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Mega-Verse: Character List - Page 3 - Community

Mega-Verse: Character List

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Forgot someone from Red Team:

Bianca Vargas: 27, family records redacted. Bianca joined the UNSC through the science division, fascinated by alien technology and weapons. Eventually, though, she grew tired of her studies, and realised it was far more fun to disassemble aliens with their own guns. She joined the Spartan program late, leaving her with only the pink suit that no one else had wanted. She took that in stride, however, since it matched nicely with her needler. She also wields an energy sword, because of course she does.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:13 pm
Forgot someone from Red Team:

Bianca Vargas: 27, family records redacted. Bianca joined the UNSC through the science division, fascinated by alien technology and weapons. Eventually, though, she grew tired of her studies, and realised it was far more fun to disassemble aliens with their own guns. She joined the Spartan program late, leaving her with only the pink suit that no one else had wanted. She took that in stride, however, since it matched nicely with her needler. She also wields an energy sword, because of course she does.
Cool bio

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A introduction to General Christian Grant. (will move to short stories thread later)

What are we... we are born unto this world. No purpose, No destiny. We are left up to our own devices to pick and choose our fate. To wander aimlessly through the cold expanse. Nothing to hold onto, we seek for answer that can never be found.

Who are we... we have no identity, we are left to wither and claw at the foundation left behind by countless others. Our lives built upon the forerunners of our past. In the end we will leave nothing behind, change nothing for we are but a legacy of ghosts. In the end we are nothing.

Why are we here... we were brought into this reality with no design. No direction, no reason. We stumble and fall like ideal children learning first to crawl then to walk. We reach out to the stars in hopes that we will find our purpose, our reason. There is silence. Within that silence solidarity.

What are we now... we are pathfinders, with no purpose to guide us we found solace in our own imagination. We choose to hurdle ourselves into the dark, we reached out into the nothingness with open arms and greeted the silence with determination. We would make our own answers, find our own truths.

Who are we now... we are makers, our legacy will be our determination. Our insurmountable will. We have found a way, against all odds. We have rewritten the very walls our civilization was built upon. Our identity resides in ourselves, even if we are nothing but ghosts, We are something to ourselves and thats what matters most.

So, why are we still here... we have found our purpose not up there, but here in us all. We decide our fate, we choose our future. The only grand design is the one we make for ourselves. We set out from nothing, and became something. We grouped at the threads and found salvation in our wonder. Our hope. We create our destiny, And nothing will ever take that from us.

20 long years of war, are now over. We have become so much more. We have found a future in ourselves and our unity. We are more then just ghosts. We now know we are not alone. Men and woman, no matter what race. Togeather We are united. Together we will build a future. And Together we will forge a new destiny.

- We Stand Together - (General Christian Grant, honoring the fallen memorial, 2529)

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Blue Team: While they aren’t nearly as accomplished or as famous as the Master Chief’s own Blue Team, this squad is equally steadfast in its desire to do good, and represents a formidable force on any battlefield.

Rachel Tamara: 24 years old, familial history classified. Calm and capable leader of Gelida’s blue team, Rachel had served loyally in the UNSC for several years before she and her team were assigned to the ill-fated Necropolis mission on Gelida. It was there that she met Jim Branson, and after working together for a time, the two became romantically involved, although their duties as leaders of separate teams often keep them apart. Her weapon of choice is a standard battle rifle.

Mark Mason: 25 years old, familial history classified. He’s been Rachel’s best friend since long before they joined the UNSC, often thinking of her as younger sister in need of his protection, despite the fact that she’s just as capable a fighter as he is, and that she outranks him. He’s a bold combatant, preferring to take on enemies at close range with a BR or shotgun, and has been known to literally tackle larger targets like hunters and vehicles, in order to plant grenades on them.

Dereck Pharrell: 36 years old, no known family. A veteran of many battles, Pharrell was rendered mute by a battlefield injury many years ago. He’s unwaveringly obedient, and specialises in sidearms such as the SMG and magnum.

Kiki Silva: 24 years old, familial history classified. Rachel’s unofficial second in command, Silva is something of a lone wolf. As the team’s designated scout/sniper, she often breaks off from the main squad to sneak behind enemy lines, or find a better location to snipe from. That said, she’s proven herself fully capable of holding her own in a close quarters fight, wielding her kukri knife with ruthless competence.

Harold Helm: 34, orphaned, no siblings. One of the lesser-known members of the team, this flame marine is rarely sent out on missions – not because he’s bad at fighting, but because the team’s operations usually require a little more finesse than his flamethrower can offer. When he is taken out on missions, however, he proves his worth with fiery efficiency.

Melanie Zellner: 24 years old, familial history classified. Another of Rachel’s childhood friends, this Argus-armoured Spartan has modelled much of her tactics after her team leader. Like Rachel, she specialises in the use of the battle rifle, and Melanie often takes point alongside Rachel during combat operations.

Green Team: While they’re not the biggest team around, or the toughest, Green Team somehow always manages to wind up caught right in the middle of the action at just the right time. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always ended well for them, with two former members of their team having recently been killed in action. In spite of this, the team members who remain do their best to get by, and honour the memory of their fallen friends with every successful mission.

Spartan Z19: 28 years old, family connections unknown. Formerly a General, Z19 was placed in charge of the salvaged ‘Super Flood’ investigation on Gelida. After the specimens escaped, however, he was stripped of his position as General, and demoted to team leader of the rag-tag band of misfits that is Green Team. Although he harbours some resentment towards his superiors for this maltreatment, he has nonetheless embraced his new role.

Charlie Bucket: 23 years old, no records exist of his family or past. Charlie is the only remaining member of the original Green Team (alongside Roke77 and Zarry, both deceased), a fact that weighs on him constantly. After the death of Roke, he took some of his fallen friend’s weapons and armour, and helped hunt down Zarry. Now, he serves dutifully in his new team, honouring the memory of his fallen comrades.

DBMAN: Age, family, and history unknown. An defector from a defunct covenant cell, this elite took on the moniker DBMAN, and sided with the UNSC against his former comrades. He specialises in heavy weaponry, such as flamethrowers and Gatling guns.

Robowarrior: 28, no known relatives. Known more affectionately as Rob, this poor pilot is in way over his head, and he knows it. But, being one of only two certified pilots on the planet, this hasn’t stopped him from getting dragged along on all kind of crazy adventures. He generally uses the battle rifle, although he’s been known to use rocket launchers as well.

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Kool I've added them to the timeline.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:49 pm
Blue Team: While they aren’t nearly as accomplished or as famous as the Master Chief’s own Blue Team, this squad is equally steadfast in its desire to do good, and represents a formidable force on any battlefield.

Rachel Tamara: 24 years old, familial history classified. Calm and capable leader of Gelida’s blue team, Rachel had served loyally in the UNSC for several years before she and her team were assigned to the ill-fated Necropolis mission on Gelida. It was there that she met Jim Branson, and after working together for a time, the two became romantically involved, although their duties as leaders of separate teams often keep them apart. Her weapon of choice is a standard battle rifle.

Mark Mason: 25 years old, familial history classified. He’s been Rachel’s best friend since long before they joined the UNSC, often thinking of her as younger sister in need of his protection, despite the fact that she’s just as capable a fighter as he is, and that she outranks him. He’s a bold combatant, preferring to take on enemies at close range with a BR or shotgun, and has been known to literally tackle larger targets like hunters and vehicles, in order to plant grenades on them.

Dereck Pharrell: 36 years old, no known family. A veteran of many battles, Pharrell was rendered mute by a battlefield injury many years ago. He’s unwaveringly obedient, and specialises in sidearms such as the SMG and magnum.

Kiki Silva: 24 years old, familial history classified. Rachel’s unofficial second in command, Silva is something of a lone wolf. As the team’s designated scout/sniper, she often breaks off from the main squad to sneak behind enemy lines, or find a better location to snipe from. That said, she’s proven herself fully capable of holding her own in a close quarters fight, wielding her kukri knife with ruthless competence.

Harold Helm: 34, orphaned, no siblings. One of the lesser-known members of the team, this flame marine is rarely sent out on missions – not because he’s bad at fighting, but because the team’s operations usually require a little more finesse than his flamethrower can offer. When he is taken out on missions, however, he proves his worth with fiery efficiency.

Melanie Zellner: 24 years old, familial history classified. Another of Rachel’s childhood friends, this Argus-armoured Spartan has modelled much of her tactics after her team leader. Like Rachel, she specialises in the use of the battle rifle, and Melanie often takes point alongside Rachel during combat operations.

Green Team: While they’re not the biggest team around, or the toughest, Green Team somehow always manages to wind up caught right in the middle of the action at just the right time. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always ended well for them, with two former members of their team having recently been killed in action. In spite of this, the team members who remain do their best to get by, and honour the memory of their fallen friends with every successful mission.

Spartan Z19: 28 years old, family connections unknown. Formerly a General, Z19 was placed in charge of the salvaged ‘Super Flood’ investigation on Gelida. After the specimens escaped, however, he was stripped of his position as General, and demoted to team leader of the rag-tag band of misfits that is Green Team. Although he harbours some resentment towards his superiors for this maltreatment, he has nonetheless embraced his new role.

Charlie Bucket: 23 years old, no records exist of his family or past. Charlie is the only remaining member of the original Green Team (alongside Roke77 and Zarry, both deceased), a fact that weighs on him constantly. After the death of Roke, he took some of his fallen friend’s weapons and armour, and helped hunt down Zarry. Now, he serves dutifully in his new team, honouring the memory of his fallen comrades.

DBMAN: Age, family, and history unknown. An defector from a defunct covenant cell, this elite took on the moniker DBMAN, and sided with the UNSC against his former comrades. He specialises in heavy weaponry, such as flamethrowers and Gatling guns.

Robowarrior: 28, no known relatives. Known more affectionately as Rob, this poor pilot is in way over his head, and he knows it. But, being one of only two certified pilots on the planet, this hasn’t stopped him from getting dragged along on all kind of crazy adventures. He generally uses the battle rifle, although he’s been known to use rocket launchers as well.
Who were the 2, "Former members"???

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ONI is the hidden hand of the UNSC. A power house super structure that has grown far past its original purpose ONI handles many unsavory objectives deemed to unsettling for the general UNSC military. ONI is made up of a central command structure and three main branches, Black Operations, Intelligence, and Research and Development. Along with these main branches there are multiple smaller branches that exist for more specialized and specific tasks.

ONI Command

The structure, the back bone. Command is what keeps ONI running smoothly. What ever ONIs vission for the future is it comes from here. It is widely belived that General Lawrence is the man behind ONIs schemes, him and his right hand man Overseer Robin are very public figures. However SOC belives otherwise. Classified records have noted multiple shadow enitys within the central command structure all of them leading back to someone called Control. This of course could be a call sign for the general however Control is referenced as being a woman. Another fact that supports this is General lougins open disdain for Lawrence in quote calling him a lazy politician who gets to sit and look pretty.
It is safe to assume that the surface has barley been scratched.

Black Operations

Its exactly what it sounds like. Black Operations specializes in undercover black ops, search and destroy, espionage, and tactical operations. Led by the Notorious General Roland Lougin, his flagship Nataoss is an imposing vessel, the mere presence of this warship is enough to insight panic. The fleet admiral is not know at this time.


The Intelligence branch surves one main purpose. To gather valuable Intel on anything and everything. The branch is known for its invasive methods, there spy network is spreed across the entire UNSC and beyond. You never know when they may be listening. There is no information on who is in charge of this branch, oddly enough. The Dimata, intelligences flagship however is commonly seen across UNSC space and fleet Admiral Cormic posts where the ship will be regularly.

Research and Development

The research branch of ONI they conduct experiments, develop new technology's, improve upon old tech ect. They were the ones behind the Spartan program for example. R&D has multiple hidden bases throughout UNSC space. Not much is known about the leadership of this branch or, if they even have a flagship what it might be.

ONI Oversight Division(N)

A covert sub-branch of ONI, tasked with overseeing and supervising the missions and agents of the main organisation. They operate independently and with almost limitless authority, outranking most other officers in other divisions. However, their team is small, and therefore, their influence is limited, so they tend to intervene only in the most extreme of situations. (For character info check under Those two guys)

Section Zero(J)

A sub-division of R&D section zero carries out highly invasive and illegal experiments under direct order from ONIs central command. There are theories about this branch that suggest that master chief could be the one behind section zero but upon further investigation everything points to a sir Johnson Frank. Section Zero is very efficient at covering there tracks which has allowed them to evade scrutiny from Oversight.

The Initiative

Almost nothing is known about this sub-branch. For a long time nobody even knew of its exsistance. Kestral managed to copy some highly classified Intel from a top brass ONI field agent. He delivered it to General Grant who in turn passed it on to Fennic, of which after 14 weeks fighting a ruthlessly aggressive, defense algorthrithum she broke in only two find this. A one page report directed from the Initiative to Control, it briefly talks about a message from another universe and another branch called Phoenix. This is literally the only information known about the sub-branch as of right now.


A Sub-branch that is related to the Initiative in some way. Nothing else in know.

(Other branches? List them and they shall be added to this sub list)

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UNSC Military Command: Any high ranking personel with command clearance. Includes UNSC High Command.

General Jackup Sanders: Sanders is a old veteran of the UNSC Covenant war. Twice married his first wife left him his second passed due to natural causes. He has a distinguished combat record, with high marks for accuracy. He is deadly on or off the battle field preferring ranged weapons.

General Gerture Ross: Ross is a veteran of the Battle of Gorna pass. Ross started out as a spacer, raised on a installation. He and Lougin were child hood friends. This is before the visions. From a young age Ross has been haunted from nightmares, of the past or perhaps the future. Ross is a resilient leader who places the most value in life. Life is precious to him and to save even one life is to save the world. He walks a fine line between the belief that everything could be different and yet nothing can change.

General Jason Hendricks: Jason Hendricks is a new and upcoming UNSC General. He is a dedicated solder and has a nack for predicting attacks. However due to suspicious circumstances he is now caught up in a ongoing investigation about someone selling confidentiality information to the highest bidder.

General Connor Woodruff: Hard headed, rash, and a pain to work with Woodruff isn't one to wait around for orders. He leads by example charging head first into engagements. With a family of 6 brothers its not hard to guess why. Woodruff has the highest casualties percentage of the entire UNSC military under his belt. However his methods are tried and true and his is a effective if not hard to work with Leader.

Director Ian Thanie: A tech specialist that works with Koinsky and Grant, small family a only child. He is brilliant, he has even managed to crack a forerunner AI. He is bashful, and a bit timid for his stocky build and heavy armor. Anyone who knows him though, he is tech savy and wont shut up about the forerunners, hes also a good cook.

General Christian Grant: A war hero of the UNSC, Grant is renowned for his success in multiple fields across all UNSC space. He was married with two kids, however he lost custody during the divorce. He is kind and caring, with a hard set ethical code and a strong resolve, he dose his best to not let his personal feeling get in the way of his work. He is well known, and has appeared in many important events within the last few years. Was a close friend of Bradford, and is still friends with Ross. He works with Koinsky and Thanie on a special project

General Bradford Branson(N): A war hero who fought in the Battle of Gorna Pass. Branson settled down after the war and raised two children, however with the rising conflict and some urging from his close friends he was brought back into the fold. When he learned his son was in trouble he set out personally to help him, in the end he payed the ultimate price. He is missed by many.

General Fernades(N): A stronge Military commander with a solid history, his past records were sealed. He was tasked to end the Gelidea crisis, he was unsuccessful but died a heroes death.

Director Auriel D. Koinsky: Director of communications for the UNSC she leads a mundane life. She has no family, orphaned by the war she lives on earth with little to no romantic life. She has multiple friends within the UNSC and spends alot of time socializing with them. She works with Grant and Thanie on a special project.

Director Kao Isigado: Director of UNSC embargo. He oversees the Shipments of valuable resources to and from UNSC systems. He is corrupt and will normally make special "arrangements" with a little compensation. For the outer rim he is the best way to get valuable cargo out to under supplied systems.

Admiral Denozo: A esteemed Navel Commander Denozo had the highest marks of his class, his immense skill piloting large craft added with his tactical oversight and planning strategies made him a prefect candidate for ONI, UNSC Command even considered him to pilot there new Dreadnaught. Multiple branches of both UNSC and ONI made offers anywhere from his own ship and a personal fleet to controlling some of the most powerful vessels ever built by the UNSC. He got offers for Oversight much to the surprise of some and General Lougin personally offered for him to pilot the most advanced craft they had ever encountered what ever it is, a offer that still stand even with his current affiliation. Denozo was approach by General Grant, not long after his own ship the Equilibrium was seen soaring the stars. How grant convinced him to take his offer is still vastly unknown.

Admiral Ketchove: Admiral of the third fleet Ketchove patrols the inner Rim, his battle group brings the wrath of the UNSC down where ever it goes. Ketchove is a firm supporter of the Outer Rim and has urged UNSC high Command to allow his fleet to provide aid. Who knows how long till hes had enough and the fleet disobeys orders is unknown.

Admiral Luis Smith: A ONI traitor working with a large cooperation to overthrow UNSC control in the system of Cappella. He created a uprising and almost succeed in taking the system. He is used as an example of what happens when Oversight is unable to do there duty properly and they fail to catch the bad guys in ONI.

Admiral Talia Cordoni: Commander of the carrier Zeul her background suggested a perfectly sound physiological profile however the Capella crisis has raised many questions about her command of the carrier. With her and her ship missing all that remains is speculation. Even now this topic is widely debated. There are accounts of Cordoni and the Zeul making appearances at waylaid stations restocking supplies but these reports are always left unconfirmed.

(alot of work woo, also sorry large parts of this are in bold, its not a problem on my end as theres not tags on the end for the bold to be there, Glitches happen though.)

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