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Those Two Guys - The Comics of NatoGreavesy. - Page 80 - Community

Those Two Guys - The Comics of NatoGreavesy.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm
Rogue-Elite wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:14 pm
I'll be brutally honest
It felt rushed and was really choppy
It kinda sucked how underwhelming it is.
Was left disappointed.
I actually really respect and appreciate the honesty. I'm not even close to happy with how it all turned out in the end.

A big part of it is the limitations of my setup; I didn't have a whole lot or room or time to put it all together, so I rushed through the photography over a single weekend, and didn't end up taking enough photos for the framerate I used, hence why parts of it happen too quickly to see/understand what's happening.

In hindsight, I probably should've experimented with shorter scenes/videos to dial in what kinds of setting, etc. I needed to use with the camera and software, instead of just trying to jump into a full-length fight scene right off the bat. This was very much a learning experience for if/when I try something like this again.
No worries, man. You should see some of my first stop motions! Man, they bring back memories...

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JoeFilms wrote:
Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:53 am
NatoGreavesy wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm
Rogue-Elite wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:14 pm
I'll be brutally honest
It felt rushed and was really choppy
It kinda sucked how underwhelming it is.
Was left disappointed.
I actually really respect and appreciate the honesty. I'm not even close to happy with how it all turned out in the end.

A big part of it is the limitations of my setup; I didn't have a whole lot or room or time to put it all together, so I rushed through the photography over a single weekend, and didn't end up taking enough photos for the framerate I used, hence why parts of it happen too quickly to see/understand what's happening.

In hindsight, I probably should've experimented with shorter scenes/videos to dial in what kinds of setting, etc. I needed to use with the camera and software, instead of just trying to jump into a full-length fight scene right off the bat. This was very much a learning experience for if/when I try something like this again.
No worries, man. You should see some of my first stop motions! Man, they bring back memories...
Hm. I haven't done stop-motions in ages. I've discovered that I'm pretty terrible at them myself. Oh well. I don't think I have the patience.

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charliebucket wrote:
Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:56 am
JoeFilms wrote:
Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:53 am
NatoGreavesy wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm

I actually really respect and appreciate the honesty. I'm not even close to happy with how it all turned out in the end.

A big part of it is the limitations of my setup; I didn't have a whole lot or room or time to put it all together, so I rushed through the photography over a single weekend, and didn't end up taking enough photos for the framerate I used, hence why parts of it happen too quickly to see/understand what's happening.

In hindsight, I probably should've experimented with shorter scenes/videos to dial in what kinds of setting, etc. I needed to use with the camera and software, instead of just trying to jump into a full-length fight scene right off the bat. This was very much a learning experience for if/when I try something like this again.
No worries, man. You should see some of my first stop motions! Man, they bring back memories...
Hm. I haven't done stop-motions in ages. I've discovered that I'm pretty terrible at them myself. Oh well. I don't think I have the patience.
Yeah, it takes a TON of that.

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm
Rogue-Elite wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:14 pm
I'll be brutally honest
It felt rushed and was really choppy
It kinda sucked how underwhelming it is.
Was left disappointed.
I actually really respect and appreciate the honesty. I'm not even close to happy with how it all turned out in the end.

A big part of it is the limitations of my setup; I didn't have a whole lot or room or time to put it all together, so I rushed through the photography over a single weekend, and didn't end up taking enough photos for the framerate I used, hence why parts of it happen too quickly to see/understand what's happening.

In hindsight, I probably should've experimented with shorter scenes/videos to dial in what kinds of setting, etc. I needed to use with the camera and software, instead of just trying to jump into a full-length fight scene right off the bat. This was very much a learning experience for if/when I try something like this again.
Nato i loved it. To be honest, Im OK at stop motion. My difficulty is talking and that stuff. Aswell as moving more than one figure in a shot. Good job!

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Yep. I always seem to try and make a story, reach about the half hour mark with about 5-20 seconds and give up.

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Minor rant for the day: I wish the mods would be more consistent with what they will/won't allow.

Case in point, earlier today, I uploaded the latest chapter of my comic, but when I found the post, two images were missing - one where an elite loses an arm, and another where that same elite gets stabbed in the head with a knife. This is especially confusing, given that a very recent post of mine included another character losing an arm, and many of my past comic chapters have included characters being stabbed in the back, face, foot, or throat.

Where do the mods draw the line? Why is getting an arm cut off with an energy sword okay (with smoke and sparks and dialogue of the character screaming), but an arm being sliced off by a rifle blast (with a colourful light effect, where the character doesn't scream) is no longer appropriate for the gallery? How is it that sticking knives in the existing holes on a figure's back or feet, or in the gap between neck and armour, or even in between an elite figure's mouthparts, is all perfectly acceptable, but putting the knife into the existing hole in the top of the elite's head is suddenly too much?

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NatoGreavesy wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:52 pm
Minor rant for the day: I wish the mods would be more consistent with what they will/won't allow.

Case in point, earlier today, I uploaded the latest chapter of my comic, but when I found the post, two images were missing - one where an elite loses an arm, and another where that same elite gets stabbed in the head with a knife. This is especially confusing, given that a very recent post of mine included another character losing an arm, and many of my past comic chapters have included characters being stabbed in the back, face, foot, or throat.

Where do the mods draw the line? Why is getting an arm cut off with an energy sword okay (with smoke and sparks and dialogue of the character screaming), but an arm being sliced off by a rifle blast (with a colourful light effect, where the character doesn't scream) is no longer appropriate for the gallery? How is it that sticking knives in the existing holes on a figure's back or feet, or in the gap between neck and armour, or even in between an elite figure's mouthparts, is all perfectly acceptable, but putting the knife into the existing hole in the top of the elite's head is suddenly too much?
Maybe we should recommend on the Gallery some way for them to communicate with us and tell us why our images don't go through.

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Case File #7991, Interrogation Log

Date: [Redacted] 2562
Location: ONI Blacksite, Antares Prime.
Prisoner profile: Harriet Harper, ex colony law enforcement, and former UNSC liaison. Now self-identifies as an Insurrectionist, allegedly operating on behalf of the long-defunct ‘Hybrid’ cell. Also of note is her refusal to answer to her known name, instead insisting that she be referred to by her codename ‘Harpy’.
Interrogator/s: Agent Alfonso Perez, information extraction specialist.
Also in attendance: Zel ‘Camor, special Sangheili operative for the UNSC. Sergeant Mara Dozer, UNSC Spartan.
Details of acquisition: Subject ‘Harpy’ was apprehended attempted to infiltrate a UNSC supply depot on Antares prime. An improvised explosive device found on her person seems to suggest her intention was sabotage, however, expert analysis has confirmed that the device was poorly-made, and never would’ve detonated. This leaves the question – was this woman’s infiltration an act of ineptitude, or does she possess an ulterior motive?

- Interrogation Transcript -

Perez: Do you understand why you’re here, Miss Harper?
Harpy: It’s Mrs Harper. I was married.
Perez: [Shuffling papers] Ah, yes, so you were. Forgive my ignorance; I usually like to do my reading before an interrogation, but I’ve been quite busy lately. So many interrogations, so little time.
Harpy: I don’t like you.
Dozer: No one likes him.
Perez: Don’t banter with the prisoner. Why are you even in here?
Dozer: To make sure you don’t get all torturey. There’s a lot of eyes on this case, and while the higher-ups might be willing to overlook a few aliens getting maimed in your custody, human beings still have rights.
Perez: Is that so? Do humans still have rights when they undermine and sabotage everything the UNSC has built? Do they still have rights when they aid the interests of our alien enemy, endangering the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent humans?
Harpy: Innocent? The UNSC’s history is one of complacence, failure, and sacrifice… and don’t even get me started on ONI. You’re all butchers and oppressors. There’s nothing innocent about any of you.
Perez: And how are you any better? Without the UNSC, all of humanity will fall to these alien savages. Is that what you want? Extinction for your species?
Harpy: The outer colonies survived without the UNSC for years. When the Covenant came, the UNSC abandoned us, to protect the inner colonies and your precious Earth. We suffered, yes, we lost thousands, yes, but we survived, without the UNSC. The rest of the human race can do the same. All the UNSC knows is war, and bloodshed, and suffering.
Dozer: Humanity didn’t start this war.
Harpy: I’m not saying they did.
Perez: According to this file, your family were killed by Covenant Remnant, so why do you hate the UNSC? They did nothing to you.
Harpy: Exactly. They did nothing. They knew those Covies were there, prowling outside the colony walls, probing our defences. So many of us begged and pleaded for them to do something about it, and they never did. They had ‘other priorities’, apparently. The indolence of the UNSC is the reason that my husband and children are gone.
Zel: You blame your own kind for a crime committed by another species? Where’s the sense in that? If you want to be angry with someone, why not be angry at me?
Harpy: I don’t know you. Why would I blame you? I don’t blame any of your kind. I’ve read up on the Covenant and their history. All of those species, conquered and indoctrinated and sacrificed for a meaningless belief… I pitied them. War was the only life they’d ever known. But we humans have thousands of years of history to look back on, we have the ability to recognise our past mistakes, and learn from them. The UNSC didn’t do that. They stood back and let that Remnant group grow. They let the attack happen, and now my family is gone.
Perez: We could sit here playing the blame game for the rest of forever, and it wouldn’t accomplish anything. The past is the past. We all make mistakes… yours was getting caught.
Harpy: Who says that was a mistake? Maybe I wanted to be here.
Dozer: Believe me, lady, no one wants to be stuck in a room with Perez.
Perez: Who’s side are you on?
Zel: Her allegiance has no bearing on her personal dislike for you. Or mine, for that matter.
Perez: Whatever. Now that the introductions are out of the way, I have some simple questions for you, Mrs Harper. Your answers to those questions will determine how long you spend in this horrible place, before you get sent to a comparatively idyllic prison.
Harpy: What questions?
Perez: We’ll start with something simple. Who do you work for?
Harpy: The ‘Hybrid’ cell. We’re an insurrectionist cell, so named because we use codenames based on mythological creatures that are hybrids of other animals.
Perez: I’m familiar with the group, and their etymology. I’m also aware of the fact that they were dealt with by Bradford Branson over twenty years ago. The ones who weren’t killed outright have been languishing in a colourful variety of maximum-security penitentiaries.
Harpy: If you want to eliminate an organisation, make sure you kill whoever’s in charge.
Perez: They… did? [Shuffling papers] Davis ‘Manticore’ Mangrove, head of the Hybrid cell. Listed as KIA when his bunker caved in on itself during the UNSC raid.
Harpy: Keep reading.
Perez: No body was ever recovered… So what? You really think the UNSC is going to bother digging up an entire collapsed bunker to find the corpse of someone who couldn’t have possibly made it out?
Harpy: Like I said, the UNSC has always been complacent.
Perez: Urgh, let’s try another angle. Why were you at the supply depot?
Harpy: To get caught.
Perez: Why would you want to get caught?
Harpy: So that I could be brought here.
Perez: Why would you want to be brought here?
Harpy: So that my friends could follow the transport that took me here. So that my allies could know the location of your Blacksite. So that they could pass that information onto someone who could put this little operation of yours out of business. I may hate the UNSC, but I despise sadists, and that’s all you are, you twisted, sad little man…

[Sounds of scuffling – Agent Perez attempted to strike the prisoner, and was forcibly restrained by Spartan Dozer.]

Dozer: Guards! Escort Agent Perez to his quarters, and take the prisoner back to her cell.

[The recording continues while the guards carry out the Spartan’s instructions. Both Perez and Harpy remain silent during this. The following exchange has little bearing on the interrogation itself, but has been included for the sake of completion.]

Dozer: Well, that could’ve gone better.
Zel: It could’ve been worse.
Dozer: That lady was talking crazy, right? There’s no way she let herself get captured just so she could find this place?
Zel: I believe we should err on the side of caution. ‘Better safe than sorry’, I believe, is the expression that you humans like to use. Bal is close with the Commander. Perhaps I can convince him to convey the urgency of the situation.
Dozer: I hope so, otherwise- oh, we left the camera on.

[End of recording.]

Addendum: Subject ‘Harpy’ was freed from UNSC custody the following night, during a brazen incursion by her insurrectionist allies. The attackers used flashbangs, smoke grenades, and rubber bullets; no UNSC personnel were killed or severely injured in the attack. Preliminary eyewitness statements corroborate Subject ‘Harpy’s’ claim that Davis ‘Manticore’ Mangrove is still alive. His presence on Antares Prime is cause for concern.

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Great side story Nato. I wonder who this Manticore guy is...

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