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Short Stories - Community

Short Stories

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So I wanted a place to write stories to get a little practice and advice before I start writing for Imperial Campaign Fallen Empire, and I’m sure that something like this was already made, but I haven’t seen any. So, here are the guidelines:

1. Any theme, Halo, Cod, GoT, I don’t really care.

2. No long stories, only 1-2 posts per story.

3. It’s not a contest. This is to hone your story writing skills.

4. Criticism MUST be constructive. Be honest though. I want to be criticized, thus improving my writing. I have never really written anything here before, dont say it’s good if it’s not. That helps no one.

Okay, I think that’s all, I’ll write something eventually. Anything that I missed in the guidelines?

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Sounds good. I think I’ll put my fable up here that I wrote for writing class. I just need another week for final draft. It’s technically MCX because Jacques and Angus are the main characters? I guess?

Might put random Nigelverse stuff here as well...

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nigelninja11 wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:16 pm
Sounds good. I think I’ll put my fable up here that I wrote for writing class. I just need another week for final draft. It’s technically MCX because Jacques and Angus are the main characters? I guess?

Might put random Nigelverse stuff here as well...
Sounds good. I’m working on a story right now. It’s not goin great.

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Another rule should be no MegaVerse, Wasteland, Fireteam Glory, or other collab stuff here. Might as well put them on their respective threads.
SrgtGreen wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:24 pm
nigelninja11 wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:16 pm
Sounds good. I think I’ll put my fable up here that I wrote for writing class. I just need another week for final draft. It’s technically MCX because Jacques and Angus are the main characters? I guess?

Might put random Nigelverse stuff here as well...
Sounds good. I’m working on a story right now. It’s not goin great.
Ugh. I hear you.

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Staff Sergeant Murphy was having a very good week. Over the weekend, he had done exceptionally on a simulation overseen by his superiors. He led his men to victory over a rival squad in war games and seemed to have caught the eye of Major Anderson. Rumor had it, he was going to get promoted. He even won some pocket money last night in a game of cards. He was in such a good mood that when he woke up Tuesday morning, he allowed himself a cup of that coffee imported directly from Earth. Of course, he knew his luck could shift at any moment. Tuesday at Firebase Whiskey-Romeo passed with no event. After another late night playing poker, Sergeant Murphy retired to his quarters. At three A.M, the first alarm sounded. A Covenant supercruiser has just exited slipspace near the atmosphere. The staff sergeant cursed silently. The supercruiser began launching ships, which quickly descended on the surface of the moon.

A voice came over the loudspeaker, “All units, report to the main hanger. Prepare for combat. We’re going to be protecting the ONI researchers as we prepare to evacuate them.”

Srgt. Murphy quickly got dressed, donned his armor, and grabbed an AR from the gun rack. By 3:15, his squad of ten was loaded onto two hornets and shipped out with a dozen other squads in various vehicles, from Pelicans to Hogs. At 3:35, they arrived at the combat zone, an ONI research base. Things looked bleak. Banshees had air supremacy over any UNSC craft. They dove down, using their cabins to destroy and target. The defenders of the ONI base desperately fired rockets at invading vehicles, or fired rifles at the swarms of grunts. The Banshees saw the Hornets, and began an attack run on the incoming support ships. The hornets landed under heavy fire. Srgt. Murphy lost contact with half his men. He hoped they hadn’t been shot down, but was forced to assume that they had been. He and his remaining squad members ran up to the frontlines. A ten foot outer wall, lined with marines and a few turrets were all that separated the army of covenant from the scared researchers inside the inner base. They had been collecting data on a forerunner structure, when it began sending out a signal. A week later, the Supercruiser arrived. Murphy climbed the stairs to the top of the wall. He fired down at the enemy units, killing several grunts and a jackal. His men spread out along the wall in both directions. He yelled some words of encouragement but then saw his first man fall with a beam through his chest. He heard people yell things like sniper or medic, but he knew that someone doesn’t survive a shot like that. Murphy looked out of battlefield and saw a Wraith approaching the base. He yelled for someone to take it out, uselessly emptying his AR clip into it. No one near him had anything capable of scratching it. It approached the wall and fired its deadly mortar. The wall shook with the impact. Dust flew in air. Another man fell with burning hole in his armor. The wraith fired again. A great tremor passed through the wall. It couldn’t last forever. Someone came up with a rocket launcher, and aimed at the wraith. Both fired at the same time. The wraith was destroyed, but the wall was extremely unstable. The men filed off the wall. They fell back, knowing that wall would give way at any moment. Sure enough, a pair of hunters approached it, firing their fuel rods. The already unstable wall gave way, allowing the covenant to get through the narrow opening. They flooded in, taking ground easily, now that the wall was breached. Marines fell left and right as they retreated to the center of the base. Only 40 made it into the complex. They prepared for a last stand. Srgt. Murphy sighed. He recognized that this was the end. Only three of his squad mates were still alive. The corpses of aliens and humans alike were everywhere. Surrender was not an option. Victory wasn’t a possibility. They were all going to die. But they would go out with a bang. They fought for every inch, of every room, with every drop of blood. When the small force of marines hit the last room of the top floor, they didn’t go quietly. Srgt. Murphy led a charge strait into a mass of elites and jackals and grunts. They took out far more than they lost, but eventually were defeated. After knifing an elite, and using its repeater to kill two grunts, Srgt. Murphy felt a stabbing pain in his chest. He looked down to see three crystalline needles embedded in his chest. There was a momentary pause, as he realized what was about to happen. Then, the needles detonated. And Murphy felt nothing.

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I don’t like writing stories in which everyone dies, but dang, it’s easy.

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SrgtGreen wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:30 pm
I don’t like writing stories in which everyone dies, but dang, it’s easy.
Me neither. I feel the urge to want to make a whole story board for a character.

Nice job. Mine is definitely going ti be something that is longer than two parts, but it'll be fun.

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Me neither. I feel the urge to want to make a whole story board for a character.

Nice job. Mine is definitely going ti be something that is longer than two parts, but it'll be fun.
I’m excited. Thanks

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Disclaimer: this is not a representation of my geopolitical views. Anything is purely for story-telling purposes.

Robert sat on some rubble.
He was eating his M.R.E. ration.
The rubble in question used to be part of the most important building in Europe.
That building had stopped being important merely 12 years ago.
He dusted off his helmet and put it back on.
Overhead, two Blitzkrafte flew past, the sonic booms they created no doubt sending German anti-air batteries into full alert.
The year was 2042.
He threw the package of the M.R.E. on the ground.
There was already trash strewn everywhere, and it wouldn't change much in the short run.
Well, it might make a german soldier slip if they ever crossed the Rhine.
12 years ago the EU fell.
He got up and stretched.
France, Britain, Italy, Spain, even the western parts of Germany: all of them imploded because of political tension and regions separated.
He brushed some dust off the Elsass Freí graffiti on a half demolished wall.
Out of the ashes of the Rheinland-Pfalz, NordRhein-Westfalen, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg, Alsace-Lorraine, the North of Switzerland, and the south of Belgium rose Denn Rheinland Föderation.
He popped a mint into his mouth.
The Rhineland federation had finally united the multiple ethnicities around the Rhine that had been separated across multiple countries for centuries.
Many weren't that different.
The dialects spoken and the culture in the western German border had always been closer to the Alsatian spoken in Eastern France than Berliner Deutsch, a similar story for the northern Swiss.
Lorraine had joined the federation because the République Française Centrale had refused to incorporate it because of the poor infrastructure and resources.
Southern Belgium had been annexed after a brief war with Belgium over military naval rights in the Rhine.

Robert sucked on it thoughtfully.
Germany had lost multiple major cities and assets and had never really been happy about it.
Of course, no one had been happy about the sudden and rapid militarization of the federation, as it produced massive amounts of new weapons and equipment for the thousands of conscripts it quickly acquired.
The people of the Rhineland had tasted freedom and unity, and now they were alarmingly ready to die for it.
Federation politics had been uncertain too, to say the least. A surprisingly democratic system had been put in place with the army having the power to remove the president, but the president having the power to dissolve the military's high command, and the parliament having the power to do both.
It was an effective state of limbo which forced co-operation under the watchful eye of the population.

Two civilians lay half covered by a building. Dead of course.
They had been ready when Germany attacked- or rather, as ready as they could be when they were outnumbered 7 to 1. Their tactics had been to allow the Germans to progress to the Rhine, after mining every road, burning all the crops, and ambushing in every village first, of course.
The Rhineland would not give up freedom without spilling German blood for every square centimeter of land.

The enraged and extremely fervent speech that had blasted throughout every radio, every speaker in that fateful day still rang in all of their ears.
It had been 8 months and they had done just as they promised.
Germany had a far greater population than the Rhineland Federation, yet, they were not defending their homes and all that was left.
Of course, many had left the country saying the war was lost and there was no way the Federation would win.
Entire villages had been deserted in some cases for various reasons, the men and women being conscripted and the children and elderly evacuating.
In other cases, the children and elderly became the last line of defense.
Like at Kehl.
It was only 200 meters away from him.
All that separated the main corps of the German army from Strasbourg was a stretch of water known as the Rhine.
The east of Strasbourg had been thoroughly shelled by hidden German artillery and lay in ruins.
Kehl had been razed to the ground.
Yet, concealed Federation machine gun nests and mortars on the west bank of the Rhine would fire a volley occasionally to remind the Germans the Rhineland was still eager to fight.
It was the only reason they had not crossed yet.
Federation submarines patrolled the Rhine underwater and the only way to get across now that the bridges had long been blown up was an amphibious landing.
The first two attempts had stalled after concentrated air strikes had forced the Germans to seek shelter before their own aircraft could respond.
Federation tanks and Armoured vehicles patrolled regularly to make sure that all the defenses were operational.

Robert walked up to his own convoy.
They were carrying backup ammunition to a nest that had fired too many volleys as a reminder.
Waste of ammunition and oxygen.
That was the kind of thing his Sergeant would grumble.
His wandering thoughts came back to Kehl.
It had been a bloodbath.
Children no older than 10 years old had been taught how to fire guns and men and women aged over seventy were manning machine guns and artillery posts.
Why? Because the Germans no longer took prisoners.
Then again, why should they? These were the same people who had killed their friends and family.
Neither side had any mercy left and warcrimes were being committed openly.
From what he had heard, the Germans would line up every man and woman aged above 13 and slit their throats one at a time do as to conserve ammunition.
Then they would bury them.
In response, every so often, a German soldier would suddenly disappear when German convoys crossed the Black Forest. The German in question would generally be found decapitated and with some unpleasant displays of gore.
A note was generally attached threatening the Germans, etc, etc.
Federation troops knew who was doing it, but the Germans did not.
They would tell each other stories of the "Wolves of the Black Forest".
It was rumoured they would hear a wolf howl before they found their dead comrades.

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Very good survivor. Is that from your universe? (I forget what the comic is called)

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