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Wasteland: Nigel’s Post-Apocalyptic Story - Page 139 - Community

Wasteland: Nigel’s Post-Apocalyptic Story

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Oh, my sweet summer children.

You don't truly believe that such blissful happiness can actually endure in the wasteland?

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:46 am
Oh, my sweet summer children.

You don't truly believe that such blissful happiness can actually endure in the wasteland?
... well if that’s not threatening, I’m not quite sure what is.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:46 am
Oh, my sweet summer children.

You don't truly believe that such blissful happiness can actually endure in the wasteland?
*hallmark movie noises*

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I keep meaning to write a Christmas Wasteland story. Just been busy

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The dust on that table really helps settle the mood. Intentional or not, I love small details like that.

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Spartanz19 wrote:
Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:17 pm
The dust on that table really helps settle the mood. Intentional or not, I love small details like that.
Haha, that table is from one of my Ashes of Antares locations. It's been set up and sitting in the open for over a year. I'll probably need to clear the dust off it before I use it for its intended purpose again.

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One final short story for the end of the year.

Wasteland: Tis' the Season

"So, any reason you had us change up our routine tonight?" Mega asked, eyeing Vera curiously as the two walked down the streets of Sub-Harenae. Vera had suggested as much instead of their usual habit of going to the pub.

"I was feeling a little … festive, is all." Vera defended, averting her gaze as she answered. Technically, the statement wasn't a lie, but she did have ulterior motives she wasn't willing to share yet.

"Oh. Well in that case, wanna go to the city center?" Mega asked, smirking playfully. "I hear they're setting up all kinds of decorations. Lights, wreaths … mistletoe."

Vera nearly stumbled as she registered that last one, thankful that her scarf hid her blazing red blush.

"R-really?" She squeaked, before clearing her throat and shrugging casually. "I mean, neat. Good to hear."

Mega shot her another curious glance before nodding and smiling once more.

"Yup. Good to hear that some people still care about the holidays." He agreed, before coming to a halt at the end of the alleyway they had been walking through. "And here we are."

Sure enough, the two mutants gazed upon the city center, which was indeed alight with lights and high spirits. Mutants and humans alike mingled and enjoyed the festivities. Mega even spotted Diesel and Roe chatting with Nato and Matthias, all looking happier then he'd ever seen them.

"Huh. Looks like the Wasteland isn't such a bad place to be after all." He mused, beaming at Vera. Little did he know the effect the smile had on his friend, who was still flushing under her scarf. Suddenly, she spoke up.

"Mega, I need to talk to you about something important."

The Wastelander quirked an eyebrow at his companion, but turned to face her completely.

"Ok. What's up?"

"I-I don't really know how to say this …" Vera admitted, averting her eyes once more. The smile slipped off Mega's face as he realized how serious she was being.

"Is something wrong, Vera?" He asked, coaxing his fellow mutant to meet his eyes.

"I … ok. Ok, so … I really like you, Mega." Vera confessed, practically shaking with excitement. Mega quirked an eyebrow once more and opened his mouth to quip, only for Vera to cut him off.

"And I don't just mean, "like you". I mean, you went out of your way to socialize with me, you treated me better then anyone else I've ever met in my life, and you've even invited me into your home. All the while, you treated me like a friend. Something that so few people have done. And … I started to see you differently because of it."

Mega felt unexpected waves of shock, and slight fear, radiate through him as Vera's eyes bored into his own, and she stepped closer.

"Mega, I've never felt this way about anyone before." She continued, now standing right in front of Mega, eye to eye. "I … I think I love you."

Silence engulfed the pair as they stared at each other, both uncertain of what comes next. Suddenly, Vera was struck with the fear that she might have misread her relationship with Mega. What if he was just a good friend? What if he wanted nothing to do with her now?! What if-

And suddenly, her mind went blank as Mega's lips collided with hers. She hadn't realized that her scarf had sank with her rant, allowing the Wastelander open access to her lips. Then, just as quickly, Mega lurched back a panicked expression on his face.

"W-was that too much?" He stuttered, his face now glowing a bright red that rivaled Vera's. "I-I don't have any real experience with this kind of stuff, I-if it was too much, I'm sorr-"

Mega's embarrassed stuttering came to an abrupt halt as Vera re-initiated the kiss, pressing her companion against the far wall of the alley. This kiss was longer, more intimate, and when the pair separated, no explanation was needed.

"Well, it's about time."

The new voice made both of the mutants jump, hastily separating before facing Roe and Diesel, both of whom looked quite amused with their reactions.

"H-how long have you been standing there?!" Vera sputtered, yanking her scarf back up to cover her blush.

"Long enough." Diesel replied, grinning openly. "Look, I'm glad you two have finally worked your thing out. I hope you're happy with each other."

"I'm glad, too." Roe agreed, before shooting Mega a pointed smirk. "But I don't wanna see any little mutants running around anytime soon, ok?"

"S-SHUT UP, ROE!" Mega shouted, grabbing Vera's hand and leading her away from the soldiers. "You don't have a decent bone in your body, do you?"

"Oh, I have plenty!" Roe retorted swiftly the rest of his (likely indecent) statement cut off as Mega and Vera retreated back towards their room. After about a minute of walking, Mega slowed back down and offered Vera an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that." He muttered, cheeks still burning red. "Er, is there anything else you wanted to do tonight?"

Vera shrugged, and merely cuddled up to her new … something, and grinned.

"I'll settle for spending it with you."

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Now would be a good time for me to crash through the ceiling in a freak accident and ruin the moment.

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