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Community • Call of Duty: Battle Status - Page 17
Page 17 of 19

Agent Drop Bear

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:39 pm
by Assassinater117
I.C.E looked at his watch anxiously, 'He should be here by now'
In a split second, a man clothed in brown and black gear dropped down from above I.C.E to the ground. As the man arose he found a handgun pointed straight at his face.
'Easy mate, it's just me, Agent Drop Bear' he said with an accent.
I.C.E lowered the gun, 'Well mind being a bit less... sneaky'
'What? I can't help it'
'Never mind, where have you been?' asked I.C.E.
'Got held up by some spec. force fellows' replied Drop Bear fingering a combat knife.
'And what happened?'
'Well I dealt with em, I offered them easy way or hard way, as I do but as with most, they chose the hard way and you can guess the rest... now you had a mission for me?'
'Yes, I need you to track and follow Vanessa-' I.C.E was cut short, 'Are kidding me mate, you mean Akula's sister? Do you have any idea what he would do to me if he caught me stalking her???'
'Yes, that's why you won't get caught will you? Or will I find someone else?'
'Fine, but you owe me' Drop Bear grumbled.
'Good, well I hope you like swimming cause they just took off in an old sub' said I.C.E handing Drop Bear some intel.
'Thanks mate,' Drop Bear turned to leave but paused for a second, 'Oh and how are those pretty little sisters going?'
'Fine, though you might not be if you say that again, now get going before I regret calling you in'
'Haha yes yes' Drop Bear walked off into the distance before entering a buggy and driving off.
I.C.E walked back inside a secret building nearby and into a security room full of screens and computers.
'You sure he can do this?' came a feminine voice. He turned to see Rourke standing at the doorway.
'I sure hope so' he turned back to the screen and watched a fuzzy recording of Vanessa and someone else entering a vehicle, who is he?

Too be continued...

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:35 pm
by AkulA1996
My thoughts on bennot: :| I don't like him.
Lol jks ok that was the big brother character talking there lol.
Great work guys lets keep it up.

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:11 pm
by Assassinater117
Haha well don't forget yourself Akula, your texts are really shaping this story now ;)

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:39 pm
by AkulA1996
The Akula Texts - short text conversations:
V: Ok we're on the way in a rusty old tin can.
A: hey it is wat it is sis besides its the only way to get u here without being detected.
V: Yea and if it sinks?
A: well technically that's it's job.... But yea should anything bad happen the guys have oxygen tanks onboard.
V: wats that meant to do?!
A: rly and u call me stupid sometimes..... Well, u put the mask on which is connected to a portable tank of oxygen, the oxygen tank will b attached to ur back, then u can swim to the surface (remember to not surface 2 fast, I no the oxygen tanks are limited but surfacing 2 fast can kill u)
V: how can surfacing 2 fast kill me?
A: I don't no I'm not a doctor, I just remember seeing something about it on tv. Look if something goes wrong just do what the guys do.
V: ok fine, still not happy bout this tin can :|
A: u will b fine wen u get here. Love u sis
V: yea yea love u 2
*Text conversation records deleted*

When tin cans get rust...

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:35 am
by DevilDoll
Somewhere in the Atlantic, close to Panama
*Alarm sounds in the background
Venessa-'What is that?!"
Bennot-"Nothing good."
Merrick-"Looks like this rust bucket has seen too many days at sea."
Venessa-"And, what does that mean?"
Merrick-"We're gonna have to bail."
Bennot-"All hands, abandon ship!"

All crew members make for the port.
Bennot-"Distress signal's been sent out. Choppers on it's way."
Merrick looks toward Venessa.
Merrick-'"Take the Tank. Don't surface too fast, or your lungs will explode. "
Venessa-"That's comforting"
Bennot-"Just follow us up. You'll be fine."

All crew put on the gear. Bennot presses a button and the room fills with water. The hatch opens and they swim out. All who were onboard watch as the sub sinks to oblivion.

Too be continued...

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:18 pm
by Assassinater117
Agent Drop Bear stood at the waters edge on a beach in Panama.
'Why'd it have to be stinking water? I am drop bear not water bear' he said as he shook his head.
'Well if I am correct, they should be coming round bout here... If they don't drown first'
He grabbed some binoculars that hung at his side and held them up to look around with; he gazed through the binocs at the ocean until he spotted three tiny dots bobbing in the water.
'Well I don't believe it! They almost made, though looks like the tin can sunk'
He lowered the binocs and looked around to see a fisherman loading up a small boat, 'well this is gonna be fun'
He snuck up to the fisherman and held a gun to his head; the fisherman froze in terror. 'Look here mate, I am gonna need ya boat n well, ya shirt n pants, so hand em over'

The small boat flew through the ocean towards the three floating people; Drop bear, now dressed like a fisherman, pulled up beside them.
'Looks like you people could use some help?' The three looked at each other and back at drop bear, 'yes thank you sir' said one of the men.
'Well climb aboard' the three climbed in, and soon the boat was heading back to Panama...

To be continued...

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:39 am
by ADH96
Akula 1996 here, I'm just here to withdraw my characters from the storyline (kill them make them disappear whatever you want to do but no more from my characters after that).

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:01 pm
by Assassinater117
What?! Why are you leaving man?!

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:09 pm
by jonnyfiyve
Assassinater117 wrote:What?! Why are you leaving man?!
I read a few posts from him this morning stating that he was banned. They appear to have been edited by the admins.

Re: Call of Duty: Battle Status

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:50 pm
by jackdawg444
jonnyfiyve wrote:
Assassinater117 wrote:What?! Why are you leaving man?!
I read a few posts from him this morning stating that he was banned. They appear to have been edited by the admins.
yeah he was blaming u me and another dude that he got banned!