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The Mega-Verse - Community

The Mega-Verse

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Mega-Verse - founded by Admiral-Sabree, NatoGreavesy and charliebucket

A little bit about the Mega-Verse:

The Mega-Verse was founded May of 2017 by Admiral-Sabree, NatoGreavesy and charliebucket

The Mega-Verse is a series of interconnected, ongoing comics based within the HALO universe

Since the series was founded, we have further introduced two more full collaborators: GreenSpartan082 and JoeFilms.

The following are 'main' series, long-running multi-installment narratives that serve as the backbone of the Mega-Verse:

Resolve by Admiral-Sabree:
Comic: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... ral-Sabree
Discussion Thread: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... f=24&t=821

Project: V.O.R.T.E.X by charliebucket
Comic: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... rliebucket
Discussion Thread: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... f=24&t=806

Those Two Guys by NatoGreavesy
Comic: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... toGreavesy
Discussion Thread: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... f=24&t=562

Retribution by GreenSpartan082
Comic: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... Spartan082
Discussion Thread: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... =24&t=5113

Winters by JoeFilms
Comic: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... s/JoeFilms
Discussion Thread: https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... =24&t=4495

There are also many, many spinoffs by other members that are not integral to the overarching story of the Mega-Verse

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Mega-Verse - The timeline

Please note that this timeline is always a WIP and will be updated regularly.

Part I: Dark Beginnings

- The Ana Nacar/ Catharin Civil War begins.
- The Catharin obstructer Oberon locks down during the flight of the Phalanx.
- The Rupture occurs. Returning dimensional reality back to its original form, but not undamaged. The Fracture like a wound limits the possibilities of reality.
- The Catharin Obstructer Oberon destroys the Ana Nacar Evocator Ulirntox ending there presence in the Universe Ecp44-28.
- The Octoral Protocol is initiated. The Super Galaxy Siliviron is launched into the 12th level to enforce the Protocol through-out reality.
- The Encaran Race finally are able to remove the cybernetically enhanced prospectors of there race and abandon there technology and remnants of there empire. They slowly start to die off in large numbers with only small isolated pockets surviving.
- The Oberon is abandoned by the Containment Facility CXr-8dv.
- During a phase of the Octoral Protocol, the auto repair system of the Oberon is damaged.
- The Seeder World of Athecia is sent from the far distant future to seed humanity throughout reality.
- The Extrata die out leaving behind only the monoliths they built in honor of races that came before them.
- A Powerful Elvin Magistrate attempts to change the course of history that he has forseen, and discovers that he is the one that set it on its course to begin with.
- The Celestial Dragons are born. Imbued with great powers they are easily corrupted by higher entities that wish to use them to further there own means.
- The Dark Ordera begins: A time of great darkness that swept across all realties which predated the birth of the Home-Verse. The Phantom Ships come forth from there Dark home amongst the deeper levels of relativity and feed on the flesh of reality.
- The members of humanity on the Seeder World are greatly disturbed by the appearance of the Great Nervosa. Discovering that the very worlds they have seeded are being subjugated and enslaved, the people of Athecia don the United Interstellar Alliance armor and wage war aginsted the celestial beasts.
- It is discovered that the start of the Dark Ordera is tied to a deal formulated between the Draconic *** FlareStorm and the Harrold of Time, Sidjutr. In a bid for immortality Flarestorm pledged to destroy the Harold of Deception Dicataomey. Dicataomey in return weakened the bonds of reality allowing the Phantom ships to bleed into reality.
- The Storm Campaign begins
- The Alliance wages war aginsted the Nervosa.
- A division grows amongst the ranks of the Celestial dragons. They eventually split into two groups. The Corrupted and the Enlightened.
- The massacre of Adonai takes place, splitting the Alliance.
- The Alliance weakened, allies itself with the Enlightened.
- The Alliance launches a desperate attack on the Nest of Flarestorm. There first attempt ends in failure.
- The Enlightened dragon sub group collapses with the death of there leader Anonkia.
- The Alliance gains control the fifth Defanium Schism and uses it to manipulate the fracture and freeze the passage of time. With this they launch another attack on Flarestorm's nest. Again they cannot defeat him. Captain Niveous uses the Schism and sacrifices himself to imprison Flarestorms's Physical form in the Dark Aether. The Triad uses the schism to split his being across both the Aether and the Aroura.
- Most of the Corrupted's leaders are cast into the dreaming void with there self titled ***.
- The obliteration of the Phantom Aluminoskioalo signals the end of the Dark Ordera.
- The surviving Celestial dragons are hunted to near extinction. The survivors sleeping beneath the waves of time within True Dark Space or hidden in a pocket reality.
- Athecia resumes its seeding of humanity.
- At some point Athecia is forced to flee from the World Eating Machine and the planet is hidden within the Fraron, the Timeless Plains.


- Birth of the Universe.
- During the seventeenth firing of the Octoral Protocol the Oberon and Station CXr-8dv are located near a celestial body within the New Universe Asirlun. Eventually there orbits decay, the station falling to the planet first.
- The Oberon later falls out of the sky and crashes on the barren planet below landing to the side of Installation CXr-8dv.
- We were one it the beginning, we will be one in the end-
- The Precursor race comes into existence.

15,654,346 B.C
- The High Elves are born

15,568,593 B.C
- The Elves discover space travel
- The Elves first land on the moon

15,000,000 BC
- The species that would eventually come to call itself the Forerunner race is created by the Precursors, and seeded on the paradise planet Ghibalb.

14,424,532 B.C
- The Elves reach out beyond our solar system
- The Elves begin colonising other planets

9,850,000 BC
- Believing themselves to be the rightful inheritors of the Precursor's 'Mantle of Responsibility', which the Precursors had been intending to bestow upon the fledgling race of humanity, the Forerunners go to war with their creators, and drive the Precursors to near extinction, seizing the Mantle for themselves.
-Unbeknownst to the Forerunners, however, the surviving Precursors put into place a plan to ensure the resurrection of their species. Many of the surviving Precursors converted themselves into a virulent powder which could regenerate into their past forms.

1,398,578 B.C
- The Elves discover and obtain the Defanium Schism
- The Elves use it as a power source for various technologies and weapons

279,576 B.C
- The other races are born: Dwarves, Goblins and Orcs
- The Elves observe this and allow them to evolve on their own
- The Elves decide to construct a safe planet with a shield around it, in the centre of the universe

216,141 B.C
- An Elvin research project is conducted by an Elvin Magistrate. In the City of Iluvinaes, a cultish sect In-hales fumes produced by a quantum distortion crated by tapping directly into the fracture.
- The fumes illuminate the Elves partaking in this ritual. Allowing them to see directly into the time stream, the same as the highest of ascendant celestials might.
- The Magistrate, with the rest of the cult formulates a great tome. Dubbed the Tales of Yor.

216,140 B.C
- The Elvin Magistrate and his sect begins to feel the ramifications of there choices. Realizing that there writings will influence future events, they try's to destroy the Tome and discovers that its destruction was never within there power.
- Conceding to the fate that awaits the Elvin people, the Elvin Magistrate begins to reveal more about himself in his writings and directs his tales to the individual meant to read them one day.

216,134 B.C
- The Elvin Magistrate finishes the final page of the Tales of Yor. The final vision revealed to him that he would be returning home to await the wonderer who would one day find his way to its spires.
- The Magistrate and the Cult of Yor part ways, shattering the distortion field creating the fumes so none may use its power.
- The Tome is left to be found years later by the Elvin Regime.

202,447 B.C
- The Tales of Yor is discovered intact beneath the ruins of the Iluvinaes. The Elves take the tome back to there central library.

180,500 B.C
- The ancient, unknown races of Gelida forge the Rift Sabre, Second Sword, and Spear of Deletion.

180,250 B.C
- The Gelidan ancients go to war, and swiftly find themselves annihilated by the very weapons they were fighting over. A small handful of survivors remain, and begin scattering the weapons across the planet.

180,000 B.C
- The last of the Gelidan ancients die out, leaving no trace of their civilisation except the three weapons, and an ominous prophecy: should all three of the artifacts be brought together again, they would unleash the ultimate evil.

179,245 B.C
- The Elves create their safe planet, surrounded with 10 giant moon-sized shield generators and plasma guns

178, 955 B.C.
- On Earth a voyager arrives in the Neolithic era. A marked device is left for someone to find in the future. The voyager leaves no trace.
- Majora and the Fierce Diety are born

152,324 B.C
- The Great Burning of Eladious takes place. The Tales of Yor are torn asunder and its pages are taken by multiple Elvin Illuminates who preserve its pages bending them into Eluvium Scrolls. They are then scattered across the Elvin Empire.

120,445 B.C
- The Fierce Diety kills Majora, but its spirit lives on

110,000 BC
- The ancient, spacefaring human civilisation encounters automated cargo ships of unknown origin, carrying strange cylinders of fine powder (the desiccated remnants of the Precursors). During the eons spent in stasis, this powder had became so corrupted that it could only cause horrific disease and mutation. The Precursors, driven insane by the rebellion of their creations, had embraced this corruption and became part of it, and so when this powder eventually infected local wildlife and human subjects, the Precursors became the Flood, and began their quest for vengeance against the Forerunners.
- Humanity attempts to go to war with the Flood, however, the war does not go in their favour, and after losing many planets, they are forced to retreat, invading a region of Forerunner-controlled space to do so, an act which the Forerunners (who were unaware of the Flood infection) mistake as an act of belligerence.
- Humanity manages to engineer a 'cure' which turns the tide in their war against the Flood, forcing the parasite to retreat. (However, this turns out to be a ploy on behalf of the Flood - they simply chose to leave humanity alone, and focused instead on covertly infiltrating Forerunner space).
- Misinterpreting humanity's incursion into their territory as an act of aggression, the Forerunners wage war against them, destroying their empire and leaving only a few survivors in a devolved state on their original home planet of Erde-Tyrene (now called Earth). Before this, as a final act of spite against the Forerunners, the humans destroyed all of their information regarding the Flood, leaving the Forerunners unaware of the threat that they would soon face.

100,300 BC
- The Forerunners encounter the Flood for the first time. Mistaking it for a non-sentient disease, rather than the highly adaptable, intelligent parasite that it was, their efforts to contain it failed, and it swiftly began to spread across Forerunner space, taking control of ships.
- Believing the humans to have discovered a cure during their war with the Flood, the Forerunners waste valuable time trying to find or recreate the nonexistent cure themselves, allowing the Flood to gain further traction in their systems.
- The Flood form a centralised Gravemind to coordinate their attacks, as well as a number of 'Key Minds', pseudo-graveminds capable of extremely sophisticated strategic thought. They also begin utilising ancient Precursor technologies in their war effort, giving the Forerunners their first insight into the true nature of the Flood.

100,200 B.C.
- The Grave mind creates a new flood form as a subject to extract the more viable survival traits from other life forms.

100,190 B.C.
- The new flood observes the ways of the flood and there relation to other sentient life. It slowly accrues a sentient consciousness, sympathizing with the plight of the sentient races.
- It slowly comes to relise that once all sentient life in there galaxy is gone they will have to seek out more sentient life or starve. The minor conciouseness performs its job and searches for ways to adapt and survive without the reliance of other races to serve as a food source

100,187 B.C.
- The Grave mind now aware of the seperate consensus wishes to merg there knowledge.
- The secondary minor consensus openly opposes the main consensus, dooming its own survival as innately flawed due to there reliance on other sentient creatures to survive.
- Regardless the secondary merges with the primary into the main consensus strengthening the knowledge of the Grave Mind.

100,050 B.C.
- Installation 00 begins construction
- The Elves are fearful of it, they begin evacuating themselves to the safe planet.

100,008 B.C
- Believing in the inevitable firing of the Halo Array, Forerunner Shipmaster Ashes Of Infinite begins to build an army of Promethean soldiers, and a means to compose himself yet still keeping his sentience.

100,001 B.C
- Ashes of Infinite successfully composes himself and takes his Forerunner Fleet into distant galaxies.

100,000 B.C
- The Forerunners fire the Halo array, destroying all sentient life within three radii of the galactic centre, with the exception of life forms that were on the Ark, Shield Worlds, or the Halo rings themselves.
-Samples of most sentient species had been secured by the Forerunner Lifeshapers prior to the activation of the rings, and were later transferred back to their planets of origin as part of the Conservation Measure.

90,096 B.C
- Elven Refugees from Dimension “G” use advanced dimension jumping technology and arrive near Sigma-Bravo.

90,095 B.C
- The Elven Refugees successfully settle on Sigma-Bravo. They established their Capital Minas Estel (City of Hope) on The Misty Isle as well as a fortress in the Antarctic known as Orthronn Od Luan (Fortress of Sanctuary) where the majority of their space worthy vehicles are held.

90,093 B.C
- Being short of resources the use of vehicles and high-tech equipment becomes extremely rare unless in great need. Weapons such as swords become common. The wild animals of Sigma-Bravo begin to be tamed but the process is extremely dangerous.

86,793 B.C
- Having explored for thousands of years Ashes of Infinite returns to The Milky Way Galaxy.

84,743 B.C
- After thousands of years in isolation the Sigma-Bravo Elves have evolved drastically enough to be considered their own species of Elf.

80,999 B.C
- Drifting Flood Controlled Forerunner Vessels Crash land eastern oceans of Sigma-Bravo. Currents spread The Flood across the planet but the Elves manage to repel them. However some Flood organisms survive and go into a deep slumber.

80,998 B.C
- The Forerunner vessel Ashes of Infinite discovers Sigma-Bravo, originally he is pleased to find life flourishing on the planet and send emissaries to met with the Elves.

80,997 B.C
- Having discovered large amounts of the Sigma-Bravo Underground infected with Flood Parasite, Ashes of Infinite begins systematically exterminating the Elves to stop the Flood again spreading across the galaxy.

80,996 B.C
- The Elves fight back, warming up their old spaceships they manage hold back the Promethean forces.

80,990 B.C
- After a long bitter war the Elves run out of the resources powering their spaceships.
- The Promethean onslaught continues and the Capital Minas Estel is sacked.

80,989 B.C
- Flood spores manageto reach Ashes of Infinite’s vessels. He sets his fleet into a direct corse into the nearest star to prevent The Floods spread.
- Ashes of Infinite uploads a copy of himself to a Forerunner Satellite orbiting the planet.

80,988 B.C
- The Promethean’s attack Orthronn Od Luan. Ashes of Infinite appears himself during the final battle and slays the Elven King. His son manages to defeat Ashes of Infinite, but is left alone as the only survivor.
- The Prince separates what remains of Ashes of Infinite’s robot body across the Antarctic in a means for him never to rise again.
- The Prince also leaves his sword Flame Breath behind, instead wielding his father’s blades.

80,987 B.C
- The Elven Prince returns to the ruined Minas Estel and enters a deep slumber upon his father’s ruined throne, ever vigilant for Ashes of Infinite to rise again. Whether it was as a sign of respect or out of fear the Sigma-Bravo wildlife leave the Prince at peace on his throne.

68,445 B.C
- The Elves return to Earth
- They decide it isn't their place to be among the stars, and they destroy all their space-faring technology.
- In Dimension: E, the three Godesses create Hyrule, Lorule, and their Triforces.
- Termina created in Dimension: F by a rift between Hyrule and Lorule, this rift later becoming YugaRealm.

67,362 B.C.
- Majora's Mask created by the Cult of the Masks.
- The Three Goddesses forge the Master Sword and create the Ocarina of Time.

8,569 B.C
- Don't be afraid child, let me show you the way.
- A warship jumps into this reality for a moment and shortly after warps into another.

5,337 B.C
- Jeff banished to Dimension: X
- After 200,000 years of peaces, the Orcs go to war against the High Elves.
- Majora's Mask used for the first time to enslave the Gerudo and Zora.
- The wearer of Majora's Mask is killed by the Fierce Deity, the Gerudo and Zora are freed.

5,327 B.C
- Jeff breaks out of Dimension: X
- Jeff comes to power.
- The orcs are nearly defeated after a major battle.
- Jeff begins his great journey to the Goblin Kingdom.

5,326 B.C
- Jeff reaches the Goblin Kingdom and kills the Goblin King, Max.
- Jeff wins over the Goblins and begins raising a Goblin army.
- War against the Amazons begins.
- The High Elves discover Jeff is raising an army.
- The Fierce Deity hunts down the Cult of the Masks, and kills them all.
- The Fierce Deity kills the corrupted residents of Termina, and the race of Terminians is reborn.
- The Fierce Deity creates the Fierce Deity's Mask, which grants the wearer his powers. The mask is sealed away.

5,325 B.C
- After a long war, Jeff conquers the Amazons
- The High Elves begin a long march to meet Jeff

5,290 B.C
- Jeff wipes out the Dwarves
- Time Blade is forged
- Gauntlets of Drathu are forged
- The Fierce Deity breaks into the Sacred Realm, and kills all those imprisoned there.

5,286 B.C
- Ill be your voice, let me show you the way
- The High Elves arrive at the Orc Badlands
- The High Elves defeated by Jeff
- The First Great War is won by Jeff
- Jeff fails to use the Defanium Schism, and is blasted to a small island in the Caribbean

4,323 B.C
- let me be your eyes, I will guide you.
- The High Elves erase all existence of themselves. And go into hiding
- The last remaining Goblins die out
- Another warship enters from another dimension. It surveys the planet, Earth, and leaves shortly afterwards.
- The Merging Bracelet is forged.

1,789 B.C
- Do you here the cry of the wayward sky?
- The race of High Elves dies out.

852 BC
- After decades of war, the San'Shyuum (Prophets) and Sangheili (Elites) ratify an alliance, and the Covenant is formed.

784 BC
- The Lekgolo (Hunters) are tamed by the Covenant, and integrated into the alliance.

43 B.C.
- Majora's Mask is claimed by a strange man in purple, and its power is sealed away.

1 B.C.
- Lorule falls into war over the Triforce, the King and Queen are killed, Princess Hilda takes the thrown.
- Yuga opens the void between Dimension: E/1 and E/2, creating YugaRealm for easy access between the worlds.

2 A.D.
- Ganondorf begins plotting to take Hyrule.

3 A.D.
- The boy without a Fairy, Link, is called to the Great Deku Tree to begin his quest.
- Link is given a Fairy named Navi, and the two begin their quest to save Hyrule.
- Link is given the Merging Bracelet by Ravio, unaware of its powers.
- Yuga and Ganondorf form an alliance to take Hyrule and Lorule for themselves.
- Link meets Princess Zelda and is given the Ocarina of Time.
- Link trapped in a painting by Yuga, escapes using the Merging Bracelet.
- Using the Merging Bracelet, Link travels to Lorule and meets Princess Hilda.
- Link travels back to Hyrule.
- Link draws the Master Sword and is kept in the Sacred Realm for seven years.
- Link returns to his childhood by the Ocarina of Time, and is left by Navi.
- Majora's Mask is stolen from the man in purple by Skull Kid.
- Link travels into the Lost Woods to find Navi, and gets the Ocarina of Time and his horse stolen by Skull Kid.
- Link chases Skull Kid to Termina.
- Link takes the Ocarina of Time back from Skull Kid and uses it to repeat a three day cycle to prevent the moon from crashing.
- The Moon crashes into the land, killing all its residents - the three day cycle is reset.
- Link awakens the power of the Fierce Deity and uses it to defeat Majora, returning the Mask to the man in purple.
- Link goes back to Hyrule, and Skull Kid is freed from Majora's power.

10 A.D.
- Link, who is now an adult, travels back and forth from Hyrule to Lorule to defeat Ganondorf and Yuga.
- Link defeats Ganondorf and Yuga, and Princess Zelda and Hilda return him to his childhood using the Ocarina of Time.
- Fierce Deity breaks into the Sacred Realm again and kills Ganondorf.

79 A.D
- I am here, let me guide you... into the light
- Pompeii burns because of malfunctioning Elf tech inside Mt Vesuvius.

- The Yanme'e (Drones) are enslaved by the Covenant.

- The Covenant discover the Kig-Yar (Jackals/Skirmishers), who recognise them as a superior power, and agree to ally with them.

- First sighting of mysterious white flash in England

- Cap'n Sabree rises to power as the most feared pirate of the 18th century

- Cap'n Sabree discovers Jeff's hiding place and joins forces
- Jeff uses his immortality device to make the Cap'n never age

- The Titanic crashes, driver claims to be distracted by a flash in the distance

- A young woman in London claims she has been followed by a man in white armor, who watched her from atop buildings.
- A murderer found dead on top of a townhouse two days later.

- ATLAS first created to develop a time machine
- ATLAS begines work on there first time machine

- ATLAS's half built time machine is destroyed before it is completed
- WW2 begins
- ATLAS is forgotten

- A tall man in white armor is spotted atop a building in New York City.

- The man in white armor is spotted again in rural Switzerland.

- The man in white armor is spotted for a final time, beating a murderer to death in rural Mississippi.
- When the police persue, he vanishes into thin air - all that is left is a strange symbol.

- ATLAS is re-born by Qaz.
- Qaz hires Jason-101, a top scientist, to develop a time machine using Elven tech.
- Jeff recruits Zarry, a top scientist to spy on Jason-101.

- Qaz employs Jabba, Steve and Nato to help Jason-101.

- The future is waiting for you.
- The events of Project: V.O.R.T.E.X take place.
- Zarry attacks Jason-101's base.
- Project: V.O.R.T.E.X is activated for the first time.
- In an alternate universe, ATLAS-N attempts to escape through their version of Project Vortex. However, the portal is destroyed during their evacuation, and as a result they are flung not only through time, but across dimensions as well.
- Zarry captures Steverson.
- Jeff enters Project: V.O.R.T.E.X and invades 2552.
- Don't be afraid.

- ATLAS dies out.

-Humanity begins colonising other planets in its solar system.

- The Unggoy (Grunts) surrender to the Covenant, and are incorporated into the union.

- The most feared villain, Apollo is captured then minutes later he broke out.
- The V.O.R. (Vortex Opening Remote) is created.

- The original ORION Project is first initiated. Poor results and lack of funds force the Office of Naval Intelligence to put the project on hold. The five surviving test subjects were reintegrated into active service but all died within a year from unknown causes.

- In the far reaches of this universe a Ancient Ai is reactivated by a quantum broadcast within 9nth dimensional space.
- The facility initiates lock down protocols. DAR_AI-4 is forcibly deactivated.
- The facility begins broadcast protocol and begins broadcasting on interagetory frequency waves. Meanwhile the facility is locked down.
- Humanity establishes its first colony outside of its own solar system, on a planet called Reach.

- The inner colonies of humanity are well under development, with humans now inhabiting over 200 planets.

- A human colony is established on the planet Harvest.

- The first signs of Insurrectionist activity are observed in UNSC-controlled space.

- Clown Base Med-centre is created by ONI in the ruins of Jason-101's Laboratory

- Human-inhabited space now encompasses more than 800 planets, with Reach serving as the main shipyards and naval training region for the UNSC.

- The second iteration of the ORION Project (retroactively referred to as the Spartan-1 program), is re-initiated.

- The Jiralhanae (Brutes) are discovered by the Covenant, and are forced to submit, becoming the final species to join the alliance.

- The Eridanus Rebellion against the UNSC - the genesis of the movement that would later become known simply as the Insurrection - begins.

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Part II: A new age

- The Original Free Gelida Coalition is stamped out.
- The Rift is opened. The Disiran Wave begins to spread.
- The neutron star in Cygna cluster system 398502718 starts broadcasting a unknown signal.

- A new generation
- Project ORION (AKA the Spartan-1 program) is deactivated. Though the subjects are effective, their abilities fall short of original expectations, and they are far too expensive to develop and field. The surviving soldiers are reassigned to various special operations units.

- The Spartan-2 program is initiated, with 75 carefully selected children being conscripted (abducted) and forced into training.

- A UNSC command base is established on the seventh planet in the newly-discovered Gelida system, under the guise of providing support for the colony being established there. In truth, the base's actual purpose was to keep UNSC personnel in close proximity to enable easy investigation of the forerunner installation - The Apocryphal Hoard - in the system's outer orbit.

- A human freighter is stranded after a slipspace malfunction, and its distress beacon leads to it being discovered by a Covenant ship, who capture the ship and use its navigation box to locate its point of origin.

- Official first contact is made between Humanity and the Covenant on Harvest, the resulting hostilities leading to the commencement of the First Battle of Harvest (which the Covenant win), and the dawn of the Human-Covenant war.
- The Spartan-2s undergo rigorous chemical, physical and biological augmentations. Thirty-three Spartans successfully pass the alterations. Thirty subjects die, and twelve are permanently disabled. Following this, they are introduced to project MJOLNIR.
- The UNSC war aginsted the Insurgency escalates with the arrival of the Covenant Empire. Fighting intensifies, the more radical insurgents start making rash decisions swaying there support in the outer UNSC colony's. The UNSC calls forth ONI to finish the development of there new warship, the Nataoss.
- The UNSC military is kicked into full gear, with the military leaders seeking a quick and decisive victory over the Insurgency.

- The UNSC routs its forces, and prepares a counter offensive aginsted the Covenant.
- Ross starts to see visions of a ship set between two mountains in a frozen world of sorrow.
- Rocar Enpara, a rising Sangheili commander in the grand Covenant army sees the same visions.
- The UNSC strikes a decisive blow aginsted the Insurgency's leadership. Unable to operate there forces scatter and the UNSC picks them off one by one.
- The remaining Insurgency leaders regain control of there remaining forces and suggest a cease fire with the UNSC considering the alien invasion force.
- There is a temporary cease fire, the UNSC redirect there attention to harvest.
- The UNSC sends a fleet to retake Harvest, and though they suffer heavy losses, humanity wins this Second Battle of Harvest. However, the Covenant return to the planet later in the year, prompting a similar military response from the UNSC, leading to a five-year series of engagement that would collectively come to be known as the Harvest Campaign.
- During this time, several other human planets are located and glassed by Covenant forces.

- The Temporary cease fire between the UNSC and Insurgency doesn't hold. With the complete annihilation of multiple outer UNSC colonies the Insurgency is able to rally the broken survivors to there cause. They sortie all there forces and storm the UNSC system of Regulus. UNSC solders and personnel defect to the Insurgency in droves. With the subsequent loss of the system within twenty four hours.
- Irel 'Nercazd commands a Covenant battlegroup designed to capture terrain ships intact. Irel is able to capture a derelict Insurgency vessel and drags it back to Covenant controlled space to study it.
- The ONI Juggernaut Nataoss Captained by Admiral Ivictus finally clears production and spear heads a small armada with the objective of stamping out the uprising entirely.
- The insurgents spread into Sirius, Vega and Deneb.
- The UNSC fleet lead by the Nataoss clashes aginsted the Insurgents in Regulus. After three weeks of fighting the UNSC is able to retake Regulus.
- Splitting there forces in their campaign aginsted the Insurgents, the UNSC conducts a three pronged attack on Vega, Sirius and Deneb. With there forces split the Insurgents are able to gain the upper hand in Sirius and Vega, however with the Nataoss in play they are unable to hold Deneb.
- The Insurgents forces are quadrupled in Vega do to the arrival of previously missing insurgency vessels and defectors, subsequently forcing a UNSC retreat.
- The Insurgency abandons Vega and pools there forces in Sirius. With there forces together and now strengthened more then when they invaded Regulus the Insurgency flee the Sirius system and invade Alpha Centauri.
- The UNSC forces sweep Sirius and follows the Insurgency fleet.
- The Insurgency fleet is resupplied by hidden caches in Alpha Centauri. A small force remains behind wile the bulk of there fleet attacks Aldebarran. The UNSC Third Fleet clashes aginsted the Insurgents wile the Nataoss and her fleet deal with the forces in Alpha Centauri. The Insurgency forces wile unable to make any major gains in Aldebarran manage to raid a massive UNSC supply cache in the system. The Insurgents gather there forces and now full resupplied and armed send out a rally call too any allies they may have to be ready to strike. The remaining Insurgents flee into dead space. The Nataoss and her forces are put on stand by for the inevitable resurgence for supply's.
- A Covenant fleet, captained by the brute Shipmaster Ormentus, uncover the colony on Gelida VII, and the settlement is glassed.

- On January second, without warning the Insurgency fleet emerges within the Sol system. The Insurgency catches the UNSC First Defense Fleet off guard and is able to cripple there forces in system. With the first fleet pacified the Insurgents launch a full scale invasion on humanity's home worlds. Invading Earth, Luna, Mars, and the moons of Jupiter. The Sol system is wretched into war. With the UNSC capital now directly threatened the UNSC scurry's to defend itself.
- Multiple UNSC reserves are pushed into service to hold there worlds.
- Full scale war erupts on the surface of Mars and Earth, as the Insurgents are joined by allies and Insurgency cells on the planets.
- General Octavious Grant is killed in a fire fight within New Harmony. The city is almost lost within the first hours of fighting. Octaviou's Son Lieutenant Christian Grant is pressed out of officer training school and into service to defend the city. Enraged by the death of his father he and Lieutenant Bradford Branson jump into a tank and lead a counter offensive aginsted the Insurgents in the city. Control of the city wavers back and forth before falling into a stalemate.
- On Earth Captain Robin running a ONI training OP in the arctic took his recruits into combat and joined the UNSC in defense of there home. The Insurgency fights the UNSC across the planet, assaulting there city's. There end-game, to topple the UEG and snuff out all hostile resistance on the planet. The Insurgents target HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 and the Insurgency warship Homebound drops from orbit to personally attack the facility.
- Insurgency forces attempt to storm HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6. Sargent James Sanders and his men hold back the Insurgency for the time being.
- Captain Robin rallies up with Sargent Sanders at HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 and helps reinforce there position. More Insurgents are sent planet side.
- Initiate Lougin peels off from the defense of the HIGHCOM Facility with Initiate Ross. They sneak aboard an Insurgency supply vessel and steal there uninforms. Taking the ship up and infiltrating the Homebound.
- At this point the Insurgency has blockaded the planets and are swatting off all attackers. The Nataoss and its fleet enter the system and focus there attentions on Liberating Earth. The UNSC and Insurgency fleets engage one another above the planets.
- On mars New Haven is taken taken back by Grant and Branson. Grant and Branson split up and lead separate offensives aginsted the Insurgency's holding. Grant assaulting the Olympus Highlands with Branson blocking there forces in Valles Marineris. ODST forces successfully take back Syrtis.
- The UNSC's Second Defense Fleet arrives in Sol.
- With the arrival of Second, the UNSC is able to break through the blockade of Mars and land forces on the ground. With entire UNSC battalions now planeside, the Insurgents are pushed back to there initial invasion point of the planet. Grant and Branson's forces both link up with there reinforcements and proceed to New Manila.
- On Earth the UNSC is loosing ground. The Capital has fallen into the Insurgency's hands and there forces are doubling back to triple there efforts on taking the Bravo-6. Lougin and Ross sabotage the Homebound's engines sending it careening into the Atlantic. They escape the ship aboard an escape pod.
- In Orbit the UNSC Nataoss splits the Insurgents blockade above Earth. With the Insurgents blockade broken the UNSC scurry's to retake the Capital. Spartan II are deployed along with entire battalions of Armor and infantry. Bravo-6 is reinforced by ODST.
- Sargent Sanders and Captain Robin direct UNSC forces to outmaneuver and surround the remaining Insurgents assaulting HIGHCOM and force them to surrender.
- On Mars New Manila is taken back swiftly and decisively as the Insurgents holding the city surrender.
- The UNSC is able to take back the Capital of the UEG and drive the Insurgents out. Completely defeated the remaining Insurgency vessels flee the SoL system. All active Insurgency ground forces surrender to the UNSC.
- Admiral Ivictus, not satisfied that the Insurgency is finished takes his task force to hunt down the remaining warships and either capture or destroy them.
- Lougin and Ross, for there outstanding decisiveness in bringing down the Homebound are inducted into the Black Ops branch.
- Grant and Branson are promoted for the heroic efforts in defending mars and leave Officer Training as Lieutenant Commanders.
- Sargent Sanders transfers out to the Second Defense Fleet.
- On February seventeenth the Insurgency is officially declared defeated by UNSC High Command that now believes they lack the support and backing to pose any real threat.
- Throughout the rest of the year Admiral Ivictus and his task force hunt down and remove what remaining Insurgency vessels they encounter. They eventually track down there remaining vessels and the last of there leadership. Evidently Held up in the ruins of an Ancient Warship. Ivictus checks in with ONI on what to do about the ancient warship.

- ONI assaults the remaining Insurgents at there home bass. Storming the ancient derelict. The remaining Insurgents once again scatter. This time Invictus is finally content with letting them run.
- ONI tows the ancient warship, now revealed to be of forerunner construct. It is used to further research and development within the UNSC.
- Lougin ascends through the ranks swiftly. His brutal tactics are effective. He quells riots in the outer systems.
- Ross finds it difficult to disern reality. He finds himself lost in a field of endless snow. He has seen this place before, in his dreams.
- Ross, distressed by his visions, searches for answers.
- Ross receives the Green Light by ONI to investigate ancient ruins discovered throughout UNSC Space.
- Irel 'Nercazd of the Covenant Empire is struck down by his son in honorable battle, Nrtak 'Nercazd by right takes the place as ship master of Irel's vessel.
- Nrtak takes great interest in Forrunner technology. Electing to return to Covenant Space to study there technology further.

- The Rift expands
- The Disiran Wave spreads causing slight distortions in time.
- The Narcano Wave begins to spread
- Grant trys to help Ross, he searches for this place Ross describes to him. He discovers that others have seen these visions as well. They recollect something far beyound understanding.
- Grant recalls something like this when he was younger. He shut it out as childish fear. Now he is uncertain.
- Major lougin encounters a device in the Procyon system. This device is like nothing he has ever encountered before. It is crystalline in nature, ONI orders its immediate recovery.
- ONI keeps the discover of this unknown device a secret.
- Initial presumptions assumed the device discovered on Procyon VIII was of forerunner design, however further analysis revealed that the device exceeds the creation of the fabled Halo installations.
- ONI belives the forerunners have encountered something similar to the unknown device, believing it to be a storage device. ONI uncovered possible information that revealed the forerunners worked to develop some sort of decryption device but died out before its completion.
- ONI tasks Lougin with finding this decryption at all costs.

- ODST Trooper “Green” is assigned to UNSC SOF (Spirit of Fire) to a team of elite troopers. During the final months of the Harvest Campaign.
- Spirit of Fire leaves for Arcadia.
- A large contingent of ODST are dropped onto Arcadia. Including Bravo 21, which consists of 7 troopers including SGT Charlie “The Bucket”, LT Sabree, PVT CC “Browning” and Trooper “Green”
- Events of Feet First take place.
- Professor Anders is captured by Arbiter Ripa Moramee. Bravo 21 is left behind in the resulting pursuit.
- Bravo 21 Evacuate aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn.
- The final battle of Harvest takes place, resulting in a full UNSC victory, but at an immense cost.

- ONI finds a lead regarding information linked to the forerunner decryption device. However due to corruption the information falls into the hands of an Insurgency cell, the New Earth Dominion.
- Ross searches for answers, he sees vivid visions of the snow plains. He hears a voice calling to him. Telling him of a future where all things could be different.
- Ross is conflicted by these voices.
- Rocar Enpara hears the voices as well. In his visions he follows them, they lead him through the snow.

- The now Colonel Grant, is sent with a UNSC task force behind enemy line to capture a Covenant Command Vessel. (add more to this later)
- ONI thanks to the diligence of Admiral Wolf ONI is able to track down the New Earth Dominion however, due to Insurgency sympathizers, the Insurgents are able to out maneuver them and escape.

- Grant marries the love of his life, Nataly Walker.
- Major Lougin building off of the information provided via Admiral Wolf tracks the Dominion down to there current base of operations. In haste Lougin launches an assault on the base. In response the Insurgency cell calls for help drawing multiple previously dormant Cells out of hiding to assist in there escape. Thanks to there intervention the New Earth Dominion is able to escape and take the Decryption device with them.
- Ross's vissions grow worse, he suffers from delusions. He is torn between both visions of an endless plain and reality.
- While recovering from a battlefield injury, Bradford Branson falls in love with his nurse, and the two journey to Bradford's home planet to be married in a quiet, private ceremony.

- Grant try's desperately to help his friend Ross find what he's searching for.
- 1 February, Anya Branson is born.
- Grant congratulates Bradford on the birth of his daughter and updates him on the state of affairs.
- Lougin is eager to get back on the New Earth Dominions tail but is blocked by Oversight. Thanks to his rash actions multiple Insurgency Cell that were previously dormant have now resumed hostiles and they are content with ensuring he deals with them personally before they disrupt the UNSC's war effort aginsted the Covenant.
- ONI moved the crystalline device from Procyon to there main command center for safe keeping.
- Ross barly holds his career togeather, Grant calls in some favors to cover for him wile he works through his issues.
- November 9, Tayler Grant, and Damion Grant are born.
- At this point in the Human-Covenant war, most of the major Outer Colonies had been destroyed. In order to protect Earth and the remaining colonies, the Cole Protocol was established by military order. According to this protocol: All human ships must, when forced to withdraw, not move on to a colony-bound vector, even if that means jumping without proper navigational calculations. If blind jumps are not possible, the ship's Captain must order a self-destruction sequence if capture is imminent. In addition, it is also imperative that the powerful ship AI data cores not fall into Covenant hands, so part of this protocol involves either the removal or destruction of the ship's A.I. in extreme situations. Additionally, no captured Covenant ships or technology may be brought back to a human planet without being checked extensively for surveillance devices.

- Covenant forces begin to swarm into the Inner colonies. For several years the war falls into a pattern: Humans win isolated battles, typically during ground operations, but at a horrible cost. In space, the Humans are losing at a precipitous rate, and one by one, the Inner colonies fall.
- A week Prior to the Battle of Gorna Pass, Nrtak 'Nercazd returns to the war front and brings with him a specially augmented Covent Scarab, The Matreyark. Nercazd commands the Matreyark and with it breaks through the UNSC's defenses leading to Gorna Pass.
- Four days prior to the Battle of Gorna Pass, Bradford Branson and Julien Vex infiltrate the Covenant cruiser Beacon of Faith, destroying the ship, and disrupting the experiments being conducted by Yhil 'Gzared. During the conflict, a bomb of unknown design was prematurely detonated, but the humans caught in the blast radius seemingly suffered no ill effects.
- Yhil 'Gzared survives the destruction of his ship, and manages to preserve a core component of the bomb. His lieutenant Varn 'Doram also survives, but not uninjured.
- Vex, Bradford, Bradford's brother Rodrick, and Lucio Giuseppe, regroup on the surface of Antares Prime and become The Vanguard, serving as bait to lure the Covenant advance directly into the trap being prepared at Gorna Pass.
- The Battle of Gorna Pass - UNSC solders hold a pass leading to UNSC command base Telfa. Branson, Ross, Lougin, and Grant are in charge of the defense. Spartan Zachary-019 and the original fire team crimson parish in the battle bringing down a Covenant Scarab, helping to secure victory.
- Covenant and UNSC forces start to stand down, the Covenant retreats fleeing from UNSC controlled space.
- Nrtak, disgraced by the destruction of his masterpiece returns to Covenant space and disappears for most of the war.
- Grant is awarded with a Medal of Galatea and promoted to the rank of Brigadier General
- We Stand Together - Memorial held after The Battle of Antares
- Rocar Enpara returns to the covenant empire humiliated by his defeat at Gorna Pass. He vows to restore his honor. The visions grow stronger.
- Reconstruction/ militarization era begins.
- The UNSC holds onto a fragile peace, knowing full well the Covenant will return.
- Having recovered from his injuries, Varn 'Doram adopts a new title: The Blackhand. Feeling undervalued by what remains of the Covenant Empire, he strikes off on his own.
- Branson is placed in command of small UNSC outpost within the Polaris System. He trains new UNSC forces sent to the installation and directs the reconstruction efforts in the system.
- The Spartan-3 program is introduced.
- ONI conducts multiple operations aginsted the resurfaced Insurgents. Eliminating and forcing the others back into dormancy.
- Ross was fading, he was lossing himself inside his own mind.
- Grant tried to talk to Ross. He wanted him to know, that no matter what, he shouldn't loose sight of what matters the most to him.
- Auriel D Koinsky Director of UNSC communications was conscripted by General Grant to create a special team of operatives dubbed the Oxolin project.
Special Operations Command (SOC) is formed, Koinsky adopts the call sign Fennec.
- Ethan Mark lives in a run down area on earth, He was one of the solders that participated in The Battle of Gorna Pass. Now discharged for behavioral problems he drowns his sorrows in a bar every night.
- Fennic recruits him as a first trial by fire operative, not expecting him to last very long in the project. He assumes the name Kestral and his past is buried. He is given Omega Red Zero clearance and he is trained by the ODST. It appeared that he is far more capable then he had previously lead on to be.
- 13 July, Marco Giuseppe is born.

- The Outer and Inner Rims are defined by the UNSC.
- Commander Allen returns to Gelidea and extracts surviving UNSC personnel from the planet.
- UNSC forces expand there control and reach out to planets that were lost during the war.
- Harvest is taken back by the UNSC and re-colonization efforts are started again.
- Grant finds a lead matching the descriptions given to him from Ross about the visions he's been experiencing. This leads to the discover of multiple ancient scrolls hidden by the High Elves during the First Time War.
- The scrolls detail a darkness on the horizon, of a great beast. They foretell the coming of something from an unknown past. They prophesied the future, a recreation that could be stoped. Lastly of a city with spires that reached towards the stars. Among the scrolls there were inscriptions of unknown technology, ranting of a mad man about a place covered in snow .
- Lougin finally; after dealing with the majority of the insurgency cells is able to get rid of Oversight and resume his search for the decryption device.
- Starting his search anew he tracks the New Earth Dominion to the Harvest system. He is surprised to discover that the insurgents are planning an attack on the planets re-terra-formation project. They plan to levy the planet aginsted the UNSC and usurp there control in the system.
- Ross regains control of himself and reality. Wile he still appears off. He seems to be able to tell the difference between the visions and reality.
- Grant sets out to undertrack a special operation.
- New technologies allow the UNSC and civilian contractors to push further into unknown space.
- UNSC systems are gobbled up by major corporations who strong arm civilians trying to colonize in multiple regions.
- Thanks to his minor, but integral role during the Battle of Gorna Pass, Lucio Giuseppe gain favour among the officials of the UNSC. He expands his business, evolving from a simple middle-man weapons contractor to the head of a thriving weapons production company all of his own: G-Corp.
- New infrastructure is built for a super installation above Earth. The station is being called Arcadia
- The Outer Rim becomes the new frontier
- Heavy militarization beings. The UNSC's Inner Rim devout half there resources to building new warships and defenses.
- New warship Combat frames are produced with varying roles. Ships are specifically build and adapted to be resistant to Covenant weaponry. With anti Cap ship Mac's spread across the hulls of vessels, along with secondary and tertiary control decks.

- Colonists have had enough. The Outer Rim is launched into chaos as civilians riot planet side, and aboard installations, the corporations come down with a iron fist and attempt to quell the riots. Civilians enraged take to there vessels and blockade multiple major hub word Installations. A crisis rises as provisions become scares across multiple systems and installations, employees are no longer getting paid. The economy in the Outer Rim is stretched thin. The outer system of Capella is receiving the brunt of the civil unrest and has nearly collapsed entirely.
- Colonel Branson is tasked with ending the crisis. He is placed temporarily in charge of the exploratory fleet, and granted his own vessel The Spire. He is sent in along with Admiral Noah Smith of ONI.
- The Civilian blockade in the Cappella system falls apart with the arrival of the UNSC. Presumed Civilian targets, using a high jacked UNSC frigate open fire on the fleet.
- During the skirmish multiple unknown capture craft along with advanced fighters attack and disable the UNSC carrier Zeul, they successful board and capture the vessel during the Riot.
- It is later revealed that a band or rouges and mercenaries were hired to insight hostilities between the populace and the UNSC once the fleet arrived, allowing there benefactor to make an attempt on the carrier.
- Admiral Smith commits his forces to restoring order in the system. Branson is tasked with hunting down the Zeul and identifying the mercenaries employers.
- Multiple operations are carried out aginsted the UNSC Fleet, Branson continues to gather intel to track down the Mercenaries responsible for inciting the Riot. After tracking movments throughout the system he was able to locate there base of operations, an asteroid made installation. However during the subsequent operation to capture the station a unidentified warship of Terran design silenced the mercenaries before turning on and pursuing the Spire.
- Branson attempted to raise communications with Admiral Smith and his fleet, along with the rest of the Exploratory fleet. His attempts were in vain.
- Branson, hunted by this unknown vessel reached out to his is personal friend Grant. Grant informed Branson that he and his crew had been condemned as traitors. He warned him that there was enough circumstantial evidence to warrant blowing his warship to dust. Grant however trusting Bradford believed he had been set up. Grant promised to send reinforcements to aid him.
- Branson continued to flee from the unknown warship, fleeing into the Nebula system Er-47. Within the nebula the missing Zeul was there to greet them. Regardless of the circumstances that lead to the warships disappearance and subsequent appearance here, it seemed the crew of the ship was perfectly fine and in control of there vessel. He attempted to question them about the attack and subsequent assumed hijacking. Admiral Cordoni simply told him that it was bigger then them all. She told Branson that it would be ok. That they would be waiting for him. With that the ship disappeared into the nebula.
- Unsure of what to do next Branson ordered his ship further into the nebula. Deeper in they encounter a massive vessel of unknown design. This ship did not attack them but instead sent them two encoded data strings. As quickly as the vessel appeared, it vanished. The crew on the Spire were able to decode one of the strings with relative ease thanks to the onboard AI, however the other string was beyond anything they could understand.
- The code he was able to decode revealed the culprit of the riots, and the systems plight. Admiral Smith and multiple other ship captains were being paid off by the Super Cooperation Immodata to assisted them in usurping UNSC control within the Capella System.
- The revelation couldn't have come sooner, as Branson was ambushed by a ONI battle-group shortly afterward. He used his command skills to out maneuver the overwhelming enemy in the nebula. At this time Grant Arrived in system with his own fleet and came to Branson's aid driving off the attackers.
- It was revealed that Immodata was building a juggernaut of which they planned to enforce there new rule. The very same one that obliterated the mercenary station and hunted the Spire. Branson thanks to the help of Grant, plus the information he was gifted from his own unknown benefactor, was able to prove his innocence and revealed the true master minds orchestrating recent event. With the truth out in the open the Capella system devolved into a full scale war turning the non defectors against Smith and his rouge operation.
- Branson and Grant reunited with there allied warships in Capella and launched an assault on Immodatas main ship yard within the system. Admiral Smith and his defectors launched a brutal counter strike to stall the UNSC, temporarily preventing them from reaching the shipyard. The spire with help from the destroyers Marcon, and Arckain disabled Smith's ship. The Traitors were finally out gunned, some fled, others fought till there last breath. Smith and his officers killed themselves rather then be taken into custody and questioned.
- With allied forces poring into the system Grant and Branson left the crippled ship and its disorganized fleet to rally there forces and proceed to the shipyard. There assault began. The massive warship engaged there fleets, yet lucky for them the unknown vessels main weapons were non functional. During the skirmish the Juggernaut broke off from the fighting and fled from the installation. They attempted to stop the fleeing warship knowing all to well the damage a vessel of that caliber could cause. The Juggernaut however escaped the facility with only minor damages, there weapons being largely ineffective to it. With the escape of the enemy juggernaut the fleet was able to finish off the installation. They then set out to find the missing warship. With Immodata's assets ceased and there fleet crippled the crisis was pronounced over. Branson rallied his fleet for one last operation and attempted to locate the Juggernaut.
- The spire was able to track the enormous warship to the edges of the system. Branson commanded his fleet in an attempted to stop the massive warship. In his pursuit, everything seemed to freeze around him. For a moment no one else was with him on the bridge. The temperature dropped. He wasn't alone... something else was there. Then it was gone. There Branson and his fleet were unable to disable the juggernaut and it successfully slip-space jumped out of the system. Branson was ordered to give up the hunt and link back up with Grants forces.
- Branson returned to the fleet empty handed but a hero non the less.
- Dissatisfied with the admiralty after the events of his previous few missions, Bradford requested a transfer from the navy to the army.
- In light of these events the UNSC worked to establish a stronger commerce rout and now has officially posted UNSC warships in the Outer Rim with plans to build and station a fleet in the Capella system specifically.
- 10 February, Jim Branson is born.
- The birth of their second child places additional stress on the already-fraying relationship between Bradford and his wife, forcing him to begin considering career options outside of the military... though his promotion to General soon steals much of his focus.
- Bradford's friends get together to celebrate the birth of his son.
- 2 April, Carlos Giuseppe is born.
- ONI begins an undercover operation to steal the Decryption device from the Insurgents before they can launch there attack. A small team of specially trained agents, including Lougin himself are sent undercover as new UNSC defectors.
- In Light of the recent events involving the traitorous Admiral Smith, UNSC High Command overrides ONI's tactical authority and appoints Vice-Admiral Linteraa of the Six Defense Battlegroup in charge of the operation unaware that ONI has agents undercover. Thanks to rebel sympathizer ONI's operations are revealed, the insurgents drive ONI out of the system leaving Lougin and his men without support.
- The Insurgents are now on edge and suspect Lougin is a spy. He is forced to give up one of his Agents to protect himself. The Agent in question Private Eliana is taken into custody and tortured horrendously. Her entire upper arms are torn completely off during the Torture.
- Eliana thanks to the help of another agent blowing his cover is able to escape and steal vital information in revealing the insurgents spy network.
- With there Spy network dismantled and no longer able to monitor the UNSC within system the Insurgents accelerated there plans. On July thirteenth, the Insurgents launched an all out attack on the re-terra-formation operation above harvest. Capturing the main station running the operation along with 1,700 hostages.
- The UNSC attempts to negotiate. Lougin makes a move on the device and is able to recover it. However now trapped with his men on the installation he is unable to escape. As to not be discovered he plays the role of a fanatical. Executing hostages side by side with the Insurgents.
- Vice-Admiral Linteraa draws the conclusion that the hostages are already dead and orders her task force to wipe out the Insurgents and retake the station. In response the remaining hostages are vented out into space. Lougin realizing he has to get off the station or risk being killed in the cross fire orders his men to gather any spare oxygen tanks they can find and to prepare space suits. Shortly after they jump out into the open vacuum and hide amongst the bodies of the hostages.
- The UNSC fleet is able to wipe out the Insurgents minor warships and Linteraa orders the recapture of the instaltion. Before UNSC assets are able to board, the station is destroyed. The Insurgents would rather blow themselves up then be taken alive. Lougin and his men turn on there IFF transponders and are picked up by the Sixth. They assume they are insurgents who when given the choice to die or live, chose tholive. They are locked up in the brig and handed over to ONI for interrogation, unware that they are returning there assets to them. The device Lougin recovered is also handed over to ONI pending a brief overview of it by Oversight.
- The remainder of the New Earth Dominion falls apart and the remaining insurgents fall into other still active cells.
- Grant explores the systems far past the UNSC outer rim in search of the Carrier Zuel.
- Grant in his search for the Zuel entered the Paranath Nebula and encountered a massive installation. His ship was disabled by a massive EMP system that forced him to evacuate his ship, he managed to board the installation.
- The station opened up to him, as if it was waiting for him. In its center he found something unexpected.
- It was another data string that quickly paired with the one Bradford recovered during the Capella crisis. Just as the station unfolded, it pushed him back to his ship, however it was undamaged and now operational.
- As Grant left the station it disappeared off his radar and he was unable to locate it again. He drifted through the nebula. His ships scanner identified multiple phantoms but non yielded anything but more gas.
- Grant, confused returned to UNSC space with the new data string in tow but no words to describe what happened.
-The Rift expands
- The Disiran Wave spreads further its pull becoming stronger.
- The Narcano Wave spreads causing insanity to those exposed to it for more then 4 days.
- Thouse effected by the Narcano Wave will seek out the Allspire
- The Vercanasa Wave begins to spread
- 1 September, Amy Meridian is born.
- Eliana is initially discharged from the military. However she still wants to fight. Importing extremely expensive and painful prosthetics she becomes a mercenary contractor for the UNSC.
- The now Sargent Bavilian Holt, the man who helped her escape torture convinces Lougin that she is still a capable solder. Wile Lougin isn't one hundred percent on board he admires her strength and perseverance, personally allowing her to retake ONI's rigorous training course over again. He purposefully skews her training trying to force her out. She however not only excels despite the extra setbacks but outpaces the new initiates.
- Grant talked to Fennic about the strings of code. Fennic told him to hold onto them and keep them close.
- Rocar finally reaches the top of the mountain in the unknown plain. He finds nothing there, but a light in the distance.
- Lougin personally congratulates Private Eliana in her success re-joining ONI. He requests she and Holt be bumped over to the Black Ops Branch believing them both to make good assets.

- The UNSC Washington is sent on a expedition into the Cygna cluster to locate and discover new worlds for the UNSC Colonization effort. The Washington's expedition turns up nothing. A log is recorded about a unknown signal emitting from a quasar star, the crew write it off as a bust.
- The Washington dose not report in after the expedition. Reports follow the warship to the system Cyan-129.
- Pending the unknown circumstances of events ONI sends in Strike team Raven to secure the planet and the vessel.
- All logs pertaining to the events within the Cyan-129 system are Sealed.
- Major Brown leads and excavation on Geldiea VII.
- Phantom Ships are noted being found in the Geldiea system. They appear harmless and are ignored.
- The super installation above Earth, Arcadia is finally completed.
- UNSC R&D creates a new Capital ship weapon. The Gauss Cannon. The weapon operates much akin to the small turret weapon however it has been upscaled greatly and has much higher efficiency. The Cannon is particularly good at dealing with shields.
- While leading a UNSC unit in a minor skirmish against an insurrectionist cell, Bradford loses half of his squad to hidden bombs in the combat zone. While Bradford himself escapes the battle unharmed, the losses weigh heavily on his conscience.
- Reminded of how close he comes to death with every deployment, Bradford hands in his resignation and leaves to support his family.
- Bradford passes the unknown decryption key to Grant and asks him to hold onto it for him. Grant warns him of something unusual and notes that there have been potential appearances of the zuel.
- Normal trade routes are reestablished, interstellar Iridium begins to reinforce trade routes. Business continues as normal. (Faction created in interlude? Check faction notes)
- Lougin is Promoted to Major General thanks in large part to his success with eliminating The New Earth Dominion and recovering the Key Cyper.
- After rigorous experimentation ONI is able to unlock the forerunner cyper.
- The Initiative uses the cyper to crack into the crystalline device from Procyon and they begin to decode the forbidden information it holds.

- ONI enacts a full scale operation, sorting all its fleets, spreading them out past the outer-rim. UNSC Command is not privy to what is happening.
- By the request of UNSC High Command, Oversight is dispatched to look into the affairs of ONI.
- Project Oxolin reaches official completion, SOC begins operating as a fully autonomies entity.
- 18 December, Angi Meridian is born.
- As quickly as ONIs fleets dispersed they return, towing something along with them. What they found is classified Level Upsilon
- Oversight attempted to uncover what they brought back but were unable to find out exactly what ONI found.
- Grant continues his research on ancient civilizations. He requests a inquiry into the faction called Atlas and begins to sift through there past. He searches for more information on the Elves and Forerunners.
- Grant uncovers a hidden stash of Elvin scrolls. Pages of a tome, inscribed as the Tales of Yore. Through them he encounters more foretelling's of a beast, and something about a city.
- New Ship to Ship artillery weapons are developed. These new Cannons blast massive submunitions at enemy warships. They are able to blanket cover an enemy vessel either cutting off its sight lines if shielded or obliterating the hull of the vessel if not.
- Grants determination and focus on his career begins to strain his marriage.

- Project Phoenix is born under ONI, it is classified Level Omega.
- The UNSC officially expands the inner and outer rims.
- Ross takes a smaller UNSC supply ship and disappears past the outer rim with a group of colonists.
- Grant tried to contact Ross, Yet he found himself unsuccessful.
- Kestral, on the behest of Grant was sent out to track down Ross.
- The Rift expands enough to allow the pinch to occur.
- The Disiran Wave expands further into space.
- The Narcano Wave expands further into space
- The Vercanasa wave expands creating major time distortions, rippling's from other universes, dimensions, and times happen on a large scale.
- Ross has official crossed the line. He is lost in his own guilt, his disillusions driving him closer to insanity. He is taken by the faces of those who were lost. He searches within himself and makes a choice.
- A phantom, A visage of the past. A echo of the future. Ross sees how everything could have been different. He understands that his choices will one day set the course of something greater then himself.
- A unknown signal grows stronger, calling people to it.
- The UNSC Zuel reappears in the Gelida system. It sends an encrypted data package to anything that will take it and leaves just as quickly as it appeared.
- Grant acquires a copy of the data package sent out by the Zuel through strenuous measures, with further investigation he discovers uncovered that I was in fact another data string of the unknown code.
- Just as before Grant combined the new data string with the two previous strings and they synced together creating a more complex code.
- Time and space is torn apart. A star golden with 3 planets appears where the neutron star once was. The planets sit in a synced orbit perfectly aliened 120 degrees around the planet. The main planet becomes a beacon. Rocar Empara hears its call but cant act on it.
- Green Spartan learns about Jeff

- Grant, suspicious of activates back at home ask Koinsky to investigate. She learns and passes on that his wife has been cheating on him.
- Ross , reaches out to Grant and thanks him for not giving up on him.
- Grant, heart broken files for divorce. He blames himself for the failure of his marriage; that he didn't do enough for his wife or kids. Due to his high taxing career he willingly comes away with zero custody of his children.
- Contractor Giant G-Corp produces a new weapon system. The M841D Flak Cannon. Designed to mimic ancient World War II anti air. The cannon fires explosive payloads designed to detonate in proximity to enemy fighters, bombers, and warheads.
- Damien Werth, recently graduated from university, leads an archaeological expedition to a decrepit Forerunner research installation - The Apocryphal Hoard - near the Gelida system.
- Varn 'Doram, having roamed the galaxy in search of a new purpose in life, crosses paths with Damien. While the pair are initially wary of one another, they soon find themselves united by their interest in the research they find on the station - the prophecies of the Ancient Races on Gelida, transcripts relating to the legends of earth's High Elves, tales of an impossible place shrouded in snow, and foreboding warnings about winged wraiths unbound by the laws of time and space.
- Inspired by these legends, Varn strikes off on his own again, determined to find the source of these ancient powers, and seize them for himself.
- Green Spartan forms ATLAS

- The Initiative establishes a new ONI operations branch to carry out advanced research experiments.
- New weapon munitions are pushed into general development. Sporting higher yield and payload.
- R&D Project Mechanica Begins. A bold scientist races against time to create a cure for his wife who works with him from a deadly disease.
- ONI wants to weaponize the advancements being made. Project Rapier, Project Archangel, Project Nightstalker, and Project Rebirth are created.
- The Initiative continues the decryption of the data crystal, Scientist are astounded by the sheer amount of raw information hidden in the crystal, a second encryption is discovered on deeper files, they are unable to crack it.
- Thanks to the Data Crystal ONI is able to produce an advanced clocking device for capital warships.
- The Phoenix Project proceeds. ONI keeps a tight lid on all operations involving Project Phoenix. SOC is only able to uncover the name.
- The newly established sub-branch of the Initiative is named Section Zero.
- ONI Identifies Kestral and SOC as a enemy of ONI, he is marked down as extremely dangerous and to be eliminated on sight, if hostiles are presented.
- Cygna Prime is discovered by the UNSC colonization effort, it is a golden world and those almost immediately colonized
- Ross has horrible flashbacks to the Battle of Gorna Pass. He has faint visions that whisper of a future, one future. He keeps a journal and records all his visions so he can interpret them with a clear head.
- Grant disheveled falls back on his work devoting all his efforts into it, burring himself in it as a form of coping with the loss of his wife and family.
- After several years of restless peace in retirement, word reaches Bradford of insurrectionist activity growing on his home planet. Against the wishes of his wife, he offers his services to help the local UNSC garrison in rooting out the would-be revolutionaries.
- The rebel cell is located, and their bunker destroyed with minimal UNSC casualties. Though Bradford is unharmed, his wife still takes issue with his involvement in the battle, and leaves to stay with her family off-world for a while.

- ONI Project X Begins. They use the remains of a deceased solder and attempt to revive them with Bio-machinery. There first attempt is a total failure.
- Johnson Frank Begins Project Reclamation. A project to clone the greatest war hero's of history. They start with the famous Spartan-117, the Master Chief.
- S.A.M. and advanced Ai using the mind of a leaving being is created to help the UNSC control major systems throughout allied space.
- Sigma-Bravo is discovered by the UNSC.
- A team of Spartan 3 Headhunters codename Alpha-Foxtrot-310 scout the planet. They report unusual artifacts.
- ONI deems the covenant war a failure of the UNSC's highest command, major steps are taken to fortify and separate ONI Central Command from the UNSC Command structure.
- The now General Ross, proceeding the green light from Command follows the voices and goes to Cygna Prime.
- Grant devotes more time into studying the ancient scriptures. Uncovering other races that have come through there galaxy.
- Kestral performs a series of operations aginsted rouge ONI operatives in Theta Aquileia. He is joined by ONI's Oversight, and they are forced to work together.

- Project X continues. ONI's second and third attempts both fail.
- Alpha-Foxtrot-310 disappear.
- Project Nightstalker, Proves somewhat successful resulting in the creation of three chimera. They are not human and are terminated due to control and safety issues.
- Project Rapier creates horrendous machines that lack self sustainability and break down within a few hours.
- Project Hyperion is started, with the intention of creating new reactors and improving on the UNSC's main Slip-space drives.
- Project Reclamation is successful to a extent. It Creates 8 identical clones to Spartan-117. They all prohibit slight personality differences. ONI learns immediately that they cant control them. UNSC Command learns of them before ONI has a chance to do anything. They recommend ONI let the Chief clones go and do what Chief dose. ONI sees this as a way to gather trust and dose as requested. One of the Chiefs stays behinds and takes charge of Section Zero.
- Project Reclamation moves to another Hero and creates control chips that can be infused with the clones. They gather the remains of Spartan-019.
- The bold scientist is pressured to produce results and fast. He is transferred to Project X and put in charge as the main researcher.
- Kestral recruits Captain Ericson of Apocalypse as the fifth operative of SOC. Ericson assumes the call sign Stalker but maintains Apocalypse and his actual identity.
- The massive Phantom ship above Gelidea VII is designated Darielkara by Kestral. Although nothing else changes in the system.

- The scientists wife dies from her disease. He is launched into a spiral of grief.
- ONI makes waves on Project Hyperion. Nothing is developed yet
- Project Rapier produces successful human machine abominations. They are not responsive to orders and attack on sight. They are terminated for safety reasons.
- Project Archangel is successful in creating new advanced craft designs that can greatly improve military equipment and render the concept of Fighter and bombers viable for the UNSc.
- In response to the success of Project Archangel, Project Pulsar is started.
- Project Nightstalker produces four more Chimera, they are more responsive and easier to control but lack human traits related to actual human beings. They are too primal and thouse terminated.
- Project Rebirth is somewhat successful. S.A.M. is enhanced with a deceased human being and there vitals are restored. This human now has a neural connection to the AI but the AI shows signs of aggression to the host. The AI is restricted.
- Project Reclamation is once again successful, producing thirty-seven clones with somewhat varying personality's. Three of the clones in particular are very close to the original Spartan and are unaffected by the control chips, however all the others can be activated and ordered around like drones. Two of the unaffected show interest in ONI, all three are pitted towards one another, one comes out victories.
- Project X continues. In his grief the bold scientist falters. Tests four through twelve fail. The scientist begins to restructure his research in hopes of using it on his wife.
- The Kig-Yar Zhix is born near the end of the Solar Cycle.
- Project Harckon is created.
- Project Genesis is created.
- UNSC R&D produces new jamming and control technology's for military use.

- ONI publicly unveils the SPARTAN-II Program in order to boost morale during the Human-Covenant war, with the stipulation that any Spartan who dies is to be listed as ether MIA or WIA, to give the illusion that Spartans never die. The existence of the SPARTAN-III Program remains confidential.
- Project Rapier is somewhat successful, it creates multiple machine human abominations. They are short lived easy to create and follow orders exactly. Problems result from them following any orders until termination.
- Project Nightstalker Produces two more Chimera. They have clear human traits and think and act sort of human. They are deemed a success but ONI acknowledges that there test subjects would not be willing to follow order just because they wanted them too. Project Nightstalker is signed off as a failure. The two surviving test subjects are set to be terminated.
- Project archangel is accelerated and early production models are integrated onto the ONI Flagship for of Black Operations, Nataoss.
- Project Reclamation moves to start cloning other Spartans, massing an army of highly skilled combat capable solders to face the return of the Covenant.
- Project Harckon creates a new super weapon, designed to disable massive warships in one shot. It is tested extensively.
- Project X is somewhat successful. The distraught scientist successfully resurrects a deceased solder with machinery. The person however appears to be a lifeless husk.
- ONI has had enough and writes Project X and the rest of the Project Board for Mechanica off as a failure. The scientist snaps as he wished to use the technology on his deceased wife and he believes he's close. General Lougin personally tells him that it is over.
- The scientist decides to give ONI what they wanted, a weapon to wipe out there enemy's. He orders the only semi successful subject of Project X to destroy everything. It complies without thought. ONI is in a state of shock. The scientist releases Project Rapier and orders it to seek and destroy all ONI officials in the base. They wreak havoc. He then released Project Nightstalker, the subjects however stole a pelican and fled the system. Lastly the scientist orders Project X to end him. It sliced off his right arm, wile doing so it looked into his eyes and something changed in it.
- Project X and the scientist escaped leaving ONI in confusion to lick its wounds.
- Project Hyperion produces a new wave of Generators cutting energy consumption by seventy-five percent. Increasing power reserves dramatically. Production is pushed for these new reactors.
- Project Genesis is successful, creating a new line of advanced military suits capable of being donned by regular solders. General lougin is given the first prototype armor and he ascends to the head of ONI's Black Operations branch killing the man formerly in charge and taking the position. ONI adapts less effective but much cheaper versions of the armor and distributes it throughout the UNSC. ONI Black Ops Elite solders are equipped with the more powerful versions of the armor.
- SOC records the events that unfolded, within ONIs research facility and works together with Commander Johnson Frank to hunt down and eliminate some of the escaped abominations.
- SOC recruits Sargent Crag Andrew, a highly skilled ODST. He assumes the call sign Rouge and becomes Sargent Rouge in the UNSC Military.
- UNSC begins mass production of new fighter and bomber frames.

- Attacks on a ONI research system in Alpha Draconis catches Kestrals eye. He goes to the system seeking out the culprit of the attacks. Kestral begins to track down the assailants discovering they are the two survivors of Project Nightsalker. He encounters one of the two subjects, after a brief encounter he is forced to eliminate it. He is disgusted with what ONI has done to there own people. He tracked down the other subject. This time however the subject out smarted him. He out maneuvered and pinned him, yet Instead of killing him it left.
- Project Hyperion reaches completion with the development of a new type of Slip-space drive. Building on other forms of deeper space travel using pre established gravity wells.
- Morgan Technologys is created out of the ruins of Ikeya. They begin to challenge ONI technology wise almost immediately, somehow producing advanced technology at an alarming rate for fairly low prices considering the technology's.
- Kestral follows a lead that takes him to an abandoned UNSC outpost in the outer rim. He is set up and trapped on the deserted planet. Trying to escape the planet he is assisted by an old, battered Sangheili. He had been cast out by all who knew him for his failure as an Honor guard.
- Kestral was impressed by the Sangheili's ability to survive in the arid landscape and offered him a purpose. Wile the Sangheili was hesitant he joined and toke on the call sign NX5 in honor of his former squad.
- Project Corviks, the production of a Hyper Advanced Artificial Super Intelligence begins. There goal with Corviks is to cure AI rampancy by syncing Corviks with living biological counterparts.
- Project Pulsar is Completed, ending with the Pulse cannon. An advanced anti fighter/ general purpose multi cannon.
- The UNSC's R&D teams were able to create a new adaptive hull plating, allowing there ships to survive plasma blasts much more effectively in combat. New Warships are now built with the new platting wile older models are retrofitted when able.
- The UNSC Ship yards push forward new designs of UNSC warships with even more specializations to use the new technology's.
- Section Zero begins research on adapting and creating plasma based weapons for there capital warship. Improving on the old and in-efficient weapon systems of the Covenant. This endeavor is dubbed Project Armament.
- Johnson Frank is promoted to director for his success with Porject Zero.

- Civil unrest grows with the resuming of the UNSC-Covenant War. In the system of Sirius tensions are high. A Covenant incursion into the system kicks off a full scale engagement between UNSC and Covenant forces. The UNSC forces in system are turned on by the Militia forces kicking off the Sirius Rebellion.
- The Covenant forces in Sirius continue to duel the UNSC unaware of the divide between there forces. The Sirius rebellion escalates, with the unveiling of a Rebel flagship the SRD Anubis, it is revealed that the Sirius uprising had been mounting for years. The Government in the system declared themselves the Sirius Republic and demanded all UNSC warship surrender unconditionally or flee the system. The UNSC flagship in system is destroyed between an engagement aginsted the Covenant Cruiser Halinkov and the SRD Anubis.
- UNSC forces flee the system, the Anubus turns its attention on the Covenant Warships granting them a twenty four hour permissions to disengage and flee the system.
- The UNSC Sorties the 4th Fleet take the system back by brute force and end the rebellion.
- The UNSC 4th fleet is confronted by a fleet representing Morgan Technologies greeting them in the system of Sirius. Morgan Technology's threatens hostilities aginsted the UNSC if they carry on with there course of action. Meanwhile Morgan Technology's offers to assist the UNSC in defending its few remaining outer colony's if they disengage from the system.
- The UNSC unable to fight a war on multiple fronts concedes with Morgan Technology's. Wile they do not acknowledge the legitimacy of the Sirius Republic, the system is forfeited to them for the time being.
- Ironically the events at Sirius strengthens the uneasy trust between the UNSC and Morgan Technology's in the Ribose System. Morgan Technology's holds up there end of the bargain and takes actions to help fortify the UNSC's fledgling colony's.
- In light of recent events ONI commissions a new flag ship for there Intelligence Branch. The ship yards of Sol begin construction of the Dimata.
- Kestral managed to track down the last subject of Project Nightstalker to the now remote system of Gelida.
- Kestral confronts the Subject who presents a ultimatum. Kestral however presents his own ultimatum. He takes a huge risk and brings the subject into SOC, the subject assumes the call sign Wolf based off of project Nightstalker.
- With the help of Morgan Technologies the Sirius Republic is able to establish itself and sustain its new independent government.

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Part III: The Start of the End

- Jeff, Zarry and Cap'n Sabree recruit Wotr'
- The UNSC-Covenant war continues to wage on. The UNSC is slowly loosing ground. But holding fast.
- Many of Bradford's old friends plead for him to rejoin the war effort in this time of crisis. However, having finally mended his relationship with his wife, he refuses, not wanting to sabotage his family life again. He assures his former comrades that he trusts in their ability to resolve the war without him.
- Rocar Empare commands an advanced fleet of warships and confronts Admiral Wolf's Damascus in the outer system of Tanya Astral. Admiral Wolf's fleet clashes in a grueling battle aginsted Rocar's forces. ONI looses there holdings in the system. To add injury to insult the data crystal from Procyon falls into Covenant hands.
- General Grant participates in a large series of battles to defend the recolonized UNSC planets. The attacks are inevitably a plot to distract UNSC forces and draw UNSC forces away from there core planets.
- UNSC Command Orders all UNSC personnel to ignore distress calls from the outer systems. This doesn't bode well for moral within the ranks.
- Grant orders Kestral to seek out ancient technology in hopes if gaining any advantage aginsted the Covenant.
- ONI R&D retrofits designs taken from ancient forerunner vessels to create shield systems for there capital ships. Wile they are exceedingly expensive to create the most important vessels in the UNSC are retrofitted with these new shield systems immediately.
- Section Zero's Project Armament produces a multitude of new High powered beam weapons. ONI is authorized to begin mass production of the weapons and to sell the designs to contractors.

- UNSC is finally able to hold the ground aginsted the Covenant Armada. With UNSC warships now being outfitted with powerful beam weapons they are able to stand toe to toe aginsted Covenant Warships. The Covenant Prepare another massive assault on the Antares system.
- A small Covenant Armada is prepared, and commanded by Fleet Master Yzo 'Tattinee. The Covenant launched what was supposed to be a surprise attack on the Antares system, however the Covenant Armada was greeted themselves by a UNSC Armada of there own helmed by Non other then General Roland Lougin and the Black Operations Flagship Nataoss. Due to the new armor, shield and weapon systems The UNSC Armada was not only able to repel the covenant attack but outright shut down there second attempted offensive in the system before it even began.
- The Covenant leadership was growing increasingly suspicious of dissidence in the ranks which was only exemplified by the assassination of Fleet Master Yzo 'Tattinee.

(All flood related events must be moved below this data)
- CC Browning joins ATLAS
- Many of the surviving Spartan-2's are sent to Reach, and planning commences for an operation to infiltrate Covenant territory and capture their leadership to force a ceasefire. However, these plans are abandoned when the Covenant locate and attack Reach.
- The UNSC and Covenant clash in a massive battle above Reach. The Covenant were hoping for a quick and decisive military victory with relatively low losses. Instead they lost warships by the hundreds chinking away at Reaches defenses. Due to the Covenants ineffective offensive multiple UNSC warships that otherwise would have perished escaped the battle intact.
- The events of Halo Reach take place.
- The Covenant, with heavy losses in both the space and ground theaters finally managed take the planet. Due to the Covenant being hole-fully unprepared to counter the growing advancements in the UNSC's Armaments multiple key personnel and officers escaped the planet along with valuable research and development projects.
- Halo CE, Halo ODST, and Halo 2 take place.
- Seeding discordance occurs. Covenant officers and Ship Masters are seen openly violating the holy construct and seeking out unsanctioned improvements to there armaments.
- Bravo 21 fights on the Ark’s surface until the war ends.
- The Great Schism occurs between the Covenant species.
- A Forerunner ship bearing the Prophet of Truth arrives on Earth, commencing the events of Halo 3.
- The Grave mind is defeated.
- In an act of insight the Grave Mind recalls its own denunciation, knowing that eventually the flood will return, the Grave Mind finds no reason not to pursue an interest. Knowing the possibilities that could arise, the Grave mind recreates and launches the secondary consensus mind from long ago; away from the believed doomed installation towards a unknown gravitational field believing it to be a forerunner arc ship.
- ONI observes the strange flood pods path, under orders from central command they do not destroy it. They wonder what they could do with the flood if they could control them. ONI's R&D Branch begins investigating Covenant technology's involving the flood.
- Tthe death of Truth.
- The Ark is damaged, Master Chief goes into cryo sleep in deep space
- The Battle of the Ark takes place, bringing the Human-Covenant war to an end.
- The Revolution form after the collapse of The Covenant Empire.
- With his Covenant masters gone, Ormentus strikes off on his own, gathering allies and seizing supplies. He and his supporters retreat to the outer edges of inhabited space, forming the Harvester faction.
- New heavily specialized advanced fighters and bombers are produced to effectively increase the growing gap in technology.

- The flood pod arrives on Cygna Prime smack down in the middle of the second colony.
- The flood pod is destroyed. The flood form escaped the pod before its destruction.
- During a ceremony presided over by Lord Hood, a monument is erected in the Kenyan Savannah near Mount Kilimanjaro to officially mark the end of the Human-Covenant war, and in remembrance of those who gave their lives in the war.
- General Grant launches a request into the colonization of Cygna Prime. Captain Arnold Benedict of Colonial affairs takes up the call and begins looking into the effects that proceeded.
- Zep 'Ktorshkv a previously up and coming Sangheili Commander, is elected into the role of Arbiter by the more fanatical and loyalist Sangheili. Thel adamantly disapproves but accepts Zep to mediate tensions between his people.
- A flood outbreak begins on Cygna Primes second colony.
- Thousands parish and the flood are beaten back. The Flood form claims a host, it is disgusted by its own actions but believes the sacrifices of the humans was necessary to start a new.
- The flood outbreak ends. All surviving flood remain in the ruins of the now destroyed colony. UNSC forces quarantine the area.
- The Inibitinary Mind begins to experiment and evolve.
- ONI begins to theorize the possibility of using the flood super cells to change the human genome. They begin experimenting with flood bio chemicals that were gathered from samples created during the first outbreak. They come to the conclusion that a piece of the puzzle is missing. They begin to search for the missing link.
- General lougin, with the assistance of the Intelligence flagship Dimata is able to identify an advanced flood form growing beneath the now destroyed second colony on Cygna Prime. They turn there focus to capturing this super flood. A specialized task force is derived to carry out the task of capturing and containing it.
- ONI sends multiple strike teams into the Quarantine zone to extract flood for research in there sick twisted experiments. The Inibitinary Mind is unaware of the disappearance of flood forms.
- ONI's specialized Black Ops strike team is eliminated as the flood presence within the lost colony is far more severe then initial scans showed. The Inibitinary mind is enraged by its failure to notice some of its flood missing. It begins to devise a offensive in response to the attack carried out by ONI.
- Jul 'Mdama establishes his Covenant Remnant, and resumes hostilities against humanity and the newly-formed Swords of Sanghelios.
- The Covenant Remnant are severely divided and understrength. Jul 'Mdama is not taken seriously by multiple leaders who instead strike out on there own.
- Nal Daldric strikes out on his own in search for Glory.
- Nrtak 'Nercazd is one such leader, striving off with a group of elite Covenant solders and becoming guns for higher. Eventually forming into the Death seekers.
- Bravo 21 are integrated into the Spartan IV program.
- The first graduates of the Spartan-IV program enter service.

- UNSC Forces commanded by General Ross are sent in force to clear out the second colony on Cygna Prime. This is a front for another ONI strike team to attempt capture of the growing super flood beneath the city. The Inibitinary Mind, in response, pulls all the flood forms to the center of the colony. ONI's strike team is halted and forced to retreat.
- Grant, along with Fennec come to the conclusion that SOC needs to be more autonomous then they already are. They pull strings and clearance codes to commission a special warship to be built utilizing the dizzying array of specialized technology's. Designs are drawn up and ran by the Operators. (Move with timeline events on Phantom Ships.)
- The Inibitinary mind hatches from the massive cocoon beneath the city, it is in-fused with machinery. The super flood rally's the other flood to it. It observes the mindless flood forms before it and selects 3 others to begins there evolutionary course. Slowly removing them from its direct control by cutting them off from the consensus. They three forms slowly begin to create there own minds and personality's. They are named Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.
- Kestral, and Grant undertake a lengthy selection process to determine who should helm SOC's new flag ship to replace the aging Zephier. Eventually they select Captain Denozo to helm there new vessel.
- The Equilibrium's construction begins. Along with it a support fleet of specialized vessels are also commissioned, drawn up and submitted for construction.
- ONI catches wind to the emergence of the Super Flood form and are shocked at its evolution. ONI's main goal in this endeavor is adjusted accordingly to now acquire a DNA sample of the Flood form in hopes that it will advance there own means of improving the human race. The super flood exceeds its designation. ONI classifies this new flood form as an Over Mind. It is deemed a threat to the human race. This allows ONI to commit a large offensive forces to the Quarantine Zone.
- Jim Branson joins the marine corps, eager to live up to the reputation of his famous father. Having had difficulty finding gainful employment elsewhere, his sister Anya takes inspiration from his decision, and enrolls in the Spartan-4 program.
- Vilified by his wife for his children's decisions, and having already been pressured to return to active duty by his former comrades, Bradford Branson sees this as the last straw, and reluctantly rejoins the UNSC.
- At some point during this year, Jul 'Mdama's Covenant discover the location of Requiem, though they are unable to gain entry.
- Nal 'Daldric hijacks a UNSC cruiser and leads raids on UNSC colony's.

- The SOC Equilibrium clears construction as one of the UNSC's most advanced combat craft. The Equilibrium is bristling with a massive array of new advanced technology's. Sporting Six Specially designed, hybrid beam rail emitters.
- Arbiter Zep is generally ignored by the Swords of Sangheilios. Feeling under appreciated and, he turns outward and broadens his horizons.
- Another Headhunters team consisting of Jason-397 and Mark-017 are sent to Sigma-Bravo. The team disappears shortly after arriving.
- Nal' Daldric works with Wotr ‘Ndashin for a short wile before overthrowing the Ship Master and stealing his warship the Vallacon. Nal's *** reputation starts to grow.

- The ATLAS-N group crash land on earth. They are initially arrested by the ONI Oversight division, but the division director, Agent Quandary, eventually decides that they're harmless and lets them go free.
- During their explorations of this strange future world, ATLAS 2 encounter a scholar named Damien Werth, who tells them many of the galaxy's legends regarding space/time travel.
- The ATLAS-N survivors spend the next few months traversing the known universe, investigating these legends, and stockpiling various Forerunner and Covenant technologies. As time passes, a schism forms within a group - while most still seek to return to their home universe, a splinter cell breaks off from the main group, deciding to make the best of their fresh start in this new universe.
- The main faction of ATLAS-N arrive on Gelida and begin searching for the three mythical weapons said to be hidden there. They find nothing, however, and instead begin construction of The Window.
- Multiple Post Covenant mini factions have established themselves and are raining terror in the Out Rim systems of the UNSC. The UNSC locked in guerrilla warfare aginsted the Remnants are unable to properly deal with the multiple sub groups. Now sporting maliciously deadly craft.
- ONI begins development of a smaller, more efficient and less costly shield system. They hope to have working prototypes by the end of the year.
- Admiral J.H Sabree and DBMAN learn about Jeff
- Admiral J.H Sabree and DBMAN leave the UNSC
- Admiral J.H Sabree and DBMAN found The Resistance Taskforce
- Arbiter Zep calls into question the frailty of the Sword's governing order. He claims that the swords are but puppets to the UNSC and that Thel is there puppet master.
- Traction builds aginsted Arbiter Thel.

- Wile ONI didn't achieve there goal by years end they were close. Completing it immediately afterwards.
- Manufacturing of the much smaller and cheaper shield system went into full effect. Due to market competition the price of this new technology was relatively low meaning anyone who could afford a decent sized freighter could probably add one onto there reactor.
- Newly formed Fireteam Whiplash consisting of Spartans Green-082, Charlie, Sabree, CC, Boo and CMA participate in several skirmishes against the covenant remnant.
- “Unyielding Fury” takes place.
- The ATLAS remanent travel through time and meet a squad of marines
- Resistance Taskforce meet up with the old ATLAS and they escape to a peninsular
- Jeff invades. The only survivors are Jeff, Nato, DBMAN, Wotr' and the two Sabrees
- Jeff escapes by using a Fancy Stone and travels to Gelida in another reality
- Project: V.O.R.T.E.X ends
- The Legend of Sabree begins
- DBMAN and the Admiral are extracted by Carileta
- Carileta puts them in front of a firing squad for deserting. They are rescued by ccbrowning and ATLAS
- Wotr' plans to invade clown base
- Cap'n Sabree finds Steve, Jeff's long-lost brother, and the time blade is resurrected
- DBMAN and Sabree are split up
- DBMAN meets GreenSpartan's ATLAS
- Clown Base invaded by ATLAS, Wort' and Cap'n Sabree
- Death of Cap'n Sabree
- Death of Carl Reach
- Admiral-Sabree erased from existence, creating a dimensional rip: a way to travel across dimensions
- The Legend of Sabree ends
- The Kig-Yar Zhix for some unknown reason ran away from her nest. Shortly after she was Incredulously allowed to join the covenant remnant despite her lack of any military training an age. (Don't at me on there race. I have no fracking clue, nest is the right term though)
- The events of The Quarantine Zone take place.
- The events of the Quarantine Zone catch the eye of Atlas-D in there home Universe. They have been monitoring the rupture for some time now. In fear that the Flood on Cygna will escalate things, Nato Greavesy moves forward with Operation Spear-head and orders David (DBman) Branson to enter the MV with Defanium Schism Six and set up a forward base for the Expeditionary Force.
- The First Battle of Requiem and the other events of Halo 4 take place.
- At the request of his old friend, Zaal 'Varim, Yhil Gzared travels to Gelida to help supervise the original Super Flood experiment. Pleased by the success, he leaves the planet and returns to his own experiments.
- The events of Those Two Guys take place.
- General Blight, having been left for dead on the battlefield, is found by a scouting team and taken to a medical ship in orbit to recover from his injuries.
- Atlas-D sets up a base on Cygna and monitors the rupture and fracture. It has become clear that something is at play here.
- At some point, the corpse of the Flood responsible for the death of Jim and Carlos’ team is discovered by the Covenant Remnant on Gelida, and used as a primary test subject in their “Super Flood” experiment, in a decommissioned UNSC base.
- The Inibitinary mind now free of the Colony launches a offensive towards ONI forces on Cygna Prime. The surviving Evolutionary Flood fight fiercely to free captured forms from ONI's hidden facility's. The Over Mind sets its goals on taking a UNSC vessel and fleeing Know sentient inhabited space. ONI initiates a no fly zone on the planet to stop it from spreading.
- Zhix is sent to the "Remnant" station Faulty Negotiations. A disorganized mess of an installation, home to rife raff and ran by the Remnant off branch Revolution. Zhix was put into a monitoring role, in which she was generally ignored.

- The Unknown Patrol takes place.
- UNSC forces raid the main base of the Covenant Remnant, seizing the “Super Flood” test subjects and technologies and transporting them to a new, secure location.
- On earth, General Blight becomes the focus of a UNSC investigation into the events from the previous year.
- ONI dispatches a team to Gelida to more closely monitor the situation.
- On the "Remnants" Station Faulty Negotiations Zhix convinced multiple other Kig-Yar and Unggoy to sneak aboard a and take control of an old Covenant Corvette, the Sither. The Sither was able to leave the station relatively unhindered do to simply disregard of the vessel.
- The events of Crossfire transpire.
- General Z19 is demoted, leaving Gelida without a commanding UNSC officer.
- The events of Halo 5 occur.
- Jul ‘Mdama is killed and the Battle of Sunaion takes place, leaving the Covenant Remnant forces still on Gelida without direction or support.
- With the fall of Jul's Covenant, the Harvesters - who had been steadily building up their weaponry and fleet strength by raiding isolated, vulnerable convoys and colonies - face a sudden, welcome influx of new recruits and resources.
- The Reclamation begins.
- The surviving “Super Flood” return to the place of their creation, the abandoned base that would later come to be known as “The Necropolis”.
- The Inibitinary Mind, unable to leave Cygna Prime and fully aware of the time distortions and the coming storm shifts its focus to helping the other flood to evolve beyond there normal constraints. The flood begin to grow Biomass to harvest into new flood forms. Intelligence in the horde rises.
- ONI is finally able to gain a DNA sample of the Inibitinary Mind. Combined with other data they have, they are able to formulate a serum that theoretically would change human DNA. Resulting in extremely strong and powerful human begins with intense regeneration.
- General Lougin is so confident it the research that he volunteers to be the test subject. The test is successful. Lougins DNA is greatly enhanced with presumed zero downsides.
- ONI learns that they can not synthesis the Inibitinary Minds DNA meaning they need to either capture and harvest it directly or acquire the rest of the flood data and combine there knowledge to finish the equation and synthesis the serum on there own.
- Atlas-D enters the greater picture and try's to minimize collateral damage caused by interferers.
- Jim and Carlos part ways, the latter leaving the army, while the former is promoted to lead a fireteam of his own.
- The one-armed man known only by the codename “Relict” arrives on Gelida with his team of mercenaries, and begins investigating the remnants of the “Super-Flood” experiment.
- With the UNSC demanding an explanation for the Crossfire incident, ONI directs blame onto General Blight, adding numerous charges to the ongoing investigation. He is formally charged with high treason, and a lengthy trial begins.
- ONI devises a plan to reacquire the flood research conducted by the covenant. The ONI Intelligence flag ship Dimata is sent to Gelida and orbits the planet. General Lougin takes temporary control of the ONI operations planet side and orders Marcos to send a squad of solders to the deserted now flood controlled Necropolis.
- The events of Necropolis take place.
- During the events of the Necropolis the Dimata uses advanced orbital scanners to get detailed information about the flood research, they cover there tracks by simply pointing out that they were not involved in the destruction of the base.
- UNSC Command has bigger issues to deal with and overlooks ONI's actions.
- Generals Fergusson and Branson are sent to Gelida to reassert UNSC control.
- The remaining “Super Flood” migrate to the planet’s frozen regions.
- Project Corviks enters its later stages of development. Now fully capable of linking and transmitting memory's. Thanks to Corviks and Project Reclamation it is possible to be in a sort of way immortal. General Daren Blight is one of fifteen members placed into the program.
- Zhix with the Sither arrived in the system Gienah Cygni too meet with Rocar Empara. Who imparted on the young Kig-Yar wisdom to help her on her own path.

- The Banished/UNSC conflict on the Ark takes place, as shown in Halo Wars 2.
- ONI makes a power play for the Inibitinary Mind. There attempt fails but instead they managed to capture a mass amount of growing flood forms.
- An attempt is made on the Arbiter Thel's life. Disgusted he calls Zep out on the attack. Likewise Zep is insulted that Thel would suggest he would order such an assassination. Tensions are strained further between the two wile Thel hunts down the one who ordered his assassination.
- Zhix's Sither has gained notoriety in the outer systems for its ship raids. Wile the Sither primarily only targets cargo vessels it has become a thorn in the UNSC's side, Its long range beam emitters making it particularly dangerous for Cap ship engagements.
- Zhix having amassed a large supply of valuable materials, trades everything to a Jiralhanae Ship Mistress Sapeeus for a small crystalline device.
- Lougin devices a plan to capture the Inibitinary Mind. Using its enhanced being of self aginsted it. Johnson Frank is tasked with overseeing the missions success.

- After his defeat on Installation 00, Atriox travels to Gelida in search of the fabled “Rift Sabre”, a powerful weapon forged by an unknown, now-extinct civilisation.
- Oni Scientist Marry Sullivan begins to investigate Sigma-Bravo.
- Rocar 'Empara declares himself in command of the covenant resistance and begins rallying all to his cause. The Corilan is born. Wile many of the former Covenant leaders ignore him much in the same vain as they did Jul. Rocar actively hunts them down and personally recruits them into the Corilan, if they refuse they are exterminated.
- Arbiter Zep, in the wake of the Corilan challenged Thel and his leadership, offering his sword to Rocar. Thel was shortly there after forced to flee Sangheilios, as many of his race held the very same sentiment that Zep challenged Thel with some years back.
- Thel rallied the Swords of Sangheilios that still held to there alliance with the UNSC and regrouped in the Polaris System.
- Nrtak was now know as Death Seeker Nercazd. Rocar approached the Death Seekers bringing with him information on the scattered remains of the Matreyark. The Death Seekers joined the Corilan and Nercazd set out to track down and rebuild his masterpieace. This time with plans to improve on the original scarab design.
- UNSC Dispatched the Frigate CapCom and the Crusier Mitigation to destroy the Sither.
- Qolum 'Thirra and Mortem 'Evollo join Rocar's Corilan. Mortem, in turn, reaches out to Varn 'Doram, who he'd had prior dealings with.
- The Inibitinary Mind after strenuous work creates a successful flood colony on the far side of Cygna Prime.
- The Sither engages the CapCom and Mitigation in the System Tau Valentes. The Sither annihilates the Warships fighter and bomber escort and executes an in system jump to immediately flank the warships and tear them apart. Zhix wants it to be abundantly clear they brought it on themselves.
- ATLAS-N complete their work on The Window, and use it to covertly spy on the ATLAS 1 group.
- The events of The Raid take place.
- In the chaos of a bungled robbery, a family friend named Burton kills Emilia, the mother of Carlos and Marco. Carlos emerges from his self-enforced retirement to hunt Burton down.
- Distraught by the loss of his wife, Lucio Giuseppe is easily recruited into Relict’s schemes, with the promise of ensuring that the rest of his family will be given eternal life.
- The ONI Oversight Division launches an inquiry of their own into the ongoing situation on Gelida. Concerned that the division may have been infiltrated by an ally of Relict, agent Amy Meridian travels to Gelida to investigate in person.
- Arbiter Zep on the behest or Rocar is sent to Cygna Prime to activate the first radiant spire.
- The events of Resurgence take place.
- The events of Recall take place.

- ONI finishes there Flood serum. Despite the setbacks they believe there dream of controlling the flood can still be achieved.
- ONI makes a bold deal with the Inibitinary Mind. A trade, it for the rest of the flood on the grounds that they will leave the flood colony on Cygna alone. It agrees to ONI's deal and the trade is made. Primary takes control of the flood horde on Cygna, and converts the other forms into the new Flood evolution.
- Primary, despite warnings by the Inibitinary mind intends to grow a Grave mind intelligence.
- Wolf of SOC is sent to Gelidea by Fennec to gather intel on the circumstances that lead to the Raid. With the SOC Overseers advanced scanners he watches the events of Turning point, (Comic: Remember Who You Were)
- Turning Point takes place.
- With the Events of Turning Point have come and passed, SOC is tasked with ending the Gelida crisis.
- Wolf reports the death of Branson too Fennec who informs Grant.
- Grant morns the loss of his friend. Kestral is taken aback by how much Bradford's death has effected him. Grant becomes distant and withdrawn.
- Grant seeing that the UNSC needs him now more then ever, puts on a strong face and barriers his grief.
- Fireteam Destiny arrives on Sigma-Bravo.
- “Story of a Madman” takes place.
- Wolf identifies Relict as the scientist who created the Mechanica project and wants revenge. He goes rouge.
- With Relict presumed dead, Lucio Giuseppe takes over his remaining forces, asserting his own agenda over the original plans of the group.
- General Blight’s trial continues, but thanks to a team of skilled lawyers hired by Lucio, the charges are dropped and he returns to Gelida.
- At the same time, Lucio recruits Damien Werth, a historian and archaeologist who specializes in the technology and mythology of ancient stellar civilizations.
- Shortly after the events of Turning Point General Grant orders a meeting between all surviving UNSC Commanders.
- Kestral is sent to find wolf and bring him back.
- A few weeks after Turning Point concludes, Circle of Vengeance begins.
- The meeting of the minds takes, UNSC Commanders discuss the growing problems of the UNSC and attempt to develop a strategy to resolve these issue.
- Circle of Vengeance concludes.
- With Lucio Giuseppe dead, his company is closed down, and the assets are divided up by squabbling stockholders. Without his factories to produce weapons and equipment, many of the settlements and bases in the outer colonies find themselves short on supplies.
- As a direct result of this, the UNSC officially withdraws all personnel and support from Gelida.
- lost in the snow begins.
- Kestral tracks wolf across the frozen plains of Gelida to a long since forgotten UNSC base. Wolf beats Kestral down and warns him not to follow.
- Kestral breaks a promise.
- Marco Giuseppe and his lieutenant Elizabeth Maxwell are officially declared rogue agents. ONI begins taking steps to arrest/assassinate them.
- ONI's Black Operations Flagship Nataoss enters the Gelida system and orbits Gelida VII.
- Lougin watches the events unfold from his ship. Determining if he should act or not. He concludes not to act.
- The ONI Oversight division bring their mobile base - a unique vessel codenamed the "Haven Curator" - into orbit around Gelida. Captain Gena Grey and engineer Angi Meridian make preparations to head to the surface.
- Zero Hour begins.
- 27th blades are sent in to deal with Marcos and his second. Z-19 of the blades questions his role in ONI.
- 27th blades encounter fierce resistance from the flood forms down on the planet. Z-19 of the blades turns on his fellow solders and leaves them to the horde disappearing into the mountains.
- Agent Quandary takes Elizabeth Maxwell, Seth Blight, and Julien Vex into custody, locking them on board the Haven Curator until they can be interrogated.
- At the same time, Angi, Amy, and Jim try to figure out a way to get Carlos back.
- With alien forces beginning to consolidate themselves, and rumours of an impending attack on Antares, General Grant sends ODST Commander Greer to find Jim Branson.
- The Blackhand, now operating as a recruiter of sorts for Mortem and the Corilan, brings Yhil 'Gzared and Zaal 'Varim into the fold.
- Carlos, Marco, and Shade emerge from the portal and find themselves in the Timeless Plains.
- Tangent begins.
- Jim reluctantly leaves for Antares Prime, bringing Vex and Blight with him.
- Unknown parties change the course of history ever so slightly.
- Carlos returns from the Timeless Plains, clearly traumatised by his experiences there. Unbeknownst to him or his allies, a mysterious woman has followed him back to his world.
- Shortly after his return, Carlos experiences a strange dream (comic: Psychosis), wherein he receives an ominous warning, and a strange knife that follows him wherever he goes.
- After being closed down earlier in the year, G-Corp is unexpectedly revived in December, now managed by Jeremiah Maxwell, one of the former stockholders in the company. However, the company no longer has access to its contracts with the UNSC, and is forced to make trade deals with... less scrupulous parties.
- Rocar Empara calls on the Kig-Yar Zhix for assistance. He asks her to pay back his contributions and in return he will help her recover the remaining Data strings to fully decrypt the Crystallin device. Zhix adamantly joins, however she is not confident about participating in large engagements.
- Arbiter Zep is called back to the Corilan in preparation for the assault on Antares.
- The Reclamation begins.
- The First Spire is raised in the Cygna System. Spartan Jason397 gives into his rage and anger at the death of his squad mate Roke, bending reality in his fight aginsted the Will of Atriox.
- A massive blue and purple warship drops out of orbit on Earth and smashes into the planet. The warship is able to lift itself from the crash and jump away.
- The events of Ghosts of the Past takes place.
- The Reclamation is set in motion, ending (the Comic) Reclamation.
- Outpost Haven is handed over to Captain Carlson as General Ross and the main task force are brought to Antares.
- Throughout the year General Grant has been rallying UNSC forces to the system of Antares. Seeing clearly that the Corilan is preparing to strike down the UNSC stronghold in a bid to crush the UNSC entirely and force her colonies into rebellion.
- Grant is stressed out, seeing himself as one of the few things holding the UNSC together. Fennec warns him that holding his problems in will only cause problems. He assures her that once the UNSC wins he won't have to hold anything back anymore.

- The Return of Nato Greavesy begins
- Death of Spartan John-117 and Thel 'Vadam at the hands of Jeff on the planet Gelida (in an alternate universe)
- An alternate Carlos travels to the Mega-Verse
- ATLAS 1 travels to Nato's head
- ATLAS 1 and a squad of Alt-ATLAS units lead by GreenSpartan082 meet at the Geledian Marsh
- LishaThorne Rebels against her fellow ATLAS troops, killing GreenSpartan
- RoeBuck, RuCat and JER0ME join Lisha and ATLAS 1
- Arby morphs into Jeff. The doom returns
- Death of JER0ME
- Death of RuCat
- Jeff, ATLAS, Nato and Lisha Thorne leave Nato's head and travel to the Mega-Verse
- ATLAS base found and secured by ONI
- Jeff arrives at Area 51, Nevada, where the Defanium Schism is kept
- Code: Green begins
- Timothy Wolf and Green Spartan are taken into ONI custody by Overseer Robin
- Jeff obtains Gauntlets of Drathu, Time Blade and fake-Defanium Schism
- Robin hires mercenary Jonathan to hunt down ATLAS
- Jonathan joins ATLAS
- Robin gets Tim to develop a new super-suit
- Jeff learns about location of the real Defanium Schism
- ATLAS, ONI and Jeff all arrive at Lance base for different reasons
- Jeff obtains the Crystal Key
- ONI falls back to Area 51
- ATLAS arrive in Dimension: X, the Elven prison realm
- Code: Green ends
- Trials of CC Browning begins
- ONI's ATLAS armour completed
- “Just Gold” takes place.
- A small UNSC Outpost know as Espilion Base begins to be built.
- I am your Pariah, I alone will guide you through the sand.
- Jim questions Vex about his role in the first Battle of Antares, hoping to gain some insight that will help him in the battle to come. Instead, he finds himself questioning if his father was really the kind of man he'd always thought he was.
- Carlos decides to travel to Antares to help Jim, but the ship that was going to take him there is destroyed by the same mysterious woman who followed him back from the Timeless Plains.
- Spartan 3 Jason-397 is discovered frozen in the Antarctic Region of Sigma-Bravo.
- Fireteam Whiplash consisting of Spartans Green-082, Charlie, Sabree, CC, Boo, Diesel, DB and Delta-444 are stationed on Sigma-Bravo.
- Times Collide begins.
- Epsilon base begins to be upgraded.
- Events of “Whiplash” take place.
- Lost In the Snow concludes.
- The planet is plunged into an Ominous predicament as the Enigmatic Free Gelidea Coalition levy for control of the planet aginsted a massive, ever growing Flood Horde.
- The Haven Curator departs from Gelida's orbit, leaving the planet officially, completely abandoned by humanity.
- The FGC quickly take full control of the planet and officially claim it under there control. The FGC begins production of an installation.
- Lost in the Snow: Causatum takes place.
- The Vault of Souls is partially opened, using a backdoor built by the Forerunners. The resulting disruption to the balance of nature sends a wave of unnatural energy sweeping across the cosmos... awakening something that has slumbered for millennia.
- Nal 'Daldric is conscripted into the Corilan for the Assault on Antares.
- Atlas-D establishes a base on Antares disguised as UNSC personnel to monitor the events of the coming war.
- Events of “Revolution” take place.
- The Revolution’s Flagship arrives at Sigma-Bravo.
- Varn 'Doram manages to convince the Harvesters to ally with the Corilan forces preparing to besiege Antares.
- Events of “Espilion” take place.
- Events of Calm Before the Storm take place.
- The Battle of Antares begins.
- In the Light of the Red Star unfolds. The UNSC clashes with the first wave of the Covenant Armada.
- Events of “Forgotten” take place.
- The battle of Antares ends.
- The events of the Gone take place
- Jason's team is sent to an ONI dead zone with the Master Chief in charge of Section Zero. They are forced to fight for there lives against a ONI super power.

- The collapse
- After collapse Info on systems and faction powers
- Jason397a comic the Collapse begins


- The Tenembra Will RISE AGAIN

- When the light goes out, there is only darkness.
- Live with your actions.

- Unknown

- The universe ends

- This is but the begging, and the beginning is but a means to an end -

- All things must come to an end, for them to begin again... -

One Future
- The Wounderer will meet with the Elven Magistrate at the Gleaming City of Celestis. A choice will have to be made.
- Do not fear my child, the time has come, your actions will define you -

- Ascension, cold clamorous dissidence. Irrelevancy. Do you not see it? Speak it or hear it, speak at it? Will you stand there with me? Will you not go, when things must fall? What is it that drives you to your place. I fail to understand the simplicity to your implication. Yet I cannot relent it. It is sound and found. So will you walk with me then. To the top of the gleaming tower. Can you stay with me until then? When we all fly away? You will, it is you. You are trapped by it. You might call fate. Lies are the same. Everyone has to play there part, even if its the part nobody wants to play. So reliquary. Stand with me, Let us eviscerate each. May we draw, and may We both fade...

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I thought the forerunners preceded modern humanity and co-existed with ancient humanity.

Now here's the thing: modern humanity appeared around 300 000 BC so you might want to revise your entire timeline.

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For anyone who might be confused by all of this, we're trying to consolidate management of the Mega-Verse under a group account we can all access, so it doesn't fall to one user to keep everything updated all the time. The Mega-Verse Entertainment group account will be used to maintain our official threads, make announcements, post teasers, etc.

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Survivor11 wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:26 pm
I thought the forerunners preceded modern humanity and co-existed with ancient humanity.

Now here's the thing: modern humanity appeared around 300 000 BC so you might want to revise your entire timeline.
Only in this universe we came from the planet Cor, not Earth. Totally different universe than ours.

User avatar
charliebucket wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:15 pm
Survivor11 wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:26 pm
I thought the forerunners preceded modern humanity and co-existed with ancient humanity.

Now here's the thing: modern humanity appeared around 300 000 BC so you might want to revise your entire timeline.
Only in this universe we came from the planet Cor, not Earth. Totally different universe than ours.
Oh, OK.

User avatar
There alot of things different about our timeline. ...

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