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Spartan story - Page 3 - Community

Spartan story

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The light from the 'Monarchy' suddenly killed off.

Sam-"That's different."
*Radio transmission
?-"Spartan 225. I'm prisoner aboard a forerunner ship. I've escaped and have damaged their weapons consul. Request immediate assistance. I repeat, request immediate assistance. I'm pinned down in the-"
The sound of gunfire can be heard in the background.

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It can't be... Sebaste thought in shock. She's been missing for 5 years now!

J85 was also shocked. "That's Rook! How did she end up a prisoner?!"

"I don't know, but we'd better get a team ready." Sebaste answered in a grim tone.

"Someone ask for a team?" A voice asked behind them.

The three Spartans turned to see the members of the Outcasts walking in.

"What do you want us to do?" The leader asked.

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'Get as many fighters as you can, the Red T's are a lot tougher these days and prepare to leave on my signal' ordered Sebaste.
He turned to J85 and Sam, 'this is crazy, in one day I find two old accomplices...'
'Agreed, but I have a few questions for that Rook myself, like how the heck I ended up in an ONI medical facility?! That was a tough stitch to get out of I might tell you' said J85 remembering the events of a mission 5 yrs ago.
'Well ask em once we save this spartan, she won't last too long against those Red T's' Sam replied fingering his energy sword.
'Well you don't know, this is Rook we are speaking of...' whispered J85, Sebaste nodded in agreement.

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Rook-"This looks important..."
Rook fires her newly acquired needler at a consul that has multiple purple lights flashing. It explodes in an electric shockwave and heavy airlock doors slam shut, sealing off her attackers.
Rook-"Now, if I were a dock, where would I be?"
Rook moves down a narrow corridor, down a flight of stairs, and comes to an intersection in the ship. Three Red Triangles block her path. A brute and two elites.
Rook-"Hiya boys. Wanna play?"
She toys with the handle of her knife, as one of the elites pulls his energy sword.
Rook-"Really bad idea..."

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The elite rushed Rook, swinging wide with it's energy sword, she ducked low and countered with a quick foot sweep, knocking the elite to the floor. She quickly regained stance - but only for a moment - as the next elite charged its energy sword drawn; it tried a stab but Rook was fast, blocking the elite's arm and turning it into a hammer lock, she finished with a quick stab to its head. As the elite's body dropped to the floor, the first elite in rage, charged into Rook sending her to the ground, she managed a back breakfall, turned and kicked the elite in the knee, sending it also to the ground, clutching its knee. She jumped to her feet, the elite on the ground, fatally lunged at Rook, 'big mistake' she said as she threw the knife - a direct hit - straight to its head, its body fell limply to the ground. Now she stood facing her last opponent, the brute; it made its first and last move, throwing a heavy punch at her stomach, she blocked to the side and performed a perfect scissor kick, and with the propulsion, punched it straight to the head - a one punch kill. She casually retrieved her knife and exited the room whispering, 'playtime's over'...

(Note - due to the fact that there may be younger viewers I tried not to be too violent :)

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Sam, Sebaste, J85 and tge Orbital Outcasts all mounted up in Pelican 1987. As they entered the 'Monarchy' they came under heavy fire and quickly jumped out of the rear door. J85 and sebaste ran as a team and demolished all opposition before sam swiftly jumped over their heads and sliced through multiple 'Red Triangles'. It had come to their attention that some covenant species had joined the ONI seperatists, Two hunters and a Zealot Elite charged through a door at the team. The outcast began a tactical assault on one hunter, some shooting it from infront as a distraction while those behind threw grenades into its wormy flesh. J85 and Sebaste teamed up on the Zealot who knocked Sebaste to the ground, but J85 snook up behind and sunk a knife in its neck. Sam took the other hunter, he observed its new shield, as his was of a halo 3 era one, he began his battle by saying,
"Alpha, you know what to do."
'Yes sir'
Sam charged at the hunter at super speed, it lunged to attack him but sam's blur of a body dodged, he thruster packed onto the hunter's back before overcharging his right arm armour and slashing straight threw the hunter's head, the others watched in amazement as with one slice he seperated rhe shield from the Hunter's arm and donned it on his robotic left arm.

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Rook arrived at the hanger just in time to see the display of stragity and brute force of a fellow Spartan. Three jackles came from nowhere, rushing the Spartan. In one quick sweep, Rook moved behind the first, slicing its throat. She jumped from its shield, between the second and third. Quickly, she kicked the second's shield, sending him flying. She brought the knife straight up into the skull of the third, killing it instantly. Then, with lightning speed, she rushed the third. In the blink of an eye, she had snapped its shield in two, and drove her blade into its right eye. Pulling it out, she snapped back, catching an energy sword.
J85-"Sam, stop!"
Sam-"She isn't human"
Sebaste-"There's a long and complicated story behind that. Just know, she's one of us."
Sam lowered his sword.
Sam-"I hope you're right."
Rook-"You don't have to hope. I'll tell you about it all later."
Sebaste-"Rook, it's good to see you."
Rook-"Likewise. Now, can we get the F outta here? I'm getting a little tired of playing around with the R.T.'S."

To be continued...

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Daaaaaang, this story is getting epic!

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" There's only one way to stop this ship!"
They all looked at Sebaste.
" Someone has to destroy the light propulsion system."
Sam looked at the floor.
'' Alpha.''
Alpha began
'calculating possibility..... You have a 6 in 100,000 chance of survival with no experience in a ship like this.
Rook was the first to volunteer but they quickly put her offer at bay, they needed all the firepower they had to escape.
Sam looked at them.
" I will do it, I have been in many ships like this, Im the only one with enough experience."
It was then the Outcast leader spoke up,
'Lets get these spartans out of here boys!'
Pelican 1987 soon fired up but before it left, Sam had one last thing, he stopped sebaste.
" take this, you need to find Quadrant of Solace, you'll need her."
Sam handed Sebaste Alpha. In return Sebaste gave him his Magnum. And with that they parted ways. As the pelican launched sam turned and drew Sebaste's Magnum, he first headed to the escape pod bay and launched all the escape pods, then after a couple of headshots and shield bashes he arrived at the propulsion room. He carefully placed the explosive and ran to the bridge, he approached the centre console.
" This is Lance Corporal Samuel Delta-283 bradcasting to all Red Triangle ships, Say goodbye to the Monarchy."
As the explosive detonated he used his remaining armour energy to super sprint at the viewing area and as the hardlight screen deactivated he thrustered into space, only his life support systems intact.
Aboard the Eisenhower Sebaste plugged Alpha into the main computer,
" Coordinates confired. Destination- UNSC Halycon Class Quadrant of solace."

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Sebaste stared off into space as the ship followed the coordinates Sam had given them, 'I can't believe he sacrificed himself like that, he was a true hero'
'Yeah, but lets hope he didn't do it in vain...' replied DDoll leaning against a wall. In a flash J85 walked face to face with her, 'I want answers, 5 yrs ago - the last mission we were on - tracking R.T. activity, we got into a scruff with some Brotherhood scum, then next thing I know I wake up in an ONI medical facility? You were the last person to see me, what happened and why the heck was I in that facility?!'
DDoll stared blankly at J85 for a minute, 'It was for your own good,' she then shoved her way past him and out of the room.
'Well that went well' said Sebaste humoursly, J85 smirked at him and shook his head.

*** 'The Monarchy has been compromised, with the target being destroyed'
'Where are the attackers heading now?'
'They are bound for the Quadrant of Solace sir'
'Very good, that will be all'
A 9ft, black forerunner armoured person arose from a huge spiked seat, and walked down a corridor. The side of the Gigantic ship read 'Capital Punishment' ***

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