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HAVOC - Page 7 - Community


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Okay guys, I know there hasn't been much action here, but I will do the first comic soon, just been a little busy to set up the scene and stuff, so stay tuned ;) Any tips J101 for getting the most out of 5 pictures? That will probably be the hardest part I'd say.

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Be patient. And act as though 5 pics is one page. Take your time. Give good detail to the story and pictures. (To keep it interesting) be patient. Enjoy building the scenes. As if you are living the story.

And make my character one tuff son of a gun.

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Okay thanks mate, Just finished making your lair (well it becomes the teams lair) ;) and haha yeah don't worry I will, you will be one of the main heroes.

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Okay so workin on the first five pictures, which went okay, lighting is a pain but anyhow I hope you guys like it when I finally post it ;)

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Okay soo been a bit busy had my sisters birthday and stuff so hopefully now I can get back into doin the comic :D oh and J5 you haven't picked a fig yet mate?

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Assassinater117 wrote:Okay soo been a bit busy had my sisters birthday and stuff so hopefully now I can get back into doin the comic :D oh and J5 you haven't picked a fig yet mate?
I haven't?
Well that's not good. I'll pick now.

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Yes thanks that would be great, though I know that alot of the figs have been picked so hopefully you can find a suitable one :) I also now have fireteam eagle if you like any of them?

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Assassinater117 wrote:Yes thanks that would be great, though I know that alot of the figs have been picked so hopefully you can find a suitable one :) I also now have fireteam eagle if you like any of them?
I think I'll choose something different.
I don't really know much about Halo but I'll choose to be a Brute.
The blue and gray one in the front.


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