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Kilo Company - Page 3 - Community

Kilo Company

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Survivor11 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:26 am
Rogue-Elite, you have betrayed the imperial campaign...
no i have not i can write in this if i want.

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The Beta brute off the pack was stunned. ‘How did the Chief drop so easily?’ He shook off these thoughts. By default he was the alpha now, he needed to start giving orders.

“Sniper! Take cover!” His pack dove behind nearby rocks and wreakage. He was ready to tear that sniper limb from limb for killing his leader. He spotted a chopper nearby and darted for it, grabbing the hammer on the way. He mounted up, narrowly missing some sniper rounds, and drove towards the nest where the Demon would meet his last...

I intend for the Beta to survive this so beat on him as much as you want but make sure he survives.


Beta of Chief Wordaius’ pack

Now Tyrlatius Pack he has earned respect enough to, along with the pack being minus 8 members (half the pack), he won’t be challenge for dominance. Not yet at least.

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Story told from the POV of Lazad the Spec-Ops grunt. This takes place after the Chieftain dies.

“Wooo! Me complete great journey?” Lazad looked around. This isn’t what he expected the divine beyond to look like. It looked like the battlefield that he was on where the human pod crashed near him and sent him flying- oh wait. “Me alive! Hooray!” He looked nearby he saw the pod and the human and the dead chieftain. ‘Dead chieftain?!’ Lazad panicked. ‘What me going to do?! I know! I go get reinforcements!’
He ran. He was surprised that he dodged all of the incoming fire (when in reality he didn’t pose any threat so no one shot at him.) He tripped and rolled down a hill landing on something metal. ‘A ghost! Hurrah!’
He climbed in. “Me glad I got me ghost license!” He sped off back towards the mining base.

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Spartan K:354 looked at the fleeing grunt. " Of course," he said, " There species are all cowards." He walked to James and took his tag. He then saluted his fallen friend to honor him. And made his was to the ridge.

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Spartan-092 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:22 am
Spartan K:354 looked at the fleeing grunt. " Of course," he said, " There species are all cowards." He walked to James and took his tag. He then saluted his fallen friend to honor him. And made his was to the ridge.

Wondering if I could post pics of my two characters (Tyrlatius and Lazad) and link those pics here?

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nigelninja11 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:25 am
Spartan-092 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:22 am
Spartan K:354 looked at the fleeing grunt. " Of course," he said, " There species are all cowards." He walked to James and took his tag. He then saluted his fallen friend to honor him. And made his was to the ridge.

Wondering if I could post pics of my two characters (Tyrlatius and Lazad) and link those pics here?
I think you could.

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Spartan Z19- AKA “The Wolf of Celsya”
Armor- crimson scout
Weaponry- sniper rifle, dual magnums, and battle rifle- all with suppressors
Alliance- bounty hunter
Bio- Z19 started as a UNSC spartan, but the results were terrible. The spartans above him always left him out of the missions and hardly used him. He slipped away from the UNSC one day with his armor and his weapons, never to be seen by his team again; until he killed them all. Stationed on the planet of Celsya, he had nothing better to do than go to the city of Celsya and look for some bounties. This life soon caught on with him and he became known across the system as “The Wolf of Celsya.” Some shifty moves put him high on the wanted lists, and he’s been fighting off the weaker bounty hunters for a long time.

Needless to say, I think I’m going to make Z19 a bad guy, hunting down some of the main characters.

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Spartanz19 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:28 pm
Spartan Z19- AKA “The Wolf of Celsya”
Armor- crimson scout
Weaponry- sniper rifle, dual magnums, and battle rifle- all with suppressors
Alliance- bounty hunter
Bio- Z19 started as a UNSC spartan, but the results were terrible. The spartans above him always left him out of the missions and hardly used him. He slipped away from the UNSC one day with his armor and his weapons, never to be seen by his team again; until he killed them all. Stationed on the planet of Celsya, he had nothing better to do than go to the city of Celsya and look for some bounties. This life soon caught on with him and he became known across the system as “The Wolf of Celsya.” Some shifty moves put him high on the wanted lists, and he’s been fighting off the weaker bounty hunters for a long time.

Needless to say, I think I’m going to make Z19 a bad guy, hunting down some of the main characters.
Critisizer copy cat alert.

I'm kidding.
Fun fact though:
The Critisizer started as a harmless joke in a comic, then became a bad guy trying to kill every last person in the community.
You have been warned, proceed with caution in your bad guy development.

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Mikhail saw the incoming chopper and brutes set up next to the rocks were Logan landed he couldn't do anything and called out over the comms " Kilo 354 I no longer have a visual on brute hostiles, your on your own try to slip away i have a problem to deal with this is kilo 392 out"

Mikhail had a plan he grabbed a land mine from his back pack of ammo and set it up and waited he heard the rolling death machine's engine in the distance and it came closer until it came over the hill and detonated flipping the chopper on its side, but the brute who had been stabbed in the foot by shrapnel got up and charged Mikhail with hammer raised.

Mikhail fired a shot and missed and the brute brought his hammer down sending Mikhail spiralling bavkwards, emptied his magnum into the brute and it still charged him Mikhail dodged a hammer blow and was kicked to the now muddy ground, the brute picked the "demon" up and yelled "NOT SO TOUGH WITHOUT YOUR RIFLE NOW ARE YOU?"

Mikhail stabbed the brute in the arm and was tossed aside, Mikhail picked up a piece of the brutes chopper and hit him across the head knocking him out.

Mikhail could taste iron, he gathered up his gear and bag off ammo and explosives and set out his muscles aching from the encounter he almost lost.......

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https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/comm ... aracters_1

There are pics of those characters.

The rest of the pack approached Tyrlatius’ unconscious form. Feeling embarrassed for their leader, they revived him and told him to keep going. He laughed and said “Of course we keep going, this hunt is just beggining!” And with that he picked up his hammer and activated active-camo. His brothers did the same. They set off after the Demon with murderous intent.

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