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Short stores and lore thread - Page 2 - Community

Short stores and lore thread

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This was removed... why I'm not sure. It breaks none of the rules. I just checked even. Mabey log 2 sure it had that last part buuuuuttttt Log 3 of Arnold benedict replying to Grant? Nothing of the sort. Kestrals communication to Grant same thing I know what I typed. anyway expect me to redo them both later as I didn't not archive the last 2 at least with the second communication I emailed it to myself.

Recergence- secondary objective

"As kestral stepped onto the bridge of the Equilbrium, he was greeted by the sight of his naval officer. He had received a comunica from the bridge that he was needed immediately, upon hearing that he rushed to the bridge as fast as he could."

Denozo? He said in a whipped voice. What is it?

"Denozo gestured for him to come up to the platform" Kestrel come in. I received a encrypted message from command, upon decryption the message said simply that you were to contact them immediately. Command wants to speak with you specifically... "he looks at the floor with a tinge of distrust in his voice" Alone.

"Kestral looked down as well studying his boots, they were rather dirty actually. He then looked Denozo in the face, nodding his head he replied. Alright then, let's see what they want.

"Admiral Denozo nodded and began to step off the bridge gesturing for his specially selected staff of officers , pilots and technicians to leave the room with him. As they exited the bridge the metallic dour slid shut leaving the man clad in ODST armor alone with the hologram projector, there he wrapped on the lighted surfaces using his hands to roll through the contact information. Once he found his contact he selected it and made the call. In a matter of seconds the projector roared to life, showing a woman in a fine pressed uniform, not much could be made out from the yellow light of the projector but it was a face he had come to know quite often in the last few years"

Well, "he stuttered" looks like I'm graced by your presence once again.

"The woman in the projector almost scoffed at him, he knew it was a friendly gesture, or well close enough. She brought her hand up to her face swiping a strand of hair that had fallen into her eyes. She addressed him in a more professional tone"

Hello Director, "she pronounced her words with a bit of a flair, something of irritation perhaps, she was never really patient with him, he enjoyed messing with her, trying to push her buttons" I have some pressing matters that I must inform you on. "She said in her refined accent" 1700, 2561, 7, 24 a Spartan under the name and designation Z-19 was reported "he cut her off"

"With wide eyes he blurted" Z-19! The guy who's leading the squad I brought with me!

"Sighing she looked as if she rolled her eyes, wiping the strand of hair that had chosen at that moment to fall in her face" No, "she stated" if you would let me finish. A marine task force only know as Raven, made a report that this Spartan killed his own squad. Now before you flip out it's not the Z-19 who's with you. Not technically anyway.

"Kestral looked at her with a crooked eye" what? "He pronounced" what do you mean technically.

"Leaning in as for emphasis, half her face was cut off by the hologram projector. He found it funny. She told him about her investigation into multiple Z-19's. By the end of her investigation she was able to confirm that at least 12 people. All with the same ID's, DNA, and identification codes existed within the UNSC logs"

"Kestrel was confused by this though. What did this have to do with his mission. So what a guy with the same name as one of his men kills his own squad. Big woop send someone to take him out, plain and simple. We'll he was about to find out why"

"She once again brushed the stand of hair out of her face. Looking at him she told him" Now why is this relevant. I bet that's what you're wondering right. "She looks down, he can't see what she's doing on her end. He then heard a distinct and loud beeping noise similar to his alarm clock back in sol. He looked down to see that his consul had just received a coded dispatch, he looked back up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"She replied with her own, and said" well what are you waiting for? Listen to it.

"He looks up at her with his eyes meanwhile his hands work on opening the file" just waiting for you permission. "He told her"

Shut up "she tells him annoyed"

"He smirks and focuses on opening the file, the audio recording comes out in a wispy and static filled voice, this is what it had to say"

(Listen, please. I need someone to just listen to me. I didn't do it. I didn't kill my own team that is, I mean why would I. We were like family, they were the closest friends I ever had. See there's these things. They put them into our heads. Not just me, but all of us. They use it to control us. Change our thoughts. They wanted me to kill them but I refused... I resisted and so they did it themselves and blamed it on. There coming for me, I don't have a lot of time. If you get this please, please! Just stop to consider the possibilities. If they can do this to us what's stopp-)

"The recording cuts out abruptly and it ends. He crossed his arms now looking down at the console. Not willing to meet her eyes" and? "He says"

"She leans back, turning her head to the side, causing the strand to fall back into her face, she didn't bat it away this time" We... "She stutters in a very serious tone now, looking at him with her, as he knew there color; steel blue eyes distorted into a yellow from the projected hologram" we, believe him.

"Kestral sighed, for once he agreed with her judgement and that of his pals back at HQ, he was too sincere, almost crazy, it was the voice of a broken man, he knew all too well what that sounded like. blank he was that man once. Back during the UNSC Covenant war. He was but a boy back then but had the burdens of any true soldier. She pulled him out of that nightmare. If he could help this Spartan he would"

"Looking back at her now, closing out the audio recording on the console" So what is it.

"She brushed the strand of hair out of her eyes again, not annoyed but just getting out of her face" We believe the marine squad, Raven. There on ONI'S payroll. We think they captured him, and if reports are correct we traced the outbreak of gen zero back to the RND flagship Dimata. Which is now actively orbiting above Cygna Prime as you know. "She stated this with a bit of reservation in her voice"

"Kestrel looked at her, this makes everything a whole lot harder doesn't it"

"She replied" I'm afraid so, you know have a second objective. "She straightened the collar of her uniform" you are to find Raven, and if at all possible find this Spartan and bring him back to us. We need to know what ONI is really up too.

"Kestral smiled, and with a quirky reply" Can do. I always liked a challenge, and this op is turning out to be one blank of a rodeo.

"She smiled" of course you would, I'm afraid this is only the beginning, and things are going to get a lot worse really fast.

Ok course it is "he said back in a light manner, the strand fell back into her face, she reached up to swipe it away" leave it. It's just going to fall back anyway besides it looks fine. "She frowned and swiped it away" ya what ever, well be in touch.

"She replied one last time" watch yourself. "She then looked down and tapped at the console ending the call, as the hologram projector powered down kestrel stood on the now silent bridge thinking to himself. He made sure to download the estranged Spartans message onto a external drive before deleting it from the mainframe. Turning off the console he pressed one last button signaling for the command crew to come back to their stations"

"As the men shuffled in finishing up their conversations and getting ready to man their stations once more Denozo stopped and looked at Kestral" So, "he asked" what was that about if you don't mind me asking.

"Kestral looked at the Admiral" a secondary objective "he told him", one that for all intents and purposes is going to make this a whole lot harder. It's going to be one thing if they think we're spying on them but what I have in mind if we run into it. Will put us right in the cross hairs of every ONI agent in the system.

"With that Kestral turned and stepped off the bridge leaving it to Denozo and his men to ensure it reached its destination, the door slide behind him with a sound that resonated throughout the hull of the bridge"

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shall keep editing this down until it gets green lit

Communication: Captain Arnold Benedict
Sender: General Christan Grant - UNSC High Command
Captain. I wanted to thank you personally for undertaking this endeavor. I have to inform you however that you will be unable to find the original crew of the Washington. I decided to tack a gander into the subject matter but my investigation was immediately cut short by ONI. The matter was classified by the highest order of ONI's command structure, even I don't have access to the information unless its a need to know bases. I gathered do too who was handling the situation that asking any more would have resulted unfavorably for me. Lucky for me I don't need official channels. I called in a favor from a special friend of mine. After 4 hours of haphazard jargon back and forth they managed to sneak me clearance codes to the information. This leads us too a new problem for thought. The entire crew stationed aboard the Washington at this time all perished shortly after. ONI records list them as unknown causes, its the first time I've ever seen ONI confused as to what happened. There not behind the crews disappearance or death, but simply the cover up.
This is where everything gets twisted. There's at least 30 some reports from ONI agents all around the Draconis cluster. Its a bunch of crazy nonsense reports back and forth that barley make sense. After piecing all the reports together I got a general idea of what happened. The Washington was back in rout to Harvest to restock and resupply for its next expedition when the captain of the ship reported a sort of sickness. One agent who spoke on comms with the commander of the vessel said he sounded sporadic. Stuttering and slurring his words. Another reported that the Washington failed to check in at its assigned relay station. She was order to contact the vessel, upon doing so however she was greeted with static and someone screaming into the comms some sort of passage or script. She wrought down some words, a piece of her report follows " I tried to scratch down what he was yelling at me but the static made it hard to hear it was something like dead stars screaming in the all spires of space or something. Then the line just went dead" She went on about the ship's subsystems and that the vessel was broadcasting a emergency signal yet was jamming itself. Multiple reports track the Washington's final location to Alpha Draconis and the planet Cyan-129. Within hours the entire planet fell silent. ONI classified the entire incident immediately, General Lougin dispatched strike team Raven, Manticore, and Verdan. The last piece of information revolves around the sol survivor of the strike team, Sergeant Seth Blight. He has filed his own report and i'll include it at the end of this message. Ill sum up what his report says.
To put it simple the teams were sent to different parts of the planet to locate the Washington, The colony on the planet and the UNSC command base Cassine. Our guy Blight was on the team sent to the command base. He starts his report stating that his CO Commodore Nero started acting strange immediately upon their entry into the system. This didn't seem to be a problem to him as he assumed his CO was just a bit jumpy. As they made touch down the team split up into four groups of four. He was amazed by what seemed to have happened. Apparently the entire base was scorched and damaged, he said there was plasma and rocket scorching, armor, guns, and ammo everywhere but they didn't find anything. Nothing to verify what happened. He explained and pointed out that his CO knew exactly where they were going, as if he was in some sort of trance. Private Rigs, one of the men with him, tried to ask Nero where they were going but he didn't answer. They entered the command center of the base, Blight and everyone else had just received a message from Verdan. He wrought that the message was scrambled so badly he couldn't make out a word. Then it all went to crazy as he says. The entire base announced that Quarantine had been disabled. Nero then shot and killed Rigs and wounded there other man Private Mike. Blight had to take out his own commander but it didn't end there. He elaborates as the rest of strike team raven come on the comms calling for everyone to fall back. They were under attack by some sort of biological abominations. Blight helped Mike through the halls, it seems mike made him leave him behind? They were attacked by something, he didn't elaborate on what, just that it was, human. Blight regrouped with a few of the other members of strike team Raven. One of the other soldiers had some vials that were extrapolated from one of the surviving crew members of the Washington. They believed it held answers to what happened to the crew aboard the Washington and that it might explain what happened to the base. They made it back outside and made a run for the pelicans. There they were ambushed by a squad of there men and the things that were in the base. Blight the man with the vials and another guy made it to one of the pelicans. They managed to get airborne but not before one of them was bitten by one of the things. While exiting the planets orbit one of the men started to break down freaking out while the other who was bitten was expressing pain throughout his whole body. Blight tried to contact the other teams from the cockpit, Verdan he got nothing but static. Manticore on the other managed to get a message out, it was on a continues loop. It was sent to the other teams to evacuate the planet immediately, the ship had been overran by a unknown biological life form. They demanded that anyone who gets off the planet is too immediately order in a full orbital bombardment of the planet to contain the threat, the message was cut off from there and was just silent for a few minutes before it repeated. Blight went back down to the bay of the pelican orbiting the planet to inform the others of everyone else's fate. What he was greeted with was a mess, the man who was bitten killed the other guy. Blight wasted no time in mowing down the solder. He recovered the vials from the bay and then sealed the doors and remained in the pelicans cockpit broadcasting a distress message. The Dimata arrived and without question the planet was glassed and all logs related to the subject matter were classified at level Zero Red Alpha Omega. Blight was extracted from the cockpit of the pelican and the ship was destroyed in orbit of the planet. He notes that he handed the vials to a man named Johnson Frank. He received a promotion for his assignment and was told to discuss the events and subject matter of his operation to no one.
I have a request, I can't discuss it here on theses dispatches, Meet me on Mars when you get the chance, there's a lovely bar called the Red Grave. We can discuss this matter in more private without anyone else listening in. Get back to me when you will be there. Also as promised blights full report from his OP it's a mess, read it if you have time but you might want something to help take it all in.

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There was shouting at the other end of the hallway, a young marine spotted them and called for backup. Moments later the sound of pounding footsteps could be heard over the small firefight. Suddenly a...
ccbrowning5 wrote:
An assassin named Clarissa found them and was making them feel like she was going to kill but then joined forces with them to help overthrow leadership. Clarissa got their armor painted and also taught them how to blend into a crowd. While on the run the 3 Spartans discovered her horrible secret. She told the 3 Spartans that Haberle killed her husband and only son. The group kept running until they could find a decent safe house. Their safe house became not so safe when the special ops task force came. Clarissa knew at that moment that it was time to retaliate. The 3 Spartans suited up while escaping the building by jumping off the 3rd floor. They ran and ran until they reached the local military base. They killed anyone in their way whilst running towards the armory. They make it into the armory and gear up. They prepare to hit the door's control panel when...

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Whoops I messed that bit up the bottom is the part before that ccbrowning5 posted

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Another Spartan stepped into the battle. His name was Carson Link. He went rogue 3 years before this act. With the armor of an Air Assault and a scare diagonally from is left shoulder to his right hip. The mark, left by an energy sword, showed him how much respect he has for the armor. When he left the UNSC he became one of the best bounty hunters anyone has ever seen. He is on the UNSC's top 10 most wanted list and has vowed never to return.

Carson Link approached the corridor the 4 insurgents were fighting in. He pulled out his magnum. The weapon was painted solid blood red except for the detailing of a black hawk with a yellow beak on the end of the barrel. He started a jog, then a sprint, and finally used his thrusters to propel him even faster down the hallway. Bullets coming from both sides of the hallway.

The 4 fighters defended their hallway until Clarissa saw the black Air Assault running towards them. She recognized him and immediately told the 3 Spartans to run. They questioned about what she will do after they leave. She said," I'll be right behind you." The Spartans ran down the next corridor killing everyone near them. Clarissa pulled out 2 frag grenades that she had been saving since they raided the armory.

Link running down the corridor was 30 meters from the insurgent stronghold. He saw 2 yellow flashes. The grenades were spread out. One was in front and the other around 10 meters behind it. He pulled out a tracker bullet and placed it into the magnum. He immediately ducked behind cover just before the grenades went off. In doing so, he took aim and shot Clarissa in the shoulder. Clarissa who had no idea it was a tracker, ran away and followed the Spartans.

Clarissa was bleeding but it wasn't as bad as it looked. She passed countless bodies the 3 had left. When she did catch up to them, it was at a service hatch. She went down and the rest followed...

Meanwhile, Link was getting out a computer and tracking Clarissa attempting to find their new hideout. He tracked them to an old shed 3 miles from the city. He grabbed a Sniper Rifle from the truck he came in on and headed for the shed...

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Darn! I wrote a short story about some call of duty guys meeting spartans for the first time. Now I have to find it!

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RuCat757 wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:09 pm
Darn! I wrote a short story about some call of duty guys meeting spartans for the first time. Now I have to find it!
I wrote a rather long story about CoD guys meeting Spartans for the first time.

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charliebucket wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:48 pm
RuCat757 wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:09 pm
Darn! I wrote a short story about some call of duty guys meeting spartans for the first time. Now I have to find it!
I wrote a rather long story about CoD guys meeting Spartans for the first time.
You guys should add them to da there's :D

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Admiral-Sabree wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:07 pm
charliebucket wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:48 pm
RuCat757 wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:09 pm
Darn! I wrote a short story about some call of duty guys meeting spartans for the first time. Now I have to find it!
I wrote a rather long story about CoD guys meeting Spartans for the first time.
You guys should add them to da there's :D
Maybe. Project: V.O.R.T.E.X: the story?

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ccbrowning5 wrote:
Wed May 24, 2017 6:41 pm
Admiral-Sabree wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 7:54 pm
Roebuck wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 7:22 pm
Once there were three spartans under the order of a haberle general they tried to overturn him but...

(who wants to finish the story?)
there effects failed, the spartans were sorely under equipped and when Haberle called in ONI it was over. The 27th Blades brought with them a elite special ops team, Raven lead by the Notorious General Blight and his Artificial Ai with all its enhancements. The 3 spartans were branded as traitors with a one million credit bounty placed on each of there heads. Loads of the most elite bounty hunters came to collect. Hunted by ONI, branded traitors to the UNSC unable to sway even the likes of General Grant that they were innocent and that Haberle was the traitor. Any chance at rest, destroyed by the countless bounty hunters tirelessly hounding them, there time was running out but there was hope, they were not alone.....
An assassin named Clarissa found them and was making them feel like she was going to kill but then joined forces with them to help overthrow leadership. Clarissa got their armor painted and also taught them how to blend into a crowd. While on the run the 3 Spartans discovered her horrible secret. She told the 3 Spartans that Haberle killed her husband and only son. The group kept running until they could find a decent safe house. Their safe house became not so safe when the special ops task force came. Clarissa knew at that moment that it was time to retaliate. The 3 Spartans suited up while escaping the building by jumping off the 3rd floor. They ran and ran until they reached the local military base. They killed anyone in their way whilst running towards the armory. They make it into the armory and gear up. They prepare to hit the door's control panel when...
The door opened with top ONI agent coming out on the door with a SAW using th element of surprise one of the spartans choked him to death and stole his uniform and gun his plan was going great until...

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