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Short stores and lore thread - Page 12 - Community

Short stores and lore thread

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Thelvadamee132 wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 4:34 am
Also, is this only for Halo, or can it be more than that?
I think it’s for everything. I just wanted to explore a point of view that we don’t really see.

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A want to put up a story inspired by one of my friends past gallery posts. It’s about a grunt though, so sorry if it seems like I’m trying to steal Murple’s ideas.

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1917, Europe was enveloped in war, 3 long years of war endured by the peoples of Europe, 3 years of bloodshed, 3 years and millions dead, towns, villages, families, destroyed and devastated with no end in sight.

He looked down the scope of his rifle and had several helmets appeared over the trench's parapet.

'Decoys?' He muttered.

He looked closer, he couldn't tell.

'I'll take it' he thought as he lined up his shot, his mauser resting firmly against a old tree, he squeezed the trigger, the helmet being unsecured flew backwards.

'Decoy...' His thought was interrupted by a counter sniper somewhere in the bombed out Forest around the British trench.

The shot whizzed over his head, he'd need to reposition, he picked up his rifle and fled through no-mans land to the friendly Trench.

*THUNDEROUS BOOM* artillery! The brits were bombarding the area.

A shell struck a few yards away, shrapnel hit him in the chest, silence the silent dark of death took him......

He held up a stick, atop it rested a helmet, the air cracked and the helmet did little to stop the round from slamming into the the berm.

'This is why ye don't stick yer head up Matthews! Else you'll end up like this poor sod. gesturing towards the helmet that just got hit

Should I continue this?

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Also, my story will be uploaded in a few hours

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'Trench' pt 2

Matthews spoke, 'What do you think Jerry is up to? Nary a shots been fired, guns been silent, nothin but sharpshooters.'

'I figure it like this, Jerry haven't attacked us yet because they've been waiting for reinforcements and we haven't attacked them yet for the same reason.'

Matthews replied, 'What do you think they're thinking in their Trench?'

'Same as us I reckon, we're all just waiting for the officers to say something.'

This part was a bit shorter but I have decided to continue this, not sure how far I'll go with it perhaps I'll make its own thread if I get further into it.

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Here's a little something:




Wilkerson walked through the brightly lit corridor leading to the hangar bay, the bright LED lights always fully woke him up if he wasn't all the way there. He put on his helmet, the VISR setup HUD lit up, displaying an array of buttons and options all glowing in a bright blue light. He walks into the Hangar, greeted by his commanding officer, Sgt. Foley. Foley bore an olive green uniform, and had a graying beard. Wilkerson gives a firm salute. "At ease, Spartan." Foley said in a sternly manner, "We have a problem." He continued. "Sir?" Wilkerson responded "The Covenant have invaded the capital city of Nightfall on Exodus. We're unsure of why they've targeted this specific location, your job is to get down to the ground, and see exactly what the Covenant are after." "Understood, sir." Wilkerson responded. "And Wilkerson-" He paused, Will looked at him. ".. Nevermind, son. Carry on."

Wilkerson retrieved his MA5C from his back, loading the 32 round magazine into the back of the rifle, Bringing 6 extra magazines and an M6G Magnum with him. "Everyone buckle up, we're taking off." The Pelican Pilot said in a strong southern accent. The Pelican lifted off the ground of the bay, and left the frigate.


There were 7 other marines in the Pelican with Wilkerson, all whispering things among themselves. The Pelican rocks back and forth, it landed, right at the entrance to Nightfall. The hull hatch opens, Wilkerson and the seven marines sprint out of the Pelican. They get behind some concrete rubble, using it as cover. Wilkerson glanced at the one of the marine's dog tags in the hull just before, It read "CPL. AVERY". Avery peeked over the wall with his MA5C fully loaded, and saw a blue light whiz right over his head. "Holy--!" His expletives were cut off as he quickly looked behind himself. There was a plasma grenade adhered to the Pelican's jet. "MURRAY!! GET OUT OF THERE!!" He screamed into the COMMS. "What? I can't hear you, you're breaking u---" BOOM!!, The backside of the Pelican was completely blown off in midair, and it went down. "Our evac is toast! We're not going anywhere." Avery exclaimed. All of them were still pinned down behind cover, as green and blue plasma projectiles flew over them like rain. Another marine peeked over the wall, and shot a volley of rounds at whatever was in front of him. He could barely see, he was too afraid to make out the targets. Wilkerson did the same, but before he fired off any shots he noticed a figure to his right. It was a Jackal atop a rooftop, with a Beam Rifle. "Get down!" He yelled. KRAAK!! The marine was hit straight through the skull with a beam of light originating from the rooftop. A hole 6 centimeters in diameter was in his head. His tags read "PVT. DANIELS". "Jeez!, where did that come from!?" Avery exclaimed. "Rooftop, 400 meters to the right." "Why didn't you shoot at it!?" "It's outside of our range, it's a waste of ammo. We're going to have to move up." Wilkerson responded. "When, where??" Avery said. Avery seemed to have a grudge against spartans. "See that motel over there? We'll get good cover there." Wilkerson responded. "But first--" He was cut off, ROAAAAURGHHH!!! A 9 foot tall ape-like creature bulldozed through the concrete barrier, "DIE, HERETICS!!" It exclaimed in a guttural, deep voice. It wielded a jagged looking Submachine gun, with dual spikes on the barrel. "WHAT IS THAT!??" One marine shouted, firing wildly at it. The ape took the bullets like they were blanks, shrugging off the fact that it was pumped full of lead. It shoved it's crude weapons' spikes right into the chest of the marine, the man screamed in agony, was ripped off of it, and thrown aside, two down. Wilkerson knew that this was a Brute, a massive ape-like creature with incredible strength. Avery knew about it too, but only saw them in the simulations, seeing one in person was terrifying. Wilkerson pulled out his combat knife, and hopped towards the beast, shoving the blade right into his back. The brute grunted with anger, turned around, and threw a solid punch right into Wilkerson's stomach. The impact was sickening, but he endured the urge to vomit. Avery emptied his whole magazine, but didn't have time to reload, So he pulled out his M6G. He fired three shots, but the sights weren't adjusted. Two of them missed completely, but the third hit the brute in his left eye. "AURGHHH!!" The brute yelled in pain, and charged wildly at Avery. The brute shoulder charged him right into the wall, he went straight through it. "Avery!" Wilkerson exclaimed, and grabbed his fragmentation grenade. He pulled the pin, and forced it into a bullet hole. The brute screamed in pain again, but for the last time. Wilkerson threw a strong kick and knocked it on its back. BOOOM!!, a massive, red mist explosion killed 2 marines and threw Wilkerson on his back. The last ground troops were a couple grunts, and the Jackal sniper. The grunts fled, flailing their arms around. Wilkerson got back up, and scrambled over to find Avery, but he was nowhere to be found.. The two remaining marines got up, came to their senses, and picked up their MA5C Assault Rifles. Will did the same. They cautiously peeked over cover to kill the grunts, aware of the Jackal sniper anxiously awaiting its next kill. Wilkerson and the marines sprinted towards the motel, moving quickly and quietly. They were 350 meters away from the Jackal, still too far for accurate shots. Will aimed down his sights anyway, breathing steadily. KRAAHHHH!! A 14.5x144mm bullet screamed through the air, and went straight through the Jackal's throat. It fell to the ground. Wilkerson recognized the sound of the firearm, it was an SRS99D-S2 AM model. Long range, hard hitting sniper rifle. He followed the bullet trail to the source; it was another marine, possibly part of the same battalion. "Contacts. UNSC forces, 380 meters to the left." Wilkerson said. "Let's go." He continued.

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