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Halo: Battle status - Community

Halo: Battle status

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I thought since there's a character post, what about a post on where everyone's characters are stationed in different warzones, what their status is, whether they're active, MIA or KIA, and their last location and transmission (use mine as a example)

Eliteslayer 49-15
Warzone: Epsilon system
Status: Unknown
Last known location: Epsilon VI

++ This is Eliteslayer, I'm in need of backup, my team and I were on a routine patrol when we were attacked by unknown assailants, Strakov-711 and Iruska-432 were disintegrated in an instant by what looked like beams of light, then some sort of robot teleported into our midst and took out Sanov-588 before he could bring his weapon to bear, leaving me the sole survivor of my squad, and now there of more of those things, along with some sort of hound-like creatures accompanying them, if there are any UNSC forces in the vicinity, you are needed to help repel this new threat ++ - Last known transmission of Eliteslayer 49-15 (Sebaste-915)
Photo: (coming soon)

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Sounds pretty cool to me, people could even make a battle scene of their characters and attach them to this thread or to the gallery? what do you think Eliteslayer 49-15?

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Assassinater117 wrote:Sounds pretty cool to me, people could even make a battle scene of their characters and attach them to this thread or to the gallery? what do you think Eliteslayer 49-15?
That's actually a good idea, I approve, as long as they stick to the theme on the post, which means, only created characters and customs and they're on the battlefield that's in their posts, but other than that, it's a really good idea Assassinator117, thanks for suggesting it!

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Assassinater117 wrote:Sounds pretty cool to me, people could even make a battle scene of their characters and attach them to this thread or to the gallery? what do you think Eliteslayer 49-15?
Great idea! You'd have to submit to the gallery first and when approved embed the image here.
Mega doesn't allow external images to be embeded.

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Status: M.I.A.
Last Official Sighting: New Alexandria, Reach

Interview with squadmate PFC. Jenkins on board the pillar of autumn after the battle for reach:

?: When was the last time you spoke to "Akula"?
J: Um it was before the attack on the city of New Alexandria, Sarge said that the Army needed some guys to help out with evacuating the city. Which I thought was odd since the attacks hadn't happened at the time. Sarge asked "Akula" and a couple of other guys including "Quick" to go and assist the army guys.

?: Then what happened?
J: Our squad always kept radio contact so we gave "quick" a long range radio. We said good luck to "Akula" and the others, and they moved out. A few hours later "Quick" checks in, just confirming they'd arrived in the city and linked up with some army guys.

?: What did the rest of your squad on board the pillar of autumn do while "Akula" and the others were in the city?
J: We continued with our day-to-day routines, carried out checks on our equipment. But we always had one guy stay by the radio to monitor the other team. Then a few hours after "Quick" had checked in, We were orderd to prepare defensive positions in the shipyards. One guy carried the radio to the location we'd been orderd to fortify, immediately after we arrived at the location "quick" is on the radio, there's gunfire in the background, "quick" said that the city was under attack by the covenant, and that the squad was holding their own but several of the army guys were either K.I.A. or W.I.A.

?: How did your team back in the shipyards respond?
J: We tried to get the captain to let us go and reinforce them, but the captain wouldn't allow it, said that they'd be out of danger by the time we got there. We set about reinforcing our current position, as ordered. Some of us weren't happy with the situation but we had to keep our cool, last thing we wanted was for some of us to be shot for desertion.

?: What happened next?
J: "Quick" got back on the radio, said they were falling back, they lost a few men. About an hour later he came back over the radio saying that he was on a bird out of the city with a couple of wounded squad members, he also said "Akula" had stayed behind to help keep the LZ open. Few days later these two Spartans show up and one had been in the city during the battle, he'd picked up "Akula's" Rifle, he handed it over to sarge and said that there was no body or tags near it.

*Battle for installation 04*

Jenkins battle log:
Halo Day 01: "we had to evacuate the ship, covies were waiting for us, we landed on some mysterious ring"

Day 02: "cortana ships AI says this ring is called a Halo" -few hours later- "we got into a firefight with covies today, Mendoza and I are certain we also saw "Akula" sarge says it was just a vision due to stress and fatigue. But we know what we saw"

Day 03: "We were ordered to link up with the captain at the location of some weapon cache a spec ops elite gave up, I dont trust him, I think this could be a trap" - hours later - "We saw "Akula" again this time everyone saw him, he didn't respond to us though, his armor was different too, wait a minute why was I being interviewed back on the autumn after reach? And why were they interested in "Akula"?
*Entry Log Ends (Halo CE Jenkins video takes place here)*

-New secret recording plays-
?: The UNSC Will list you as KIA/MIA, ONI will not acknowledge your existence if your captured, you cannot tell your old squad your still alive, forget them, forget the UNSC, your missions will be high risk and highly classified, do you understand?
A: I understand
?: Congratulations you now work for ONI
*End of recording*

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AkulA1996 wrote:"Akula"
Status: M.I.A.
Last Official Sighting: New Alexandria, Reach

Interview with squadmate PFC. Jenkins on board the pillar of autumn after the battle for reach:

?: When was the last time you spoke to "Akula"?
J: Um it was before the attack on the city of New Alexandria, Sarge said that the Army needed some guys to help out with evacuating the city. Which I thought was odd since the attacks hadn't happened at the time. Sarge asked "Akula" and a couple of other guys including "Quick" to go and assist the army guys.

?: Then what happened?
J: Our squad always kept radio contact so we gave "quick" a long range radio. We said good luck to "Akula" and the others, and they moved out. A few hours later "Quick" checks in, just confirming they'd arrived in the city and linked up with some army guys.

?: What did the rest of your squad on board the pillar of autumn do while "Akula" and the others were in the city?
J: We continued with our day-to-day routines, carried out checks on our equipment. But we always had one guy stay by the radio to monitor the other team. Then a few hours after "Quick" had checked in, We were orderd to prepare defensive positions in the shipyards. One guy carried the radio to the location we'd been orderd to fortify, immediately after we arrived at the location "quick" is on the radio, there's gunfire in the background, "quick" said that the city was under attack by the covenant, and that the squad was holding their own but several of the army guys were either K.I.A. or W.I.A.

?: How did your team back in the shipyards respond?
J: We tried to get the captain to let us go and reinforce them, but the captain wouldn't allow it, said that they'd be out of danger by the time we got there. We set about reinforcing our current position, as ordered. Some of us weren't happy with the situation but we had to keep our cool, last thing we wanted was for some of us to be shot for desertion.

?: What happened next?
J: "Quick" got back on the radio, said they were falling back, they lost a few men. About an hour later he came back over the radio saying that he was on a bird out of the city with a couple of wounded squad members, he also said "Akula" had stayed behind to help keep the LZ open. Few days later these two Spartans show up and one had been in the city during the battle, he'd picked up "Akula's" Rifle, he handed it over to sarge and said that there was no body or tags near it.

*Battle for installation 04*

Jenkins battle log:
Halo Day 01: "we had to evacuate the ship, covies were waiting for us, we landed on some mysterious ring"

Day 02: "cortana ships AI says this ring is called a Halo" -few hours later- "we got into a firefight with covies today, Mendoza and I are certain we also saw "Akula" sarge says it was just a vision due to stress and fatigue. But we know what we saw"

Day 03: "We were ordered to link up with the captain at the location of some weapon cache a spec ops elite gave up, I dont trust him, I think this could be a trap" - hours later - "We saw "Akula" again this time everyone saw him, he didn't respond to us though, his armor was different too, wait a minute why was I being interviewed back on the autumn after reach? And why were they interested in "Akula"?
*Entry Log Ends (Halo CE Jenkins video takes place here)*

-New secret recording plays-
?: The UNSC Will list you as KIA/MIA, ONI will not acknowledge your existence if your captured, you cannot tell your old squad your still alive, forget them, forget the UNSC, your missions will be high risk and highly classified, do you understand?
A: I understand
?: Congratulations you now work for ONI
*End of recording*
Dude, that seriously puts mine to shame, nice one!

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^ thanks I spent a lot of time thinking up the story (started the day I posted my character intro) and how I was going to elaborate my character intro story. The last part I wasn't sure on whether to include or not, so it's sort of a bonus for whoever manages to read the whole story. (seriously is it too long? And I haven't went over any points twice have I? I sometimes have a habit of doing that when I write/type up giant paragraphs).

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AkulA1996 wrote:^ thanks I spent a lot of time thinking up the story (started the day I posted my character intro) and how I was going to elaborate my character intro story. The last part I wasn't sure on whether to include or not, so it's sort of a bonus for whoever manages to read the whole story. (seriously is it too long? And I haven't went over any points twice have I? I sometimes have a habit of doing that when I write/type up giant paragraphs).
No, it's fine, mine's practically a giant paragraph, lol

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Yeah it sounds awesome AkulA. I will have to put my character battle status up too(though dunno if it will be as good as you other guys ones ;)

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Assassinater117 wrote:Yeah it sounds awesome AkulA. I will have to put my character battle status up too(though dunno if it will be as good as you other guys ones ;)
Thanks. You never know you're could be better than everyone else's, even mine, lol. Just make sure everything in it is what you want in the story and that the layout is how you want it. Oh and as some have said you guys can always add pics (I won't cause I like to leave it up to the readers imagination).

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