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Halo: Character Thread - Community

Halo: Character Thread

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Name: Vee T-011
Age: 24
Home World: Imber
Background/Short Bio: Vee's life started out unexciting and simple, the daughter of two farmers, a traditional salt-of-the-earth family. It was two days before her sixth birthday when she opened the door to men disguised as policemen, little did she know that everything was about to change...

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I haven't done this in ages...

Name: Master Sergeant Dein O. Nychus
Age: Born - November 7, 2508 (17 at the start of the Human/Covenant War, biologically 38 in 2558 due to multiple deployment cryo-suspensions)
Home World: Mars
Background/Short Bio: Dein grew up surrounded by the UNSC. With Misriah Armory in his home town of Eos Chasma on Mars, he was drawn to armor at an early age. When the Covenant attacked Harvest, Dein counted down the days until he was old enough to join the UNSC Army. Completing armor school, Dein quickly became a proficient and decorated M808 Scorpion driver, eventually serving in elite units which afforded him the opportunity to enter into ODST training. Once an ODST, Dein served as an ODST Ground Force Specialist in many campaigns, operating the specially modified ODST version of the Scorpion tank. Helljumpers usually don't survive as long as Dein has, tankers even less so. Dein just hopes he can make a difference in this war as long as he's able to pull the trigger on his DMR or an M512.


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Name: Sebaste Kirinov ( Spartan-915, all else is classified by order of ONI)
Callsign: Eliteslayer 49-15
Age: 35 (birth date is classified)
Home World: Titan
Rank: Sgt. 1st class
Background/Short Bio: Not much is known about the mysterious Spartan-IV known as Sebaste-915, he was found wounded on the desert world of Epsilon VI by ONI and UNSC forces, after he had recovered , he described the attack on his squad, Fireteam Soyev, by Promeatheans. Soldiers who have seen him describe him as a Spartan-IV in red and silver armour with an Orbital helmet ,upper leg armour and arms,Mark IV(B) Chestplate, shoulder pads and lower leg armour, and equipped with a SRS99-S3 AM and a DMR and some soldiers noted that the close combat weapon he used was a Hyabusa katana , from what could be found from his history is that he was born to an Russian family on Titan, had signed up in the Marine Corps at the age of 19, and had fought at the closing stages of the UNSC/Covenant war, before signing up for the Spartan -IV program,before he suddenly disappeared from the records, many think that he was recruited by ONI to keep an eye out for Dr. Halsey, but the answer is far from the truth, he had been recruited to keep an eye out for the Master Chief and his whereabouts, whatever the answer is, no one really knows who he is and what his true background is...

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Name: Viktor (Spartan 757)
Age: Very very old
Home World: Earth
Background: After so many assisted body transplants, age has become irrelevant and so has his past. But for the sake of this background that information is being revealed.
He was born in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and kidnapped by the government. He was the subject of the first successful brain transplant. Many experiments later, he was an early Spartan Prototype. The soviets formed a four-man secret society that kept Viktor and eachother alive through many years via brain transplant. Even long after America, Russia, and earth were gone. To the UNSC, he is just another Spartan. A crazy one at that.
Now he just messes around with his friends, throwing rocks at aliens and experimenting on grunts. But beware! He is no old geezer.

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RuCat757 wrote:(Not sure how to put a picture of him on here, so I'll just say he is a neon green and yellow Soldier.)
Upload your picture to the gallery then use the IMG BBCode to embed it here.

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Name: "Akula"
Age: Classified
Home World: Classified
Status: Missing In Action
Armors: Pre-New Alexandria incident: Customised marine armor(base colour black instead of green) custom touches included Painted skulls, and painted swords (deadric style from elder scrolls).
ONI and onwards: Customised nightfall armor (ODST variant and base colour black again) custom touches include: painted Assault rifles (crossed), painted red line through any ONI labels (added after going "AWOL"),and names list of fallen squad members on the chestplate.
Weapons: Custom Assault rifle (Trauma skin except its purple elite blood instead of red blood), custom M6 magnum (covered in grunt blood), small amount of throwing knives and a combat knife (only weapons without blood on it, akula cleans his knives after each kill).
Background: Not much is known about this guy, the only confirmed fact is that everyone calls him Akula. It is said that this battle scarred veteran, was among the Harvest Militia, and later signed up for the UNSC marine corps along with the other militia members. A rumour has it that Akula was present on reach when the covenant invaded, he went missing in the early hours of the New Alexandria invasion. Only his uniquely marked Assault Rifle was found, no body, no armor, no secondary weapons, not even his tags have been found. It has been rumoured that a marine wearing armor matching the descriptions of akula's uniquely decorated armor had been spotted several times on installation 04, however every sighting seems to be from the same small group of marines, no one outside this group has spotted this mysterious marine, leading some to say these sightings are fake. Officially the UNSC still list this marine as M.I.A. And O.N.I. Denies that this marine ever existed.......

I'll leave the appearance up to the imagination of whichever forum member reads this.

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Name: Spartan J85
Age: Unknown
Status: Being hunted down by the UNSC and ONI
Bio: J85 was a special ops Spartan, sent on top secret missions by ONI to recover lost data or to rescue hostages. His last mission was to find missing UNSC and ONI personal, but, was set up, betrayed. Now he is a rogue a freelancer if you like, and is determined to find out what his former allies are hiding. J85 isn't a cold-blooded killer but would prefer peace, but, is usually forced by opposition into violence in which the opposition ends up dead. J85 cares a lot for his friends and will put his own life in the way to save his brothers from death. His uses a custom SAW and sniper rifle, and wears white and light blue coloured Gungnir armour.

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Name: Rook
Age: 28 (86 when counting cryo)
Status: Aboard the UNSC Azure Blue Sky. Halcyon class cruiser.
Bio: After the Covenant attack on earth, Rook had her first real taste of battle. It wasn't until after the attack that the UNSC decided it was a good idea to refit the retired "Kappa" station with marines and weapons. She was stationed here when the discovery of the "Red Triangles" was brought to light in a very disturbing, and even life altering way.
Armor: Orange and black Hasop
Preferred combat weapons: Sniper rifle for long range, battle rifle for mid-range, shotgun for close range, knife for stealth takedowns and hand-to-hand.

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DevilDoll wrote:Name: Rook
Age: 28 (86 when counting cryo)
Status: Aboard the UNSC Azure Blue Sky. Halcyon class cruiser.
Bio: After the Covenant attack on earth, Rook had her first real taste of battle. It wasn't until after the attack that the UNSC decided it was a good idea to refit the retired "Kappa" station with marines and weapons. She was stationed here when the discovery of the "Red Triangles" was brought to light in a very disturbing, and even life altering way.
Armor: Orange and black Hasop
Preferred combat weapons: Sniper rifle for long range, battle rifle for mid-range, shotgun for close range, knife for stealth takedowns and hand-to-hand.
Nice character introduction. Explains what the character was doing aboard "Kappa" station.

-updated my character info to show my armor and weapon usage-

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