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Spartan story - Page 5 - Community

Spartan story

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'Sam, that is NOT what we are looking for'
"like you said friend, all in good time"
'fair play, but why here?'
"You are familiar with the SDI, correct?"
'the Space Defence Institute? Yes why?'
"Well the Spartan Defense Force is a mere squad, THESE people can help more, trust me"
J85 paused, unsure whether to trust this news.
'okay then'
"Righty-o then, lets do this!"
Sam approached the command console and activate the comm link.
"this is Delta-283 requesting permission for Quadrant of Solace, The Eisenhower and Azure blue skies to dock in bravo sector"
'"Delta!"' pronounced a powerful female voice from the other side of the comm link
'"good to see you again"'
"and you commander"
'"did you find him?"'
'"good, this is pluto docking station Power of Protection to all local support craft, let them through"'
'I know that voice, who is she?'
"you'll see friend, you'll see"
As the newly formed team marched out of Sam's ship, hoards of marines cheered, they approached a clearing. A female shadow moved in from the crowds infront of the team. Sam salluted the woman,
"Commander, we're home"
The female spartan removed her helmet, looked at J85 and leaped on him.
'"Cousin! You're okay"'
J85 knew that it was his cousin, who at one time was a captain in the red triangles, but now the leader of the SDI.
'I missed you too'
He put his arm's around her.
'but we need your help'
'"follow me, we will head for the command deck"'

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Rook-"I'd hate to burst your bubble, but it's high time I hightail it outta here."
Sebaste-"You're not staying?"
Sam-"You can do more good here than you can on your own."
Rook-"Don't be so sure."
J85 opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short.
Rook looked ahead to the airlock connected to her ship.
Rook-"If you really want answers, as to why I left you with ONI, you'll come with me."
With that, she headed for her ship.

... To be continued

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J85 nodded,
'But you just got here!' Pleaded his cousin.
'I know but I want answers, take care' J85 nodded to Sam and Sebaste, 'keep track of the capital punishment, I want an update when I get back' he turned and followed after the Rook.

*** A black armoured man looked at a screen of pictures and videos, 'Sergeant Dodge, I think I have found our next target'
'Great sir, who is this new target?'
'Well they go by the name 'Rook'
'Why is this person of interest?'
'Long story, but she has been mutated genetically somehow and could be of great use to our secret soldier program'
'Understood, I will have a tracking unit ready'
'Very good' ***

(The team has just split up, this just got interesting ;)

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Sam turned to Max, Sebaste and J85's cousin. "lets move out spartans"
Sebaste and Max drew their guns, but the reluctant cousin did not,
'"I can't, I haven't been on a mission in a year or two now, only defensive battles between ships."'
'speaking of ships, Sam can you now explain what that thing was that hit the Capital?'
"permission to answer Commander"
"that, object is a specifically designed Dark matter bomb--"
Sebaste Interupted
"no, it is specifically designed to nuetralise forerunner equiptment by perminantly destroying the light producing systems, by destroying the light, it sends them into darkness. An easy win"
'that, actually makes, some sense. But now we only have one. Azure used it's one'
'"Sebaste can I ask you something?"'
'yes Ma'am'
'"we have a spare one. And with some small tweaks, that may take a few days, we can stop your ship bieng affected by the blast, and Capital Punishment's shield tractor beams."'
'that sounds great Ma'am'
'"I will get my men straight on it, until then train and rest, you need it."'
Just then Azure Blue Skies exited the dock at at a safe enough distance entered slipspace.

can people please work on Rook and J85's story, while I work on the remaining members, it should be interesting that way.

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Men7000 wrote:Spartan Ghost-118, Rank: Commander, Name: Classified, Leader of Spartan Sqaud Flare, Sqaud Activity: Deceased.

*I'd walk in, looking around*
There's a Character thread to put your guy in....

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The 'Azure' exited slipspace.

J85-"Where are we?"
Rook-"Andromeda Galaxy. An unnamed system."
J85-"So, you brought me back. Here?.. Why?"
Rook-"This is where it began. Where everything changed."
J85 began to grow angry.
J85-"How does this have anything to do with you leaving me with the ONI?!"
Rook-"A long while ago, a program began. The UNSC called it the Spartan Program-"
J85-"I know the story. Our parents were giving clones. So on. So forth."
Rook-"You know only a fraction of the truth."
J85 looked at Rook, confused.
Rook-"The Red Triangles, they came from the ONI."
Confusion turned to shock.
J85-"What do you mean... ONI..."
Rook-"The separatists. ONI scientist who developed the Spartan Program."
J85-"But, we were told-"
Rook-"That they all died? Category one BS. The ONI tried having them assassinated. They failed."
J85 shook his head.
J85-"Still, that doesn't explain why you left me with them."
Rook-"I said it was for your own good. I meant it."
Again, J85 shook his head.
J85-"Going to have to give me more than that."
Rook-"You really don't remember, do you?"
J85-"Remember what?"
Rook-"Who you really are."
Suddenly, J85 was hit mentally with flashback after flashback.

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'Are the trackers em route?'
'Yes sir'
'Keep track of their movements, we need to be right on their tail'
'Why sir? They are some of our best-'
'Do you even understand who they are tracking? This is subject 'Rook' I don't think even our trackers will make it back'
The officer was in silent shock as he realised the trackers were merely meant to find the target.

(Thought I'd let DDoll continue with explaining who J85 really is; I want to know myself ;)

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Commander Lara (J85's cousin) turned to the remaining group.
'"okay, so today it is train or rest, your choice"'
Sam stepped up first, stood at attention.
"What would we be using for the training Ma'am?"
'"a new Warzone Simulation Delta"'
"we will train Ma'am"
'"follow me"'
They walked through some corridoors to a simulation room, after bieng hooked up to the simulation they found themselves in a snowy terrain. A small wall at one side and a destroyed building on the other. Sam and Max spawned at the building, while Sebaste at the wall. Max looked at Sam before drawing his red plasma sword and indicating for them to move, Sam stopped him, drew his black energy sword and said,
"I call the shots, move"
Max ran from the ramp using Spartan Charge to try disorientate Sebaste, who used one bullet from his sniper to pick off Max. However he was not so lucky with Sam, who created half a bubble shield infront of him. As he dropped it he swung and with one swift motion had Sebaste's abdomen pinned to the wall, sam took of his helmet and looked at him,
"I win"
Sebaste began to smile, then laugh.
"what's so funny Sebaste?"
'never take off your helmet spartan'
He raised his Magnum and before Sam could react shot him straight between the eyes.
'I win'.
They were then removed from simulation,
'"Congratulations 915, you win. Now report to the armoury to select your weapons, or modify your current ones"'
The team turned to her
""yes Ma'am""

just so people know, me and EliteSlayer are the ones working on the left over group

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DevilDoll wrote:The 'Azure' exited slipspace.

J85-"Where are we?"
Rook-"Andromeda Galaxy. An unnamed system."
J85-"So, you brought me back. Here?.. Why?"
Rook-"This is where it began. Where everything changed."
J85 began to grow angry.
J85-"How does this have anything to do with you leaving me with the ONI?!"
Rook-"A long while ago, a program began. The UNSC called it the Spartan Program-"
J85-"I know the story. Our parents were giving clones. So on. So forth."
Rook-"You know only a fraction of the truth."
J85 looked at Rook, confused.
Rook-"The Red Triangles, they came from the ONI."
Confusion turned to shock.
J85-"What do you mean... ONI..."
Rook-"The separatists. ONI scientist who developed the Spartan Program."
J85-"But, we were told-"
Rook-"That they all died? Category one BS. The ONI tried having them assassinated. They failed."
J85 shook his head.
J85-"Still, that doesn't explain why you left me with them."
Rook-"I said it was for your own good. I meant it."
Again, J85 shook his head.
J85-"Going to have to give me more than that."
Rook-"You really don't remember, do you?"
J85-"Remember what?"
Rook-"Who you really are."
Suddenly, J85 was hit mentally with flashback after flashback.
I just wrote that from thin air. Wasn't even thinking about it at the time.

Totally sweet

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Rook turned toward Holt, who continued.
Holt-"We have company."
Rook motioned with a nod for J85 to follow.
J85-"Now what?!"

The three emerged through the double doors of the ships C.I.C.
Rook-"Right on time."
J85 looked to the center hologram consul. Three ships were moving toward a holographic 'Azure'. Though, they were spaced too far apart to be attacking.
J85-"It's a tracking team."
Rook-"Yes, but not the Triangles. Nor ONI."
J85-"SDI? Out here?"
Rook-"It's high time you realize, we are weapons. Always have been. All it takes is time, and the whole universe comes crawling out of their holes to find us."
J85-"What do you mean, us? You're the one with superpowers. I'm just the same as every other Spartan out there, and nobody is tracking them."
Rook-"You may not have the kind of power I have, but you could gain it."
J85 was really confused now. His temper took hold.
Rook-"Let's start with a basic question."
J85-"Okay. How about you tell me just why it is I am wanted. Or, maybe, why you left me with ONI. Or, perhaps, what that thing was you hit the massive forerunner ship with. And how are you able to detect undetectable trackers-"
Rook-"I'm your sister."
J85 stopped dead. The whole room fell silent.
Rook-"We share the same blood. Means the same bond can be made with you that the Triangles flood creature made with me."
J85 stared blankly.
Rook-"I left you with ONI because they knew everybody would be after you. After your blood. And if they got ahold of it, synthesized it into a mutagen..."
J85-"The flood perfected..."
Rook-"We have the same dad, you and I. His blood was the key. Now, your blood is."
J85-"Why not yours?"
Rook-"Mine has already been mutated. They need a pure source. An exact duplicate of the original."

*Slipspace Alarm Sounds*
Holt-"Halcyon class."
Rook-"Here they come..."

... To be continued

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