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Short Stories - Page 7 - Community

Short Stories

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I'm so bored, might turn The Infamous... into a comic series.

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Well, here's something to do with 2034, the comic, in the meantime...

Oh, he was just a lad from Berlin,
Sent to die in foreign lands,
In the lands of bullets and falling shells...
And did he return?
For war is not meant to be kind...

Oh, what a Commando he could've been!
Such a hearty fellow to be sure!
Always a smile on his pale face!
Even when dirt turned his blonde hair to brown...

Oh, he was just a lad from Venice,
Sent to fly over foreign lands,
In the lands of homing missiles and flak...
And did he return?
For war is not meant to be fair...

Oh, what a Commando he could've been!
If cowardice had not sent him away!
Always a spotless uniform!
Not even a speck of dust...

Oh, he was just a lad from Nice,
Sent to sail the seven seas,
In the oceans of torpedos and dark waters...
Did he return?
For war is not meant to be calm.

Oh, what a Commando he would've been!
Always so jolly and good looking!
Talking about women to the end!
Even as the cold embrace of death leaned closer...

Oh, he was just a lad from the Rhine,
Sent to kill or be killed,
I'm the lands of stealth and silence...
Did he return?
We do not even know.
For war is not meant to reveal its secrets...

Oh, what a great Commando he is!
So serious and silent!
People fear him in such silence!
Even as he smiles the smirk of a man who has seen it all...

The ballad of the Commando ~UER

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Wow. Very moving fictional poem thing.

I should be writing as this is my thread, but I can’t think of something to write about. Sigh.

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SrgtGreen wrote:
Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:32 pm
Wow. Very moving fictional poem thing.

I should be writing as this is my thread, but I can’t think of something to write about. Sigh.
I don't have anything either. Altho, i do have a few short stories cooking up.

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I got this idea here, and I don't know exactly if it's good or not.

Basic summary: UNSC calvary charge against a heavy Covenant blockade on a road vital to the defense of an unknown planet (or vital to a rescue operation). It's a mad blitz, Warthogs, Scorpions and Mongeese speeding with full-on fury at the Covenant. Scarabs and Wraiths block the path, will the calvary break through?
Sorta inspired by Tip Of The Spear in Reach.
(Also, I'm gonna finish up Cave Rats.)

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I should have a story up tomorrow.

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A fable i wrote.

The Two Archers

Long ago there were two archers fabled across the land for their skill. They were almost evenly matched, and one day they decided to have a competition to determine who was the greatest. The winner would be awarded a seat on the king’s council. Jacques, the first archer, was confident in his victory. “I have no need to practice,” he told his friends, “I am obviously the greatest, so I will just relax and wait for my assured victory!” Angus, the second archer, thought differently. “I know I’m a great archer, but I know that if I don’t keep practicing, I will surely fail.” True to their word, Angus practiced every day until the competition, while his rival Jacques relaxed and did nothing.
When the competition arrived, both archers had convinced themselves that they were well prepared. The king had his servants set targets at 50 feet, 100 feet, and 200 feet. The archers took their places, and readied their bows. The first shot was rather simple and each archer achieved a perfect score. The second target was more difficult. Both archers hit the middle, but Jacques was not as center as Angus. The last target was extremely difficult, and required a great deal of skill. Jacques’ arrow landed on the 9 ring, the second best score. Angus took his aim, and his arrow achieved another perfect score! The king heralded Angus as the greatest archer of all, and gave him a seat on the council, while Jacques went home regretting how lazy he had been.

Moral: Pride comes before the fall.

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nigelninja11 wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:35 am
A fable i wrote.

The Two Archers

Long ago there were two archers fabled across the land for their skill. They were almost evenly matched, and one day they decided to have a competition to determine who was the greatest. The winner would be awarded a seat on the king’s council. Jacques, the first archer, was confident in his victory. “I have no need to practice,” he told his friends, “I am obviously the greatest, so I will just relax and wait for my assured victory!” Angus, the second archer, thought differently. “I know I’m a great archer, but I know that if I don’t keep practicing, I will surely fail.” True to their word, Angus practiced every day until the competition, while his rival Jacques relaxed and did nothing.
When the competition arrived, both archers had convinced themselves that they were well prepared. The king had his servants set targets at 50 feet, 100 feet, and 200 feet. The archers took their places, and readied their bows. The first shot was rather simple and each archer achieved a perfect score. The second target was more difficult. Both archers hit the middle, but Jacques was not as center as Angus. The last target was extremely difficult, and required a great deal of skill. Jacques’ arrow landed on the 9 ring, the second best score. Angus took his aim, and his arrow achieved another perfect score! The king heralded Angus as the greatest archer of all, and gave him a seat on the council, while Jacques went home regretting how lazy he had been.

Moral: Pride comes before the fall.
Aesop over here.... XD I liked it!

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I’m going to write my character’s (both Imperial Campaign and Comic) backstory, in form of several ONI entries. I REALLY hope it’s canonical, but correct me if its not. Of course, the single person slipspace thing won’t be mentioned in real halo cannon, but I don’t think it violates it.

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//ONI DATABASE #21887//


//—VERIFYING PASSCODE ***********, ending in 7Hn0//









— Srgt. Henry Green
Born January 19, 2472
MIA, deemed KIA around 2499


Srgt. Green enlisted to the marines at age 18, in 2490, during the war against the Insurrection. Was stationed at a UNSC armory, containing almost all weapons of the time, from tanks to VTOLs, to small arms and armored transports. Most importantly, there were 12 cutting edge nuclear missiles, the object of the insurgents attack on the base.

On a brisk November night, when Srgt. Green, the six men under his command, and one more squad were on night watch, a daring ambush took place. They were in the fairly outdated command post, on the roof of the armory building. It had several older module computers, and a short range radar to detect aircraft. The armory was surrounded by a 9 foot tall chain link fence with vicious barbed wire applied generously throughout. The armory had a single anti-aircraft weapon, firing self guided surface-to-air misiles. It had a standing garrison of 150 marines. 12-15 were assigned night watch, while the rest slept in a single large building.

An insurrection UAV, which was designed to look exactly like a civilian aircraft, flew towards the no-fly zone around the armory. Upon crossing the line, several alarms went off in the command center. A half-asleep man, sitting at a computer reported that a civilian aircraft just entered the no fly zone. He also said something about “Drunken idiots.” Srgt. Green hailed the aircraft, saying, “You are in a no fly zone, turn around immediately. You’ve got ten seconds before you’ll be blasted out of the sky.” Only static came back. “Thermal scan that thing,” yelled the sergeant. “No heat signatures, minus the vehicle’s systems,” the man at the computer said, now wide awake. “Bring it down!” yelled Srgt. Green. The man at the table helplessly asked what the defense-clearance code was. A situation like this had never arisen before.

By the time the password was entered, and the air defense took aim, the unmanned aircraft had already begun its 80 degree dive toward the barracks.



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