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Halo: Battle status - Page 4 - Community

Halo: Battle status

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^ well I figured at least one of my role play versions of myself needs a heart lol.

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Haha nice, and could you tell me which planet Akula is on? (Just for the nxt part of the halo story ;)

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Assassinater117 wrote:Haha nice, and could you tell me which planet Akula is on? (Just for the nxt part of the halo story ;)
Current location is classified so you can name whatever planet you want for the story. (and I cant think of any planets which could be attacked after the events of halo CE other than earth or another attack on reach or something).

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What type of armor is J85 wearing, because all that was listed was a white Gungnir helmet

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He wears white gungnir armour with light blue as the secondary colour if that helps

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Yeah thanks, I did list him as a Gungnir Spartan, so that actually helped!

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'Hold on, things are about to get a bit rough!' yelled J85 as he exited the atmosphere of the planet.
'We got company!' said Sebaste looking wide eyed at an approaching ONI frigate.
'Don't worry, we can lose them, just give me a few secs' replied J85 as he pushed a few buttons and flicked some switches.
'Well you best hurry cause they are getting closer!'
In an instant the ship cloaked itself in active camo. The frigate passed right by before heading off into space.
'How did that work? They should have picked up our heat signature' said Sebaste in disbelief.
'Well, it just so happens that I have modified this ship so that while the active camo is activated, the ship does not produce a heat signature and also cloaks our signature' replied J85 playing around with some of the controls.
'So where to now?'
'Akula was last sighted on Draethus V' said J85 locking in the coordinates.
'Draethus System here we come!' said Sebaste as the started off towards their next destination.

A few hours in, Sebaste breaks the silence, 'J85, if we are going to be working together, I would like to know why you killed Eternity's captain?'
'Well, for starters, I did not assassinate him... have you heard of the Red Triangles?' asked J85.
'I don't think so?' replied Sebaste in deep thought.
'They are a new conspiracy group I have encountered of late, and are crazy radicals if you ask me'
Sebaste nodded still thinking.
'Then why does ONI blame you for his death?' asked Sebaste in slight confusion.
'Just another thing they can blame me for, make me look like a bad guy. The Captain was actually a good friend of mine...'

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Spartan-J85 belongs to Assassinator117

Sebaste was surprised, he had not known that J85 had been framed.

"I'm.. sorry for your loss. it's just that ONI thought that you did it." Sebaste said "And like a fool, I believed them" he added bitterly

"Well, ONI is starting to get too big for the boots if you ask me." Replied J85

Sebaste grunted in agreement, lost in thought.

"We're here," J85 announced as they approached the UNSC cruiser Devil's Bounty

"You're base of operations is a cruiser?" Sebaste asked, impressed.

"Yep. This guy packs a wallop!" Replied the Gungnir "8000 tons of pure brute force."

To be continued...

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The stealth sabre landed in a small hangar, on the left side of the ship. J85 and Sebaste jumped from their seats into the hangar, which was alive with commotion as marines and soldiers ran here and their doing different jobs.
'Wow, so many people...' said Sebaste in awe looking around.
'Yes, most were ex-ONI or UNSC who were kicked out or silenced like me' replied J85.
Just then, a young man in a white uniform greeted them.
'Spartan J85, glad to see you in one piece sir' said the young man.
'Ah, Officer Jerry, yes thank you, and I would like you to meet Sebaste 915' replied J85.
'Wow! the actual Sebaste, this is such an honour sir, you are a great sniper, like the time you took out the high ranking elite on Reach' said Officer Jerry excitedly as he shook Sebaste's hand.
'Thanks Officer Jerry, it is nice to meet you too' replied Sebaste.
'Well, I have locked the coordinates that you sent us' Said Jerry to J85.
'Thank you Jerry, now I have to go to the bridge to check on a few things; Officer Jerry will escort you to your private quarters Sebaste, but if you need me, just come to the bridge, and get some rest for the mission ahead will not be an easy one' replied J85 now looking at Sebaste. J85 leaned closer to Sebaste and whispered, 'Be careful, when word spreads that Sebaste 915 is aboard the ship, you may get swarmed by curious crew members'
Sebaste nodded, and J85 then walked off towards the bridge. Jerry then motioned for Sebaste to follow; they walked for about 10 minutes before finally arriving at a room door.
'This is your room, and you are lucky, J85's room is right next door' said Jerry pointing at the next door down.
'Well I should be fine now, and give J85 my thanks for the room' replied Sebaste staring at his room's door.
Jerry nodded and walked off down the hallway before disappearing round a corner. Sebaste then opened his room's door and walked in. Inside was a luxurious room; Sebaste was in shock, 'this is weird, why is he treating me so nice after I almost killed him' thought Sebaste.
'Must be weird hey?' came a voice from the doorway behind him. Sebaste turned to see J85 standing there, with his helmet under his arm. He was only young maybe early 20's, and had short blonde hair with friendly blue eyes, not at all the spartan Sebaste had expected behind the helmet.
'Weird?' asked Sebaste.
'Being in a strangers ship, being treated fairly, and being hunted by your supposed allies' replied J85.
'Yes, I guess, but why are you giving me this room, I could easily get up and kill you while you sleep?'
'Well, that is true but I hope you don't because I don't really want to die, and well, why should I treat you any differently to me? You have served humanity just as well as I have, and plus you are a friend' replied J85 putting a hand on Sebaste's shoulder. Sebaste looked at the hand and back at J85.
'Now your weapons are being reloaded and cleaned in the armoury, feel free to go down there at any time, you can also get your guns customized if you wish, now we will arrive at our destination in 12 hrs so get settled in and take a walk round the ship, though watch out for Jerry, he is like your biggest fan' said J85 with a chuckle; he then turned and left Sebaste.

To be continued...

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Spartan-J85 belongs to Assassinator117

Sebaste walked to the armory, having just been briefed by J85 on their mission. Upon entering, he grabbed his sniper rifle and an Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-980 or 'Railgun'. He then armored up and walked to the hanger where J85 was waiting by a familiar Pelican Gunship.

"You brought my Pelican?" Sebaste asked in shock. "How did you even get it here?"

J85 chucked. "I had one of my men fly it here."

Sebaste nodded. "So we're to go in and grab Akula, then come back here and figure out the next part of the plan? Sounds like a plan to me."

They then entered the Pelican and took off for Draethus V and their mission.

To be continued...

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