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What's in your collection? - Page 8 - Community

What's in your collection?

Builds & Discussions

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I now have a Ghosts Tactical Helicopter. Gotta find the time to put it together but I have it.

EDIT: Add in Nuketown II and (as of two days from now) Strike Fighter. I swear I can stop any time I want...

EDIT II: Add in the Armored Vehicle Charge. Likely a few more in the future too...

EDIT III: And a Desert Tank. Can't wait for the Apache helicopter set and the arctic soldiers come out!

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Here's mine at the moment (slowly growing):
1x Chopper Strike
1,5 Dome Battleground (bought additional used one for spare parts)
1x Desert Troopers (5 figs version)
1x Sniper Unit
3x Platoon Patrol (crew for my COBI 37mm Bofors AT gun)
1x Desert Outpost
1x Sam Turret
1x Motorbike Breakout
1x Ghillie Suit Sniper
1x Apc Invasion
1x Light Armor Firebase
2x Drone Attack
1x Juggernaut
1x Desert Squad
1x Mountain Recon
1x RIB Beach Assault
1x Covert Ops Unit
1x Ghosts Rappel Fighter

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1 white truck
6 snowmobiles
2 sets of snow soldiers
1 set of seals
1 set of astronauts
1 RIB Beach assault
1 Horseback assault
1 ghillie sniper
1 juggernaut
1 hovercraft

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Just got the Snowmobile Recon and I have the Sniper Outpost coming in the mail.

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Go check out my page called CAMO DAYS ADVENTURE. In the Roleplay and fanfiction. And in the gallery.

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I don't think I mentioned I have the Zombie TranZit Diner. My completed list is on Page 5 and I update it when I get a new set, and it shows I have too many (sitting at 74 sets, counting duplicates, right now with bids on another couple).

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1X AA Vehicle
1X Wraith
1X Seal Sub
1X Strike Fighter
1X Combat Vehicle
1X Covert Ops
1X UGV Drone
2X Atlas Troopers
1X Atlas Mobile Turret
1X Hovercraft
1X Arctic Invasion
1X Vulture Attack
1X Claw Assault
2X APC Invasion
1X Ghosts Helicopter
1X Ghosts Rappel Unit
2X Juggernaut
2X Ghillie Sniper
2X Sniper Unit
1X Drone Attack
2X Seal Team
3X Desert Troopers
3X Chopper Strike
2X Humvee
1X Dome Base
2X Tanks
2X Hover Bikes
3X Rocket Turrets
3X Atlas Troopers
2X Atlas Mobile Turrets
2X Seal Specialist
2X SAM Turret
1X Coastal Intercept

i think thats all i have

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Not enough
1x 2013 desert troopers
1x 2013 hummer
1x rib beach assualt
1x early releases ghosts pack
1x wraith drone
1x anti aircraft vehicle
2x Combat vehicle attack
1x Brutus
1x Strike Fighter
1x ATLAS mobile turret
2x APC invasion
As I said not enough

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Um. I'm at 92 sets (some are duplicates). Please stop me.

EDIT: I just thought of it. I think I have every single set except some of the convention exclusive ones, the ODIN Space Station, and some of the current wave. I have a problem.
EDIT 2: Argh seems like Zombie Nuketown may well be an impossibility. But still slowly but steadily working up to near completion...

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