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Community • What older lines did or do you collect?
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What older lines did or do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:04 pm
by mwcarlson
I'm curious what older lines are actually of interest.

I began collecting some of the older lines largely on account of the lack of structures in the Halo line. I began with structure-heavy lines like Command Ops and Alien Agency, but branched out to Pirates of the Caribbean, Probuilders, Marvel (Spiderman and Fantastic 4 primarily), Teenage Mutant Ninje Turtles, and Xtreme Sports. Many of the sets I elected to collect either had the right parts in the right color, or other alluring elements like some of the fabulous trees MEGA used to make.

However, I've become particularly fond of the Alien Agency line. The agents and physician figures are actually pretty nice.

What old lines have you collected and why have you collected them?

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:14 pm
by Deinonychus
See, this is a tricky question because just about all of the "older lines" I've collected I grabbed from the shelves when they were the hottest new thing, so I don't really collect them anymore as much as I own them. If I collect anything older nowadays it's usually just individual elements or baseplates. You can never have too many of those Dragons-era terrain plates.

That being said, I did miss out on the Harley Davidson ProBuider sets, and am always on the lookout for one of those to pop up cheap on ebay. They would look great in my office.

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:27 pm
by mwcarlson
See you're just a long-time MB fan... so "older lines" doesn't necessarily apply.

Nevertheless, I am in complete agreement about those older Dragons plates. I had forgotten to mention that the Dragons line also received some attention and I have a pretty significant selection of the Dragons base plates as a result. Luckily most of my acquisitions have been via eBay or other collectors and I've secured a pretty good deal.

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:47 pm
by Symon-006
To be honest, I prefer the newer jigsaw puzzle land masses to the Dragons plates. Yes, they were great when they were the only thing available - but I never did care for the lackluster quality control of the studs and oftentimes find my collection popping loose when attempting to build across to adjoining plates.

The only real issue I have with the jigsaw puzzle plates these days is one of angled corners is lacking a cutout for studs, making it tricky to stack them in adjoining configurations to simulate a variable landscape.

....but yeah, Alien Agency rocked - would love to see some independent property like that make a reappearance

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:05 pm
by mwcarlson
Symon-006 wrote:
> I never did care for the lackluster quality control of the studs and
> oftentimes find my collection popping loose when attempting to build across
> to adjoining plates.

Mmm... yes, that was a problem with those plates. I found them useful when used as a flat surface on which to affix a large structure, but for building a graduated landscape of varying elevations it became problematic keeping them together.

Symon-006 wrote:
> The only real issue I have with the jigsaw puzzle plates these days is one
> of angled corners is lacking a cutout for studs, making it tricky to stack
> them in adjoining configurations to simulate a variable landscape.

Again, I am all too familiar with this challenge. I actually ended up using an Xacto blade to carefully trim out the necessary section to allow such stacking. But my biggest challenge was always a lack of pieces to join the various plates into a cohesive landscape. We need a piece-purchasing system MEGA!

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:45 pm
by Block_on
Well, I ''collected'' the Starcraft II line. All of the 1 set that was released. Makes me sad!

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:21 pm
by omegabob
I like the Dragon Universe line. The mix of ships and dragons with guns mounted on them gave it nice Sci-Fantasy feel. If I can find some at a reasonable price i'll pick them up. I would love to see that line return with the new articulation.

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:56 am
by Thehumanelement
^ I 2nd that . In some ways (many?) the Dragons Universe line is superior to the HALO line in my opinion. The dragon mounts reminiscent of Dino Riders from yester year, the awesome figure designs and vivid colours of the Dragon Beasts all make me over look the lack of modern articulation. It really is a fun line that integrates well into HALO .

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:32 pm
by Rygy221
I would definitely love to see Dragon's Universe come back with super-articulated figures. And a signature-series ship, of course.

Re: What older lines do you collect?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:27 pm
by Symon-006
Block_on wrote:
> Well, I ''collected'' the Starcraft II line. All of the 1 set that was
> released. Makes me sad!

You're in with good company. I know over on the Bloks Forum there were a lot of us that wanted to see that line take off. I didn't know anything about the games, but from looking at the content renders I was getting very excited for that line to take off too. Shame it's now vaulted...but at least MEGA is taking us to "new planets and new civilizations" in 2016 ;)