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Short stores and lore thread - Page 9 - Community

Short stores and lore thread

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The Tales of Yore

- Complexity's Aversion -

Repercussions of past actions have a way of finding there mark on future ideals. In the Era Intermedium the Aversana sought to chrysalis the nebulous tendrils left in the wake of the Mencharan wreckages of eons past. There finite interpretation of the cosmic echo's were all but divine. Those they weaved the long erroneous appendages into magnificence. Bending the nebulium into brilliant arrays of idolizing magnitudes. Unaroused and disavowed to the mere conceptions of dystrophy. Trespassers in these dark waters they tempted the fading visages and seeded passage. In there actions they dined there fates. Undertaking such erroneous actions of self indulgence, they could not comprehend the voyagers that would soon come to face them. There simplicity was just, there complexity was arrogance. In the end, perceptions failed. All left, but the brilliant dazzling monasteries kept in there wake drifting endlessly through the ceaseless dark. Eventually even they did falter, crafted on falsehoods. They marked there fate, willingly embracing it. Ironic is it not, those who thought themselves timeless echo on only through those who have truly become as such.

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I'm guessing it took a while to find all that fancy vocabulary.

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Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:33 pm
I'm guessing it took a while to find all that fancy vocabulary.

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Admiral-Sabree wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:13 pm
Survivor11 wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:33 pm
I'm guessing it took a while to find all that fancy vocabulary.

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- -

"We are all finite. Tiny, little, inconceivable drops, in the unfathomably massive ocean called life. To know we are just one of many, countless, millions. Yet still even further, a mistake of passion. Of which again out of the countless, numerically probably possibilities, you. You... Yet, after everything, your future could be forced on you. Forsaken and marked, that your actions would be part of a greater design. Seemingly far beyond you. If you could know, everything your life would bring. The good, the bad. To know, every possible action you could make. To see the terrible things your mere existence could bring. Those first, gasping, sputtering breaths. Would you dare to open your eyes?"

"I highly doubt he can understand a word you've just said."

"I know, shhhhhhh, I've got you little one. I want to tell you a story. About me. About us. But I'm not sure if this is the best way to start... Telitya. Do you know where my journals are? Did I leave them with Jerian?"

"No, you had a fuss when I tried to move them. There on the Nautilus, in storage. You put them there when we last visited Chydrexzn."

"I remember that now, Ill have to pull them out and go through them. Doing everything digitally... its easier, but just lacks that, you know. I've got a story to tell you, about our past. The things we had become, and what we became. Don't worry though, Ill always be watching you. So don't ever be afraid to open your eyes. Rest silently little one. Until morning."

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I am genuinely disappointed in the fact that I forgot about these posts. Now that we can edit them, Ill fix there spelling errors in the texts on the posts themselves.


I find myself thinking everyone once In awhile. I find myself asking. Every time I come here. To this place. I find myself asking the same question. I look out upon the field of ash. And take in the sight before myself. The auburn of the ground just barely taking sight, I can almost see a flash, I feel the heat on my face, there faces right before me, I reach out with my hand but there just out of my reach. I find myself with clutched fists.

What Ive Become

I stood at the precipice, I had a choice. Move forward or stay. If I moved forward, I knew my voice would be heard. I would change everything but, in it all I'd forget why I was there to begin with, and lose myself amongst it all. I’d... forget who I am. If I stayed, I would remain the same. Never moving. Nothing would change. I'd remain ever fighting with no message or voice. No one would dare to listen. Only later did I realize it didn't matter. Both choices lead to the same place. In the end I'd still be forced to live with the things that I've done. If there was a way that I could, change things... Mabey. Just maybe. Everything would be different.

-General Ross

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- Through the Eyes of an Ascendant -

Questions may be asked, Yet we must refute them. To undermine, is to betray. To oscillate is to falter. Resilience is the only true solution, and you must prevail. To fail, is to be consumed. You understand these things. So do I. We have come so far, you and I. Everything we strive to accomplish is before us. Much like you I expected, satisfaction, resolve, yet i'm struggling not to waver in my form. In the time, before; such hesitation would have been unacceptable. Yet while it lasts I can't help but savor these little, fleeting, moments of indecisiveness. In a world of cruelty and unrelenting action the hesitant uncertainty, it is annihilation. Ironic in a way isn't it. That you and I should be the ones to re-awaken and cast this pitiful world back into the ages of direction and action. Decisiveness was never advantages for the likes of us. Well enough of that, my indecision has faltered. Before us lies the indisputable future. May be begin?

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Another great bit of lore.

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- You'll See me Again -

 Kaiman, first; I'd like to say I'm sorry about leaving you this message, like... this. But, I couldn't tell you face to face. Our actions have consequences, and mine are finally catching up with me... So, your not the only one whos been lying or keeping secrets. I know you blame us ever meeting on yourself. On a dream, an echo... when you told me, I was... upset, but I wasn't angry. Then you ran away... I didn't expect that... you knew, or now you know though. You didn't have a choice then. It was out of your hands, I know that... And, you were there to pick up the pieces. You know when you first met me, but I never told you when I first met you. After... I ran away, I was lost... I was scared and I didn't know what to do, but of all the places I could have appeared. It was on a planet, lost to time... you know the one. That tower, and that ship. The Acterion Seven... I found and I followed you. I found your notes, your little wordy things. I didn't even understand them at the time, but... they made me feel better. They lead me to the place you first died... And you left it there... The thing that made me finding you possible. That made everything that would happen possible. But that's not everything, not the end. Because I realized what I'd done. I went back home, to late in time, 13 years later... and you there... you smiled to me, and said "Hay, there you are. I've been waiting for you, I knew I'd see you again..." I didn't know that meant. Yet I walked with you, to that city. No words were spoken. But I knew that you were important... even if I didn't know why. We went there together. We met him, Advarian. We climbed to the tallest spire and looked out to that city. I've never seen anything like it ever again. Then you told me to go, that you would need my help, putting things back together...  you told me, that no matter what, to never give up on you. So I found you, and I'm not sure how successful I was... in helping you. But I know now that you'll be all right. That no matter what happens... You'll see me again. Our actions define us, they define you, they will define me... but... I have one last thing to ask before I go... can you consider, what is a Demon and a Angel. They are basic monograms to define the abstract ideas of good and evil. Just because the Demon is direct and cruel, doesn't mean there not correct. Likewise, the angel that is benevolent, may very well try to lead you astray. So... please try and consider... that in the right circumstances, would the demon be your definition of evil, or could it in fact, have always been... the only true Angel...

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- Devrin -

… I... I expected something? … something more... … is that correct?... I don't feel anything... nothing I want... no solace… euphoria... just emptiness... … I feel sadness... … no resolve... … just empty... Was I wrong to persecute you?... Did our points of view differ so much, that we couldn't see each other angel's? For the first time... I... … I don't know what to do... This feeling... why did you have to go away... … why did you come back... when you knew, there was only one ending... one outcome... … I... I don't understand... maybe in time... I'll figure it out... but as all things must... everything comes to an end... now... thanks to you... at least... I can make something new... …

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