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Mega-Verse "Retired Thread" - Page 58 - Community

Mega-Verse "Retired Thread"

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Wed May 16, 2018 3:08 am
According to the Fan Friday winner's list, my comics have been featured three separate times, so I think it's safe to assume that someone likes them.
Nato... EVERYONE likes your comics. :P

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Precusrsers? Are they not the flood after the hole corrupted genetics thing? Or is that a different species.

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Admiral-Sabree wrote:
Wed May 16, 2018 3:22 pm
Precusrsers? Are they not the flood after the hole corrupted genetics thing? Or is that a different species.
Same dudes.

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Admiral-Sabree wrote:
Wed May 16, 2018 3:22 pm
Precusrsers? Are they not the flood after the hole corrupted genetics thing? Or is that a different species.
No idea about Precursors. I really should with my whole "High Elves" thing, but whatever.

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Rogue-Elite wrote:
Wed May 16, 2018 10:07 am
How do the precursors fur into your lore, because all this stuff with elves and forerunners I'm doubting that the precursors exists in the nega-verse
As far as I know, we haven't made any major alterations to that part of Halo canon. Most of the Mega-Verse storyline is built around the events of the Halo timeline.

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The Battle of Antares - In Light of the Red Star - Part One

Silence. within the open expanse a small fleet of ships lay silent amongst the stars, the soft light produced by the electronics across the vessels nearly bleared out by the light of the red sun within onset to and swallowed by the world beyond them. The Nataoss a ship from bow to stern coming just under 6,000 meters in length lay within the empty space between the stars, her hull spanning out like wings of a feather to encompass the surrounding vessels within her proximity. Her support fleet consisting of the cruisers Meridian and Dashmir, the corvette Infernicus, frigates Alloy,Null, and Piut, with lastly the destroyer Terridor. In there wake lie both the Equilibrium and Infinity as they make there silent rotations through there marked nav points. Fighter squadrons run constant patrols in and around these ships and similar defensive positions day and night, everyone is on edge. Waiting for the storm to begin.

The opposition, a almost innumerous fleet of vessels ranging far and wide in design and age slowly massing outside the system. A frontal assault would be suicidal even if the vast majority of theses ships are outdated with limit supplies and resources an assault as such would be a callous waste of life. Sometimes it is best to wait, and so the enemy grows ever stronger day by day as ship by ship there armada grows around the system. They do not dare move, in silence they wait for one ship. The Polneshra, an unimaginable behemoth. Very few have lived to tell the tale of such a nightmare, it is a dead thing, all it leaves behind is death.

Near the blue Gas Giant of Sorona, darting between the stars from waypoint to waypoint a small squad of fighters run there persisting patrols, at regular intervals these ships operate through rotations with their squads. Just as Beta reaches there last waypoint, Gamma arrives to start it all over again.

As the first ship to exit slipspace comes into view, small chatter can be heard through the coms. “Hay guys, how's it going? Anything unusual out there?”

The lead vessel of the departing squad signified by a blue 1 painted along the side of the ship chimed back. “For the last time Cormic, No. And if there was, trust me, you would have heard of it already.”

The ships traded places with one another. “Ahh, man.” He replied back with a grin. “It's always so boring out here, nothing ever happens”

As the rest of Gamma exits from slipspace Beta pulled away and prepared to jump back to base. Beta 1 through out a quick reply before jumping out. “Lets hope it stays that way smart ***.”

With that Beta wing fully departs and Gamma’s 2-4 form up around there wing leader.

“What was that about” chimed in Gamma 2, who was followed up with a remark by Gamma 3. “What do you think, like usual he's always trying to get on someone's nerves”

Replying to his squad. “You guys got to let loosen up a little you know. Where's your funny bone”

“Dead… back at home under a tree where i buried its useless ***. We going or what?” Gamma 4 was never really know for his patience.

Gamma 1 Coolly replied back. “Alright funny guy. This is Gamma 1, Cormic reporting for duty, checking systems. Gauges are in order, engines, weapons systems, and shields green. Everyone? Report.”

“Gamma 2 here, Cristi reporting. All systems check.”

“Gamma 3, Systems are clear. Louis, ready to run some nav buoys at your command.”

“Everything good on my end. Gamma 4, Matthew; reporting for duty. Please remind me why we need to do this every *** time”

“Protocol” Cormic replied

With all fighters accounted for Gamma set out to run there patrol, unbeknownst to them however, this one would be anything but boring.

In another corner of the system a science ship the Hawkmoon has been observing the stars, watching for anything unusual or perplexing to occur in light of this unknown super ship. For the first time in months, a pulse. Ever so slight, almost unnoticeable say for the sensitive equipment of the research vessel. Commanded by Doctor Mitnz and her research team the ship turned its eyes to the stars. Another ever so slight, but soon building into a slow rhythm and tune.

“You seeing this? Its like… some sort of slipspace distortion field. I can't place it, I swear I've seen something like this before”

Mitnz looked at her colleague doctor Kiau with almost discretion. “Really any idea where? I can't find any logs reporting something like this, at least not any that i can access.”

Kiau walked around the table glancing down ever so often to observe the seismic quantum pulses being detected by the equipment. He pulled up a string of the data and enlarged it to take a closer look. Motioning then to Mitnz. “This its, so familiar. Reminds me of something. Nie someone. What was his name… damit, think… it starts with a B… Benjamin? No Benedict.”

Mitnz examined the data before her studying the sharp motions and aggressive rise and fall of the molecular field being projected. Glancing at him for a brief moment. “Benedict? You talking about the Colonial affairs guy aren't you. The one that went crazy right.”

He replied with a tang of unease in his voice. “Indeed he is the one. Commissioned me to make some old jammer or something, i don't remember but this, now i could never forget this. It was near the nebulaic clouds of Cygna 3497a. That same rhythmic pulse was verbatim.”

She stared at him, almost as if studying the aged lines of his hard stout face before replying. “Ok then begs the question, why now? And why would it show up here?

Looking now at her he replied with the same air of narcissism as she. “Now that my dearie, is exactly what i would like to know myself.”

Together they looked out the undercroft view screen of there ship to the infinitely black void. A million stars stared back at them.

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And so, the Mega-Verse begins a new era. The Anteres era.

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The Age of Antares, perhaps? I think that has a nice ring to it.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 10:49 pm
The Age of Antares, perhaps? I think that has a nice ring to it.
Yeah that sounds awesome. The Age of Anteres has begun...

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