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Short Stories

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Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:52 pm
Simek4 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:08 pm
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:10 am
Apostrophes, apostrophes, apostrophes...
What's the matta with apostrophes?
You aren't using them correctly.
Quit nitpicking already.

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Object Class: Keter

Containment Procedure: SCP-7081 and all of its copies/clones are to be kept within a separate airtight 20 foot thick metals wall surrounding it. A task force of seventy trained professionals and commandos are to be on site at all times. A team of scientists and a group Class-D prisoners are to be kept on site at most times as well. If SCP-7081 is to escape, the soldier in charge is permitted to activate the nuclear failsafe. As well, SCP-7081 should be studied in space stations and/or desolate locations. If it is to escape and the failsafe unactivated, Task Force Beta-3 "The Flaming Death" is to search 17 Miles all around the location (if on Earth), and in space its counterpart Beta-4 is ti secure the station and destroy it. If SCP-7081 escaped on a ship, the ship is to be destroyed and burned. Once found, SCP-7081 is to be burnt to ashes, and those ashes spread into space.

Description: SCP-7081 is a sentient zombie-like fungus. It can spread and create growths on any living creature. It can control its hosts and force them to kill themselves, spread the fungi or kill others. It is extremely dangerous. It is described as the reincarnation of the Black Death, and being all black. It is also described as something like the Flesh Hating Fungus, while also being described as Red and Orange with hints of yellow. It can clone itself, albeit not a intellectual clone. The clones are made from a assortment of flesh and fungus. Scientists are attempting to create a cure for this fungus. Fortunately, one of the cells or blood from a clone or the source itself cannot spread the fungus, if which inly the source (SCP-7081) can spread via contact with the skin.

As of [REDACTED], there are no addendums to be presented on this file except for this clip from Site [REDACTED] by a Dr [REDACTED] and Soldier [REDACTED] on a secret project.


Dr [REDACTED]: Stephen, are you sure this is right? I don't like this, its just not morally right.

Soldier [REDACTED]: I am. Now please, shut up and do your job.

Soldier [REDACTED] nudges Dr [REDACTED] with his gun.

btw this is a WIP

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Ceta, I recommend reading up on a lot of SCPF lore before trying to write one.

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Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:43 pm
Ceta, I recommend reading up on a lot of SCPF lore before trying to write one.
What did i screw up on?
Its meant to look like it was written and put together swiftly by a scientist.

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81Ceta_Deta wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:51 pm
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:43 pm
Ceta, I recommend reading up on a lot of SCPF lore before trying to write one.
What did i screw up on?
Its meant to look like it was written and put together swiftly by a scientist.
That was your first mistake.
Logs are supposed to be in-depth reports of an SCP after serious testing and study.
They should outline all containment procedures.
Your second mistake was "commandos" and I'm not sure what that refers to.
Your third was the amount of said Commandos.
Generally, even larger Keter SCPs have only one or two squads of four to five personnel.
Finally, your story is just multiple existing stories mashed together.

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How long does it take one to learn the basics of SCP Foundation and it’s lore?

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TheArbiter25 wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:50 am
How long does it take one to learn the basics of SCP Foundation and it’s lore?
Took me a week whilst binge-watching and binge-reading.

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Survivor11 wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:43 am
81Ceta_Deta wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:51 pm
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:43 pm
Ceta, I recommend reading up on a lot of SCPF lore before trying to write one.
What did i screw up on?
Its meant to look like it was written and put together swiftly by a scientist.
That was your first mistake.
Logs are supposed to be in-depth reports of an SCP after serious testing and study.
They should outline all containment procedures.
Your second mistake was "commandos" and I'm not sure what that refers to.
Your third was the amount of said Commandos.
Generally, even larger Keter SCPs have only one or two squads of four to five personnel.
Finally, your story is just multiple existing stories mashed together.
Yeah. Fair point. Thanks for the feedback. Its hard typing on this device

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SCP= Fake waste of time. Don't ask me why I ever got into it.

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