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Spartan story - Page 6 - Community

Spartan story

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DevilDoll wrote:Holt-"Commander?"
Rook turned toward Holt, who continued.
Holt-"We have company."
Rook motioned with a nod for J85 to follow.
J85-"Now what?!"

The three emerged through the double doors of the ships C.I.C.
Rook-"Right on time."
J85 looked to the center hologram consul. Three ships were moving toward a holographic 'Azure'. Though, they were spaced too far apart to be attacking.
J85-"It's a tracking team."
Rook-"Yes, but not the Triangles. Nor ONI."
J85-"SDI? Out here?"
Rook-"It's high time you realize, we are weapons. Always have been. All it takes is time, and the whole universe comes crawling out of their holes to find us."
J85-"What do you mean, us? You're the one with superpowers. I'm just the same as every other Spartan out there, and nobody is tracking them."
Rook-"You may not have the kind of power I have, but you could gain it."
J85 was really confused now. His temper took hold.
Rook-"Let's start with a basic question."
J85-"Okay. How about you tell me just why it is I am wanted. Or, maybe, why you left me with ONI. Or, perhaps, what that thing was you hit the massive forerunner ship with. And how are you able to detect undetectable trackers-"
Rook-"I'm your sister."
J85 stopped dead. The whole room fell silent.
Rook-"We share the same blood. Means the same bond can be made with you that the Triangles flood creature made with me."
J85 stared blankly.
Rook-"I left you with ONI because they knew everybody would be after you. After your blood. And if they got ahold of it, synthesized it into a mutagen..."
J85-"The flood perfected..."
Rook-"We have the same dad, you and I. His blood was the key. Now, your blood is."
J85-"Why not yours?"
Rook-"Mine has already been mutated. They need a pure source. An exact duplicate of the original."

*Slipspace Alarm Sounds*
Holt-"Halcyon class."
Rook-"Here they come..."

... To be continued

Just saying but the SDI (Space Defence Institute) wouldn't try attack them, it would be the SHF (Spartan Hunter Force)

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The SDI aren't attacking. Read it again, and... Wait for it...

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'Well this is about to get interesting' said J85 as he loaded his custom saw.
'And where do you think your going?' replied Rook fingering her knife.
'To fight if it isn't obvious'
'I don't think so, they are after the pure source - you - so your staying here where its safe'
'Wait what?! You can't be serious?' he said in surprise and shock. He started to walk towards the hangar but a knife blade at his neck stopped him, 'I am your sister and I know what's best for you, stay here until I get back' she stared hard at him.
'Fine, you win' he said in disappointment and as she started off towards the hangar he yelled out, 'Remember to bring me back a souvenir!' She shook her head and disappeared round a corner. J85 exhaled loudly as he sat on a chair, 'Well I guess its just me and you Holt'
'Actually just you sir' replied Holt as he smirked and left the room leaving J85 alone.
'Wow, that's nice' He twiddled his thumbs for a few minutes as explosions started to rock the ship.
'Safe she says' he said rolling his eyes, but suddenly a thought came to mind, 'Who says she's the big sister...' He said thinking aloud; he stood and walked towards the door activating his active camo and whispering, 'She's probably gonna kill me but oh well...'

*** 'Sir their small fighter squadrons are attacking, what are your orders?'
'Send in our own fighters, any sign of the subject?'
'Yes sir, but strangely, our blood tracking system is picking up two instead of one'
'Interesting, very interesting...' ***

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The Halcyon class "Warior of Mayhem" sent three pelican's to board the "Azure Blue Sky'".
The alarm kept going off as J85 made his way down to the docking bay.
'Seriously, what gives her the right to tell me to stay? I'm pretty sure she's younger than me. Makes me big brother. If anything, she should be listening to me.'
Suddenly, two Spartans appeared, the patches on their shoulders marking them as SHF.
J85-" Hiya fellas."
Within a blink of an eye, they were cut down.
Rook-"I thought I told you to stay in C.I.C."
J85-"You did. Then, I realized, your my little sister. Can't leave you on your own."
Rook-"If we're going to have any chance, we'll need the SDI."
J85-"Last I checked, the were watching."

... To be continued

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Two more ships boarded the Azure, 'More hostiles inbound sis'
'Well lets send em back to where they came' she replied gripping her knife. They charged the oncoming enemies as they flooded out; Rook was first to attack, slicing at multiple enemies as they ran at her, some tried to engage her at close combat - it was the last mistake they ever made - for she was soo fast that she could down five enemies before the first hit the floor. J85 was right behind his sister, and although he lacked the upped abilities, he made up for it in skill being a master in close-combat; he himself drew his own knife and engaged many enemies in close-combat, defeating them with ease. The siblings fought alongside like lethal weapons, unstoppable to all that stood opposing them. Eventually they stood side by side, their foes littering the floor.
'Well that was easy wouldn't you say' said J85 to Rook.
'Actually it was, their troops seemed rather ill trained' she replied looking at the fallen enemies, 'this just doesn't make sense' she whispered, examining their weapons and armour. 'Seems like more of a distraction or something - wait what was that?' she thought she saw movement near an aircraft and approached slowly, making her way carefully through the bodies of enemies. Her heart began to race as she neared the dark interior of the aircraft; she tried to peer into the darkness, but her eyes widened in horror at what she saw.
'Yo sis what are you-' J85 was cut short as three creatures launched out of the back of the aircraft, 'Mutated floods...' He said, his blood going cold as he remembered seeing them the first time 5 yrs back. He sprinted towards Rook who was in combat with two of them, the third one crept up behind her, 'hey ugly over here!' it flicked its head over at him, hissed and ran at him. Rook caught a glance in the heat of her fight, 'Nooo!!!' she pulled a magnum from her side and fired two bullets directly hitting it in the head, killing it instantly. In that moment, one of her attackers cut her with a spine it had. Rook began to feel dizzy as its toxins began to knock her out, and as she saw J85 running towards her, she pointed her gun at him and shot, hitting him in the shoulder and knocking him to the ground. The creatures quickly dragged her into the ship and its auto pilot shot it out of the hangar and to the 'Warrior of Mayhem'
J85 clutched his shoulder as paramedics ran over to him, he watched Rook's captors ship leave, 'No' he whispered...

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The 'Warior' was prepared to open a slipstream the second the Pelican got to her. It's autopilot racing the two mutants, and their captive, to the much larger ship.
*Radio Transmission*
"This is Admiral Hunter Douglas, commander of the SDI 'Salvation'. All enemy combatants, stand down or you will be fired apon."
Holt-"Can't say we've met before, but I've heard of you. I hope that message wasn't for us."
Hunter-"Negative. I say again, all enemy combatants, STAND DOWN OR YOU WILL BE FIRED UPON."

The 'Warior' lined its guns up and fired. Holt couldn't see the 'Salvation' until the plasma slammed into her.
Holt-"Dear ***, that thing is huge."
What Holt had mistaken for dead space, was a black stealth ship, nearly eight times larger than the 'Azure'.
The 'Salvation' launched a barrage of fire at the 'Warior'. One stray slammed into the Pelican, disabling it.
Holt-"Check fire on that dropship! One of ours is captive aboard!"
Hunter-"Copy. All units, cease fire, cease fire. Deploy search and rescue. Let's get our girl back."
Holt thought to himself a minute.
Holt-"I don't recall telling you that she is female. Care to elaborate? "
Hunter-"You didn't. Nor did you say she's a Spartan with enhanced abilities. Doesn't change the fact, she is. Spartan 225 is one of ours. Formerly positioned here, where Kappa station once kept the peace. Best pilot I've ever seen."
Holt-"10-4 on that."
Holt thought to himself another moment. He decided NOT to say anything about the siblings.

... To be continued

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J85 sat in an emergency medical room, his shoulder being attended to by nurses; the thoughts of his sister being taken running through his mind, over and over. He was knocked out of thought as the ship shook as it was fired upon, 'What in blue blazes' sirens suddenly rang out across the ship, 'well that can't be good'
---- J85 you are called the bridge over ---- came a transmission via the radio.

'Whats going on?' Asked J85 walking into the bridge.
'It seems another ship has entered the fray and the ship your sister was in has been disabled'
'Are you serious?' Well let's go fetch her!' He replied and started to leave the room.
'Yes sir but, how does the SDI know your sister has special abilities?'
J85 stopped mid-step, he turned his head slightly as he spoke, 'Prepare the ship for slipspace, we gonna have to get the heck outta here once we get her back, and speak nothing of me or my sister to those demons'

To be continued...

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meanwhile at the pluto facility

Sam, Max and Sebaste are sat on and around a table polishing their weaponry.
Sebaste turns to them,
'This is my baby, she helped me take down 3 jackals with one shot!'
Sam had to stop himself laughing
"Oh my ***, you think that's impressive! Snipers are the easiest weapon to use!"
'Oh yeah, let's make this interesting'
"whoever misses gets hit by the stun rounds?"
They both grab a sniper and stand at the range, Sam shoots first, at a 50 metre target. He hits. Sebaste goes for a 100, he hits bang center. Sam glances at him.
"double or nothing?"
'you're on!'
Sam shoots at a 150 meter target, he hits.
Sebaste goes for a 200, dead center.
Sebaste now ups the stakes again.
"sure, you first this time..."
'your loss'
Sebaste fires, Sam also does, his bullet knocks Sebaste's and it misses
Sams hits.
'oh your in for it!'
"I dont think so, Max!"
Max shoot's Sam, he laughs.
' 'no cheating in war Sam!' '
"all is fair in love and war Maxwell..."
' 'nah' '
He shoot's Sam multiple more times. The tazering affect sending him to the floor. An officer approaches.
Sam recognises the voice.
"ah, afternoon Geoffrey. Can we help?"
""sir yes sir! Commander lara has dissapeared sir!""
Sam whispers to himself,
"I knew she would!"
He turns back to Geoffrey,
"thank you Officer, that'll be all."
The Officer salutes before leaving swiftly. Sam turns to his friends,
"Lara's going for J85, let's MOVE!"
'What about my ship?'
"Eisenhower's new toys are done, lets go go go!"
They race to the Eisenhower & Solace before soon taking off together into slipspace.

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The Corvette swings sharp, scooping the Pelican in her front dock. J85 looks to his pilot.
J85-"Where'd that come from?"
Havok-"No idea. 'Condor 3 to command. We have an unannounced guest."
?-"Think I'd just let you jump out of the system with a hard drinking, short fused, mess of a Spartan? You're asking for trouble."
J85-"Lara?! What in the name of all that is holy?!"
Lara-"No time! Get ready!"
The Corvette swoops in and captures the second Pelican.
J85-"You're a good pilot, but you had better prepare yourself."
Havok-"I'm a tough girl. I can hold my own. Besides, I've squared off with flood before."
J85-"Not like these... You never told me your first name?..."
Havok-"It's Jane."

... To be continued

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** Transmission to the Azure **
'Follow us Holt, we are gonna make a break for it!'
'Copy that'

J85 meets up with with Lara in the docking room where the pelican containing his sister and two floods rested. They carefully approached, weapons at the ready, 'Get ready' said Lara as she reefed open the aircraft's back door. All that greeted them was dead silence, they started to move in but froze at a scrapping sound, J85 and Lara looked at each; suddenly, Rook stumbled out of the ship, her armour scratched and ripped, her helmet was off and she had some blood coming out of the side of her mouth.
'Rook!' J85 yelled as he ran over and caught her as she almost tripped, 'Are you okay?'
'Do I look okay to you?' she spat blood on the floor, 'Those pieces of filth thought they could take me, haha, they thought wrong those...' she said as she fell unconscious.
'Okay well lets get you to the med's' Lara came over and helped get Rook to the ships medical facility.

Rook clutched her head as she came to, she looked over to see J85 sitting on a chair, he looked over, 'Well hello sleeping beauty, have a nice rest?' he said with a smirk.
'If you weren't my brother I would probably punch your face in' she said as she sat up.
'Well lucky me, but really, how are you feeling?
'Like I was hit by a warthog'
'You are lucky you know, you could have died' he said as he walked over to her medical bed.
'Maybe, but those stinking...' she coughed a bit, 'Yeah I know, but rest, your safe now'
'No where is safe brother' she replied, J85 paused staring at the ground.
'Well where are we anyway?'
'We made a random jump into slipspace, the Azure followed aswell, hopefully out of reach of the SDI and R.T.'s '
Rook nodded and pulled something from her armour, 'Look at this'
J85 inspected the small card looking device, 'What is it?'
'Not sure I grabbed it out of that ship's console, it may hold some answers' J85 nodded...

(Just a question DDoll, is Lara's first name Jane? just wanted to make sure and do you have any details of what Rook's face looks like or how long or short her hair is and what colour it is?
Thanks ;)

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