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Spartan story - Page 68 - Community

Spartan story

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Meanwhile on Eisenhower the group have all been outfitted with gear allowing for an easier way to control their abilities.

Sam- so Z19, Hunter, Max, Shawn, what adapters did you get for your own new abilities?
Z19- an extremis exo to aid with upper body strength, plus it can fire electrical arcs.
Shawn- I got inbuilt thermo-jets to allow me to freeze anything, it can also now cool the surface of any of my overarmour.
Max- similar thing here, I got reinforced thermonucleic plating on my armour to allow for me to survive in superheated areas, and inbuilt flamethrowers, so if Harry is good I got a new partner.
Hunter- I went plain and simple, a new AI nerval relay to increase my reactions and perception, I can also run a helluva lot of simulations and calculations of battlefield sitiuations in seconds.
Sam- okay, lets test 'em lads.

The combat trainong began, Max tried to assault Shawn, whipping out his flamethrowers and begining the ignition cycle, as they began to fire shawn cooled the air between him and Max, stopping his fiery assault and freezing his fuel supply, he continued with a swift thruster pack boot to the chest, Max was flung to the ground. Shawn turned around only to be flipped over by Z19's super upperbody strength, he then punched shawns head. He looked up at Hunter who had been analysing his combat style, Z19 stood up.

Hunter- I would advise you don't do it.

Z19 began to charge at Hunter, as he took his last few step Hunter dropped and legsweeped him, Z19 rolled across the floor and came to a thundering halt, Hunter stood victorious over the other 3.

Sam-well then, that--
Hunter-was impressive, I know.

To be continued.

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what armour would Shawn and Hunter have?

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Hey, silver medal ain't so bad!

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Spartanz19 wrote:Hey, silver medal ain't so bad!
agreed there Z19, should have a drawing of your pre-exo character up soon, gonna work on some other characters too, have a look when its up and think of who I could draw next.

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Shawn has silver armor. As for Hunter, he has never worn armor before. So, I'd have to flip a coin. With him being Admiral, I'd go with a dark blue.

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DevilDoll wrote:Shawn has silver armor. As for Hunter, he has never worn armor before. So, I'd have to flip a coin. With him being Admiral, I'd go with a dark blue.
Thanks DDoll, now I can really get creative while drawing those two

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Should be able to post Hunters pic tommorow

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Aboard 'Kane's Crest', Rook and T'nac study the ships navigation charts to locate the other pieces of the map.
Rook-"There's terabytes of data, and none of it matches."
T'nac-"Perhaps... the map is not only incomplete, but has been rearranged, as well."
Rook-"Use the ships mainframe. See if you can't unscramble the data."
Rook stopped at the door and looked back.
Rook-"I need to make a call."

Empress-"Perfect! With this new clone, we will have the perfect Virus."
The 'Wallenstein' clone awoke.
Empress-"Be sure to provide him all that he needs."

Hunter-"Rook just contacted me about a map. She wants me to search the records of the 'Azure' for any match to the partial map she has. Only, I have no idea what I'm doing with this system."
Sam-"I'm lost. How do you not know how to do this?"
J85-"Probably due to the fact that he has no idea what he's dealing with. She set the system up with Covenant technology. It takes someone skilled in that tech to handle it."
Sam-"Like... you?"
J85-"Bingo. I've got this."

*John-"117 to 225. I've established contact with Wallenstein. The real one."*
*Rook-"You didn't kill him, did you?"*
*John-"Negative. He explained more than I bargained for.""
*Rook-"225 to 117. I need him very much alive. Keep him that way... please."
*John-"Understood. 117, out."*
*Rook-"Wait, John... Please, be careful."*
*John-"Copy... 117, out."*

To be continued...

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70 Years Ago
New Mombasa

Alarms sounded loud as the dropship spun through the sky.
Pilot-"-Repeat! This is Delta two-one-one. Enemy contact on all fronts. We've sustained critical damage to engines."
Pilot 2-"Mayday, mayday! Delta two-one-one, going down-"
The ship slammed into the side of a cliff before spinning for the last time as it crashed into the ground.
A female voice yelled out,"How far are we?!"
Pilot 2-"Ten klicks. We gotta move."
Greg-"Pilot's dead. C'mon, we need to go. Now!" Greg pulled the copilot out of his seat as a plasma grenade exploded right in front of the cockpit. The two went flying into the back of the dropship.
The woman followed the man in front of her out, dragging a sword behind her. The sun was bright, blinding her for a moment. Then, she saw the massive Covenant ship over the city.
Reagan-"ODST's moving toward us. They claim to be here within the hour."
Woman-"Don't hold your breath."
Reagan-"Don't intend to."
Three Jackels came charging toward them. The woman snapped her thumb on the handle of the sword. The blade started glowing a pinkish red. She side stepped out of the way of the first Jackel, and brought the sword down on the second. It sliced clean through, and in the same fluid motion, she spun around with a back slash, cutting the head off the first. A report from Reagan's shotgun told her that this fight was finished. The third Jackel flew to the side about ten feet to it's final resting place.
Woman-"ODST is gonna be far too late to get in the action."

Present Day
Deep Space aboard Kane's Crest

Kendra stared at the blade she had sliced so many down with in New Mombasa. 'The Angel of New Mombasa' , they called her. In that battle, though, she remembered what she had seen. The end game. "Virus", she whispered to herself. "How did you become a Brotherhood weapon? How did they become a part of the Triangles?".
T'nac-" Hunter's on the line. Says it's urgent."

To be continued...

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