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Continue the story with two sentences! - Page 2 - Community

Continue the story with two sentences!

Tell your own story!
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jackdawg444 wrote:
Joescibelli wrote:I figured this would be a cool experiment for creating a fan-made Halo story. I will start and anyone can continue the story with 2 sentences. But, please make sure your addition fits with the story (basically, don't reboot the existing story) and only include a PART of a story (don't include an ending). I want anybody to easily continue the story but I also want it to be relevant.

Here's my beginning to the story:

Spartan 222 "Joe" and a random marine were sent to observe the wreckage of a warthog. The wreckage they found was awful, but there were no bodies or sign of any drivers.

Now, continue the story!
they searched high and low for any sings of the bodies but could find none. then as the marine was walking away he tripped over a root that opened a door in the ground.
btw can i do more than one post like after 5 or so people post can i do another 2 sentences?

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Joescibelli wrote:
jackdawg444 wrote:
Joescibelli wrote:I figured this would be a cool experiment for creating a fan-made Halo story. I will start and anyone can continue the story with 2 sentences. But, please make sure your addition fits with the story (basically, don't reboot the existing story) and only include a PART of a story (don't include an ending). I want anybody to easily continue the story but I also want it to be relevant.

Here's my beginning to the story:

Spartan 222 "Joe" and a random marine were sent to observe the wreckage of a warthog. The wreckage they found was awful, but there were no bodies or sign of any drivers.

Now, continue the story!
they searched high and low for any sings of the bodies but could find none. then as the marine was walking away he tripped over a root that opened a door in the ground.
btw can i do more than one post like after 5 or so people post can i do another 2 sentences?
As the squad peered down they saw it. A pile of bodies, burned by plasma...

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it turned out that the bodies were a squad of marines that had gone MIA a week before. when the marine saw his buddies bodies so gruesomely murdered he charged down the passageway with the spartan trying to keep up.

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Then the Marine turned away and yell loudly in pain. For he knew exactly who offed his buddies.

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The trap worked well. Now the elites swarmed the marines, planning to make stew out of them!

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kinda a nitpick but there was only one marine and one spartan :)

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RuCat757 wrote:The trap worked well. Now the elites swarmed the marines, planning to make stew out of them!
This is going to be awesome. No one should ever underestimate the creativity of the community.

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the marine and the spartan fought back to back desperately trying to get out of the accursed cave. finally they see light when the marine trips, the spartan has to choose go back for his buddy or leave him.

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He desperately wants to go back and save his allie, remembering all that they have been through together. But he knows that he could also be captured, so he eats a ration of hotdogs and french fries while he ponders on the thought to save his buddy.

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what the heck j101 "eats a rtion of hotdogs and french fries" i guess we should decide if this is a comedy or a serious battle story haha

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