and Nostromo Crew with the Ship and then Hicks, Hudson, Sgt Apone and the Colonial Marines with the USS SULACO Ship and or Dropship with APC.)
and im placing ALIENS Infestation the DS game in there. there are 40 Marine characters you can play as in that game. thay all have personalitys and styles and looks. some are blue and orange colored armor. others pink and tanned. but they got Accesories all over there armor that make one another stand out for cool style.
just throwing that in there. also Power Loaders and Maybe other vehicles we havent seen from James Camerons art books.

The Terminator 1984 style and T2. specially Kyle Reese from T1 style driving that Car threw the war in a flashback. that was a cool looking vehicle. that would be cool to have that version of Kyle wearing a headband and driving that 4door roof gunner car with the dude on the roof shooting at a Hunter Killer. and Kyle when hes got that RayGun with Scope in another shot of the film.
and T2 with T 1000 and T 800 on bike with John on a Dirt Bike. Sarah in a Armored Truck and add the Gas tanker truck and little truck runaway scene from T2. T1 Truck chase from flat face Gas Tanker Truck with Kyle and T 800 also having that cool Street Bike from T1. 4door Police Car and normal car chase in T1 amd Police Shoot out with the cop characters.

Blood Dragon(FarCry 3) and maybe first FarCry with Jack Carver

MegaMan X (1993 SNES style) X with Full Armor as Accessories toadd but boss sets to complete full armor with all 8 mavericks he must fight and Sigma with Zero and Vile with Ride Armor and add a Hover Bike from X2 and bosses from X2 and X3 and Armor from those Sequels also for X.

Resident Evil( Have Alot of Accessories to add to the characters shoulders legs and body of objects, items, guns and Gun Parts from the Orignal PS1 games. specificly RE1-3 and Remake and Zero)

Star Fox. I love the SNES look of the Arwings from the Comics of Nintendo Power. look them up. Star Fox 2 SNES that wasnt released had an idea of Transforming Arwing. there is some Concept art. but with your creative Blok minds maybe you can pull it off on a SNES looking style Arwing. but also StarFox ZERO is coming sometime soon and has Transforming Arwings. maybe sell more from something modern. im only suggesting SNES because of the Nostalgia of the Original First Game Design.

SNATCHER The video game from 1992 Sega CD. make the car and the main guy with the Mark II Robot following him

BladeRunner Deckers Car and blue hover vehicle in the movie, maybe a Chines Food place from the intro movie lol for giggles.

Wing Commander All the Ships and Pilots. specially from the first 3 dos Games. like the Hornet with the Grafiti Sgns on the sides

StarShip Troopers. LOTS of Marines and ALIENS. just battle grounds. and battle stations and dropships.
maybe the StarShip Troopers Invasion from 2013 Looking Marines also maybe

The Warriors... just the characters and gangs from the franchise.

TRIGUN. ok an Anime but pretty Cool Cowboy Space Anime. maybe Vash with his gun and the Preist guy.

Ok this ones different. because i dont know who owns the license anymore since LucasArts doesnt exist anymore
Metal Warriors was a great SNES Game. but the Mechs in the Concept art. they looked AWESOME
i would flip tables if i walked into a store and saw a Metal Warriors title font slapped on a box with a Running at you HAVOC Mech on it
like this picture in a way but imagine mega blosk style shooting the gun with shells flying out. maybe that can be a function for the guns to do as an add on
the Mechs are big. But not as big. sorta small enuf to at an average size. in other words. there big but like 8inchs from a 2inch figure. also the pilots are marines in Space suits. so we can have Astornaut looking soldiers with pistols. and rifles. and maybe on land just give them body armor space marine style.
but seriously who owns that license. i would love to see this more then anything else

FlashBack The Quest for Identity(just the HoverBike and Conrad character and a morpher monster)

DOOM (ok its a gory game but we can try to tone it down to sorta friendly maybe just ganna leave the rest up to you if you want to or not lol but bsicly the ORIGNAL Doom look marine and DOOM ii. And Doom 3 if you want to for Marine looks. and there is the new Doom coming out. also Quake but up to you if you want to or not

HALF LIFE ( Gordan Freeman with Dodge Charger Car from Episode 2 and classic Black Mesa HEV swap out armor HEV from HL1 and HL2 games.

LEFT 4 DEAD ( that Blue Dodge charger from Left 4 Dead 2. and all the characters from all the games

Team Fortress ( you know every team blue and red)

CONTRA (well i played Contra Hard Corps. and the first level you fly out after running down aliens in a Armored Car
i want that car with all the Hard Corps Characters and add Bill Rizer and Lance Beihn from the games and Add Armor to them from Contra III The Alien Wars. so you can have Bill and Lance normal Contra 1 and Super C and then Contra III.
and if your able too. add the future looking helicopters and other vehicles from the games. specailly the hoverbikes from Contra 3, hard corps, and Contra 4

Final Fantasy (you know just charcters and there items and weapons. FF6 with there mechs and FF7 with Cloud on a bike

Dawn of the Dead. the characters from the movie thats all the 2 police guys and 2 civilians.

TUROK ( Dinosaurs Future Soldiers and dude with big guns. some future vehicles. EASY lol)

The Rocketeer (kinda Nostalgia old Disney Movie but idk if you can even get those license)

Mortal Kombat (just Characters and some staged Arenas from the games.)

Donkey Kong COUNTRY SNES the snes characters and animals they ride on the backs of

Back to the Future Delorean on all forms from all 3 movies with Marty with 3 looks from all movies

StarCraft maybe????

Metal Slug. the tank and other vehicles and characters

Alien Vs Predator predators with alot of accesories and Colonial marines with armor and guns and motion trackers and lamp lights and alien Xenos with hives

Gradius and R TYPE shoot em up old games with space ships. just make the ships and pilots

thats all i can think of right now
Im just Curios if you can get ANY of these

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How about Metal Gear, Dragon Age and The Elder Scrolls?

MB also can do their own Battle Mechs theme. This idea is come from Cyclops mould.

And, how bout considering the movie series of Aliens and Predators? It can make more fun of Halo and Terminator series. Then we can get more Arnold Schwarzenegger's figures. :D

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Community Team
These are really great ideas guys!
I myself love Tomb Raider, so I really like this idea personally B-)

We're always chasing exciting new brands, we recently acquired the Ninja Turtle and Star Trek lines, and we will continue to pursue new licences and develop our lines in the future (:

Keep the ideas coming and some of them might just become a reality!

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CaryMega wrote:
> These are really great ideas guys!
> I myself love Tomb Raider, so I really like this idea personally B-)
> We're always chasing exciting new brands, we recently acquired the Ninja
> Turtle and Star Trek lines, and we will continue to pursue new licences and
> develop our lines in the future (:
> Keep the ideas coming and some of them might just become a reality!

I dunno if you could talk to a design team or something but please submit the theme of Rome (if it's not possible to do a Ryse son of Rome theme cause of licensing) I think the riot shields in the COD and Halo lines could work as the roman shields (albeit opaque and in the famous red colouring) and using the riot shield would not only reduce costs of making new molds, but it can also make the shield more accurate as you can add a silver 1x1 round piece to get the centre of the shield (idk what the real thing is called).
Oh n [competitor] can't bring a legal battle if you do the theme first since they've only done 3 single figures.

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tat2artst wrote:
> an actual "Monster Hunter" the video game line would be kinda
> cool.

I absolutely second that and would so love to see a Rathian and Rathalos as brick built figures. I'd even like to see their respective armour sets.

On to my ideas:

Fallout 3 and New Vegas
Different creatures, weapons, groups of humans and an amazing lore behind the games. Also, weapon mods

Borderlands Series
Same as Fallout but more weapons and vehicles.

TimeSplitters (probably not going to happen)

An excellent yet very dormant shooter series

The Hunger Games

An excellent movie series. Would absolutely love to see how arenas would look in brick form.

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Unless I missed it I didn't see Masters of the Universe listed. I know after SDCC it may seem like a given but it actually is still a risky brand for Mega to do. Despite having a strong cult following, MotU hasn't had a brick & mortar or media tie-in presence in over a decade.
Just wanted to make sure Mega knows there are still some of us that would like to see this line happen.

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I have several ideas that megabloks could think about doing or acquiring the licenses.

Battle beasts would be one as it could be there own chima type theme.

Create their own medieval/fantasy theme by reusing the stuff they had with warcraft. I would love to see a set with goblins attacking knights protecting the princess or dragons storming the castle.

I know this is a longshot, but a collaboration with [competitor] to do G.I. Joe micro action figures only, as it would not infringe their brick line. This idea would be too much of a hassle or pipe dream.

Last not least conker brick line with characters from Conker's Bad Fur Day.

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