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Community • Mega-Verse "Retired Thread" - Page 75
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Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:20 pm
by Admiral-Sabree
Your timing survivor11 is impecably ironic.

Rouge elite you may start your antares based comic if your still doing it.

In the Light of the Red Star - Part 10

This is the Cobalt Dawn to Hadron station, requesting permission to dock” Commander Greer spoke as The Cobalt Dawn exited slip space followed by the Okondor and Orifield. It was a short trip. Fighting had stalled out in the system as the covis gathered there forces. It wouldn't be long till they were back at it again.

“Commander, please hold. We have an incoming communication for you.” The coms officer aboard Hadron replied.

“Who is it.” Greer asked a noticeable frown on his face. He didn't want to get into it up here. He was hoping to avoid this conversation until he was planet side. Truth is he already knew who it was.

“Classified Commander… I'll patch you through now.” Came the coms officer.

“Greeting Commander, a pleasure to be making your acquaintance once more.” The new voice spoke in a pleasant manner.

Greer looked around the ship at the deck and flight crew stationed around. He threw a glance at Hadley, before taking his helmet and placing it on. Nobody would think twice about it, he was getting ready to head down to the planet. The helmet was his shield.

“Captain Even. What the *** do you want. Or are you just here to spite me?” Greer spate at him as if he were standing right in front of him, he was glad he wasn't because it would have devolved into a fight.

“Listen Greer, I know we didn’t depart on the best of terms ok… but you need to get your head out of your ***. This is why I kicked your *** off the team. This guilt tripping pity fest of yours is really starting to *** me off.” Even spouted back at him angrily

“ you, you never gave a *** anyway. So you can go to ***… and take that self righteousness and shove it up you *** while your at it.” Greer shouted back at him.

“You know what… forget it, I don't need an emotional train wreck. I'll find someone else more capable then your sorry ***. Let me make this clear Greer, this… this right here is going to be the death of you. You don't trust yourself, so how will anybody trust you. He’s all yours, told you this was a waste of time.” Even seemingly walked away leaving the coms open.

A new voice filled the room again. “What was that? I knew you two didn't see eye to eye but that, was ridiculous on both your ends.”

“Grant.” Greer spoke in surprise, he regained his composure. “Bad blood, won't be a problem though.” He would make sure of that.

“Good.” Grant replied. “I got enough problems as is, we repealed there first assault on the system but scanner still show an armada outside the system. We lost too many good lives and were going to lose a lot more. As we speak scanners show another detachment of vessels breaking off from there groups and pushing into the system. Fighting's going to start up again in earnest. But we got bigger problems, a covi battalion made touchdown. Stealth ships, they split up into 3 groups. Not sure what there doing yet but I need you down here, Even had a task for you but I'm guessing he will find someone else after… that.” Once you get down here head to…-” Grant was interrupted as the ship was rocketed sending Greer and a few other deck crew sprawling.

“Greer!” Shouted Grant. “What was that, are you ok?”

The Cobalt Dawn had sustained moderate damage to its left flank and engines. Weapons were down as well. The Okondor and Orifield moved to cover the Dawn meanwhile the stations defense grid roared to life tracking the trajectory of the fire to a massive target 100 klicks out. The stations massive Cannons fired at the target with powerful Ionized plasma sabots powerful enough to rip a destroyer in half. Whatever it was it jumped out before the rounds could reach there target. It was probably just a pot shot but the damage was done.

Greer Clambered to his feet. “We need to move… and fast, the ships orbit is deteriorating” Greer shouted to the deck crew. “Engines to full reverse, we need to break free of the planets gravity well.”

“Greer I need you and Jim down here. Take the drop pods if you have to, just get here and bring the data” Grant ordered.

“Roger that General” Greer looked to Captain Jaida Hadley. “She's all yours captain, good luck.” He pointed to the com’s officer. “Ship wide broadcast… Red team, ODST, to the drop pods now.”

Greer sprinted down the corridors of the Dawn to the drop bay, seeing Jim and the others looking somewhat confused but climbing into pods as ordered. Greer spoke to everyone through his com’s system. “Everyone we drop on the count of 3… 1… 2… 3!!!” The drop pods fell away from the Cobalt Dawn and to the planet while the cruisers jumped away to Narcket.


Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:46 am
by Survivor11
Well, I do like my sarcasm and my Irony... I'm sure you noticed. I'm also always on time, so yes, of course my timing is impeccably Ironic. (NOT A SURPRISE)

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:23 pm
by TheRealBoo101
Survivor11 wrote:
Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:46 am
Well, I do like my sarcasm and my Irony... I'm sure you noticed. I'm also always on time, so yes, of course my timing is impeccably Ironic. (NOT A SURPRISE)
I don't get it.

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:32 pm
by Survivor11
My Ironic comment had perfectly Ironic timing with Sabree's Ironic (or should I say I C O N I C) Comment.

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:34 pm
by Spartanz19
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:32 pm
My Ironic comment had perfectly Ironic timing with Sabree's Ironic (or should I say I C O N I C) Comment.
How ironic!

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:44 am
by Survivor11
Spartanz19 wrote:
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:32 pm
My Ironic comment had perfectly Ironic timing with Sabree's Ironic (or should I say I C O N I C) Comment.
How ironic!
How has no one noticed that HiddenXperia reference?

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:44 pm
by Survivor11
Well, the Megaverse thread is officially dead... But wait, is that the sweet sound of EMS on the scene that I hear?
Nope, it's just Sabree and Nato trying to revive it with Antares...
R.I.P. Megaverse you will be missed, along with the thousands of characters, comics, and rip-offs you created...
You inspired me to make my comics, my characters, and a whole lot of other things... But in the end, "Every good thing has to end!"
At least the Megaverse comics are still prospering, and maybe, just maybe, there is a glint of light in the ever nearing darkness that grows stronger every day in your absence... Rest in Peporonies Megaverse, and *** bless you Carlos Giuseppe, the supposed Saviour of Humanity!

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:31 pm
by charliebucket
What?!? I'm still doing comics, J397a has just returned to comics, Nato and Sabree are still doing some. Simply put, the Mega-Verse is not dead.

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:02 pm
by NatoGreavesy
You... do realise that the Mega-Verse has always been about the comics, right? This thread is just a place for readers to come and leave their comments/questions/whatever. Since most readers leave their comments in the comments section, the thread doesn't see much use... aside from your senseless spam.

Re: Mega-Verse

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:38 pm
by Admiral-Sabree
… please stop … Its not dead just because were not posting stuff in this. This Thread contains the time line and is here for anyone who wants to leave a comment on the MV, join, or simply just talk about it. Antares is not a vain attempt to revive the MV. It is a long coming group effort event, The MV has been about the comics from the beginning and even without the Mega-Verse thread the Mega-Verse would not be dead.

In the Light of The Red Star - Part 11

Nal stood upon the bridge of the Vallacon observing the reinforcements that were joining his previously crippled battlegroup. Excellent he thought. His twisted mind contemplating the hundreds of possibilities that were now available to him. Jaal’s Basilisk surprisingly managed to shift the stalemate at the front to there favor even with the Nataoss on scope. Nal was pleased, he had accomplished his primary directives for the first wave. Some concerning happenstances aside the second wave was ready and the system was holly unprepared for what they had planned. Yet Nal felt nervous, a feeling he was not accustomed to. The number of outside forces getting involved was troubling, along with that Rocar expressed concerns about a ship called the Oberon making an appearance. He mentioned this in confidence, which mean one of two things. It's a bigger threat than anything already in the system or whatever it's coming here for is the biggest threat that's already here. He had lots to think about, but these matters couldn't bog his mind down. Nal had a simple directive, It brought a wicked grin to his face. It was time to establish a foothold in the system. Half there forces would be sent to the front and everything else was to hit either Sorona or Narcket.

This wasn't what made him so exuberant though. The Iykeune, a death black and blood red ship with sharp magenta accents smooth and sleek. The ships edges forking forward, stylized with sleek curvature rounded out with sharp and robust edges protruding from the ship with jagged abrasiveness. Nal knew the ship quite well actually, he remembered when he found the old derelict, lost in some long forgotten shipyard far away from any covenant controlled system presumably for hundreds if not thousands of years just sitting there undisturbed. He was going to scrap the thing for parts but with some convincing his mind was changed. It was a strange vessel. Something of a hybrid of sorts, originally built for long tactical engagements and yet oddly reinforced with swift engines and a brutal collision system for close range ship to ship combat. Of course it had gone through some minor refinements, having some more favorable color designs applied, meanwhile it seemed that the ship wasn't finished and it needed some of that terrain ingenuity to help pull the hole thing together.

Nal looked to his communications grunt, who shrunk under his gaze as if he could melt flesh from bone. Nal through the grunt a sadistic grin, he didn't intend to act on it this time. He ordered the pathetic thing to relay a com to the Lykeune and to run it through his own command room. Privacy was needed when discussing such delicate matters as these. The grunt did so without question most likely just pleased to know he might live longer than the last one who held his position. Nal proceed to his personal command room to carry out his conversation.

“Nal” a female spoke in disgruntled annoyance. “What is it that you would contact me so, in such a matter as this”

“Cuya we are alone, no need for discrepancies now, besides this is not a personal calling but of one of important matter. Of course if this regard is an intentional belittlement may I simply remind one of a such incursion into the biospheres to realign your perspective imagination on track.” Nal replied with a vicious snarl, yet with a slight air of refined humor.

“Why Nal, i'd hate to burn that anomostic ego far past proportional standards. But the discretion is abolished. On these grounds we have much to discuss. Of course though this conversation has corined a fair point off its intended path has it not already? I have on good authority that the nature of administrations are but an illusion to the grander schemes that play at hand. Yet oddly, for all the totality I yet been informed of our proximation in the next ongoing stage of invasion.” Cyua responded back plainly, revealing nothing.

“Yes” Nal replied simply “In do time we will unveil everything that must be revealed. However, there is an errand of utmost relevance that must be undertaken by only the most capable and confident of leaders. Surly one such as yourself far overqualified for such an extravagant operation of totality and intuition, as such it would come only out confidence and serenity that we should entrust such importance to this task and its undertacker.”

Cuya was not satisfied by this answer one bit. “I fail to see the perplexing relevance of an offhand objective, if your profound judgement can only deem me of such mediocrity then perhaps it's best if I seek my own operation with profound discretion. Or would you insist the relevance of this tactful operation on me with discernable knowledge.”

“Alas I cannot, the role you must play is a vital one indeed. The very hinges of this operation hang in the balance. Like a great machine rotations must be made, if even may fail. They would say it would grind to a halt. Trust me, I would entrust a task of such importance to no one but myself, through you now, your shall be an extension of my will. Will will join with the dastardly Sither. She will inform the true importance of the operation to you. Go now my dagger. Do not question. Answers shall reveal themselves to you.” Nal cut the communication with the Iykeune. Ninety percent of that was all posturing, she knew what he meant. Nal headed back to the main control room. He would proceed with the next phase now that, that was taken care of. He had an invasion to plan with only a few hours to do so. At least he made up his mind.