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4 Battlescape Firebase Project - Community

4 Battlescape Firebase Project

Tips & Tricks
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After I did my 4 Battlescape public event diorama I wanted to figure out some other scenes to use such a huge bit of terrain.

I browsed the galleries here and found quite a few custom firebases that looked great but no a lot combined with the Battlescapes.

I decided my next project is going to combine 4 original tan Battlescapes with at least 4 of the UNSC firebases. I plan to do photo sets of the various phases as the project progresses and will post here in the thread with each update till the project us finished if all goes well.

So far I have the 4 Battlescapes minus one of the top hill plates. One Firebase set minus all figures and weapons for them. Two of the tri-barrel machine gun turrets from the fireteam Stingray set.

The plan is to make a square firebase in the flat silver area created when you combine the Battlescapes. Probably have 4 of the railgun turrets on the corners and use the other turrets elsewhere. One entranceway with catwalks etc. inside.

I will see about getting a photo set put up this weekend showing the basic idea using the firebase I have.

EDIT: Putting Gallery links here in the first post so folks don't have to dig through multiple pages to view all the images of the Project progress.

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Arcsylver wrote:
Thu May 04, 2017 5:40 am
After I did my 4 Battlescape public event diorama I wanted to figure out some other scenes to use such a huge bit of terrain. I browsed the galleries here and found quite a few custom firebases that looked great but no a lot combined with the Battlescapes. I decided my next project is going to combine 4 original tan Battlescapes with at least 4 of the UNSC firebases. I plan to do photo sets of the various phases as the project progresses and will post here in the thread with each update till the project us finished if all goes well. So far I have the 4 Battlescapes minus one of the top hill plates. One Firebase set minus all figures and weapons for them. Two of the tri-barrel machine gun turrets from the fireteam Stingray set. The plan is to make a square firebase in the flat silver area created when you combine the Battlescapes. Probably have 4 of the railgun turrets on the corners and use the other turrets elsewhere. One entranceway with catwalks etc. inside. I will see about getting a photo set put up this weekend showing the basic idea using the firebase I have.
sounds cool getting a opening will be a bit tricky and unless your getting 4 firebase sets having 4 rail gun turrets will be tricky. cant wait to see what you pull off though it sounds like a really cool idea.

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I was looking over my current firebase set at the parts in the wall sections and it looks like it will take a total of 4 sets to get all the wall sections I need to make the firebase at the size I want. I will have a lot of leftover bits and enough baseplates to last forever lol.

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Arcsylver wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 7:05 am
I was looking over my current firebase set at the parts in the wall sections and it looks like it will take a total of 4 sets to get all the wall sections I need to make the firebase at the size I want. I will have a lot of leftover bits and enough baseplates to last forever lol.

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Just got a second firebase set in the mail and put it together. Things are starting to shape up. Now that I have 4 corners for it I can get an idea of how much more I need to scrounge to get this thing to the size I want it to be.

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Okay I have just uploaded the first stage pictures to my Galleries so as soon as they are moderated I will see about linking to them here for comments etc.

I am going to make use of 8 of the firebase turrets as well as 4 of the fire team stingray turrets. I have two of the firebases as well as two stingray turrets set up to give an example of how things will be getting set up once I get all the parts in. I have a third firebase as well as two more stingray turrets to work with incoming so I will have plenty of turrets to play with as well as enough spares for lots of project tinkering .

Editing to add the gallery linkage

As a side note, I don't suppose anyone out there might have a Battlescape 1 top plate they would be willing to donate to the project? I have not been able to locate one anywhere to complete that Battlescape to save me.

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Arcsylver wrote:
Fri May 12, 2017 3:56 pm
Okay I have just uploaded the first stage pictures to my Galleries so as soon as they are moderated I will see about linking to them here for comments etc.

I am going to make use of 8 of the firebase turrets as well as 4 of the fire team stingray turrets. I have two of the firebases as well as two stingray turrets set up to give an example of how things will be getting set up once I get all the parts in. I have a third firebase as well as two more stingray turrets to work with incoming so I will have plenty of turrets to play with as well as enough spares for lots of project tinkering .
I saw it! It'll be so friggin' awesome when it's complete!

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Recieved the 3rd firebase in the mail today and added two of the three remaining walls. Going to need one more to get the wall panels I need. Which is kinda sad because those are the only parts left I need. I had enough leftover parts to make the structure other than the panel sections.

I will take some pictures and upload them in the next couple days with a Warthog Resistance Warthog in the middle to give a sense of scale.

EDIT: here is the gallery.

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this is coming along great so far. I need to get some better images of mine. like how you have the interior set up and the stingray turrets giving 360 degree protection. Something for thought once your done, something that im going to try at later when i have the tie is to build terrain like barricades similar to what the covenant have, quick and easy to deploy cover. o also nice cargo truck.

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Thanks. The Cargo truck is the same one from my Cargo Truck Mod but with the red container instead of the Grey one.

I am still debating on what extras to put into this diorama. The Base takes up so much space I don't have a lot of room for much else lol. By the time I am done with the build I will have potentially 3 warthogs, 2 of the Warthog Resistance set and one of the Flame Warthog minus figures. as far as barricades go best I could do is some simple block structures for the most part. I might be able to put together something but this thing has almost depleted my block supply lol. Lots of leftovers but not much in the way of useful blocks left for anything too complicated.

I was originally going to set up the smaller turrets on the "hills" in the corners of the battlescapes but decided to use the towers on the base itself to give the Larger turrets more clearance on the walls. They were just barely clipping the grid work on the front wall so I used the smaller gun towers to elevate them higher for better clearance. My problem at the moment is who to put inside the base. All my marines are manning those turrets and the Warthog at the moment so all I have to work with are a couple of Stingray Spartan teams , Jorge, Kat, Kelly, and a couple extra spartans other than my Heroes series figures I have as far as the newer articulation figures go. I have some random older style figures I could use but again, mostly spartans.

I am new to mega blocks collecting so I don't have much in the way of things just yet but the firebase definitely make for a nice setting for some pictures at least :).

One thing I did do on this was remove the "modularity" feature the firebase come with. Those pins are just too much of a pain to get in and out and it kept popping apart if I needed to move the corners from the walls. Instead I went with a more traditional overlapping block setup that makes it much easier to remove wall sections as needed. I do think I am going to remove the terrain plates from under the corners and just use the Battlescapes as the base directly. That way if I tear this down I can uncouple the sections and store them already built easily and have a nice flat base to work with instead of the uneven base the terrain plates make on the bottoms of the walls. I didn't realize initially that the terrain plates were two plates thick when I built the wall sections which made mine one plate too short and had to double up on the plate blocks to make things equal height.

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