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Homebrew stratagy game - Community

Homebrew stratagy game

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Ok, lets see how much of this i can fit in on one post.

I have spent an amount of time creating an in depth strategy game made for using the Cod, halo, and destiny lines and i picked the call of duty forum with a series of coin flips as i have no idea were this would go.
The bones of the mechanics are as follows.

HP. -Health, nuf said.
Range- buff to ranged attack rolls(Well get to roles later)
Melee-Buff to melee rolls
Armor-Buff to defense roll
Dodge-Buff to defense roll
Strength-Explained later
Agility-Explained later
Actions-How many moves/attacks per turn.
$-how much the thing costs.

The different defense stats are for something special.
For projectile weapons and the different types,
Conventional(bullets) do nothing special.
Covenant (Plasma and needles) divide armor in half and add to dodge.
Promethian (Lazers) Divide dodge in half and add two armor.

In addition, melee has three attack types.
Fast, Divide dodge by 2 add 2 to armor
Normal, nothing
Hard, Divide armor by 2 add 2 to dodge

Strength adds damage to melee, allows for heavier weapons and gives access to vehicle jacking.(stealing)
Agility allows more movement.
Lv-1 agility allows for 8 movement, lv-2 for 12 and lv-3 for 16.
Actions can be used for attacking or moving or something else.

Combat is done with a twenty sided die.
An example for combat is this.(without health)
Guy 1 shoots guy 2 with a bullet weapon and rolls a 12 on the dice. He gains three more from his range stat for a total of 15. Guy 2 roles a 7 with a dodge of two and armor of two for a total of 11. Guy 1 wins with 15 to guy 2's 11, its a hit.
Guy 2 shoots back with a plasma rifle and rolls a 8 with a range stat of 2 for a attack of 10. Guy 1 rolls a 6 with an armor of 6 and a dodge of one. The armor is cut in half to 3 while the dodge is increased to 3. Guy 1's total is 12 while the attack is for 10. Guy 1 is not hit.

For now the basic unit is a human with these stats.

HP -5
Range- 2

A basic solder with equipment is going to turn out to be a total of $20. The total money will be decided before each game and can be as big or small as you like.
This is all for now, ill be back tomorrow as it is midnight.

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For me, I would differentiate between the different types of ballistic firearms. Shotguns, in the traditional "video game logic", have shorter range but higher damage. Suppressed weapons would be good for stealth mechanics. Given the prevalence of different magazine types, it makes sense that there could be a "reloading" factor.

Really, I could see even just taking the CoD line you can spend a long time parsing out what each bit of equipment does. The helmet types could give bulk advantages - say, gas masks let you resist gas grenades and so on. Unique figure heads could be "hero" types having unique abilities.

I've been toying around with coming up with a homebrew system myself but real life dictates work comes first. Yaaaay.

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Oh my friend, trust me, the rabbit hole deepens.
Sorry for poor grammar, its midnight again.
* means multiply.

Next on the list is armor. For now were only using humans as i am lazy and will get to the other figure types.
$3 Straps(the strap thing that the ww2 guys have and others like it) +1 armor,+1dodge
$4 body armor(if its not the above or bottom then its this. includes halo marine armor)+3 armor.
$8 Juggernaut(the giant armor with pegs in the front and back.)+6 armor -2 movement -2 dodge.
$10 exo suit.(Yeah know, those things.) Lv-2 Agility and strength +2 movment
$15 ODST armor(the fun begins) +4 armor +1 dodge +1 action +3 range +1 melee
$25 Destiny Hunter +1 HP +2 armor +4 dodge +4 range +2 melee +6 movement + invisibility (need guardian title)
$25 Destiny Warlock +2 HP +3 armor +3 dodge +4 range + space magic (need guardian title)
$25 Destiny Titan +5HP +4 armor +2 dodge +3 range +5 Melee +1 action (need guardian title)
$30 Spartan +5 armor +3 dodge +6 range +3 melee +4 movement Lv -3 strength and agility +1 action (need spartan title)

Yes, Titles, those are last this post.

DM=Damage done to health.
All guns take one action to reload.
Pistols: $3 /Dice roll=(x= coin flip, heads 2 tails 1) three ammo. (ammo is how many times it can be fired.)
Light +1 movement- 1+x DM
Regular- 2+x DM
Heavy -1 movement +$1- 3+x DM +3 ammo

Automatics: $4 /Dice roll=(x= roll a three sided dice for hit)four ammo
Light +2 movement- 2+x DM
Regular- 3+x DM
Heavy -2 movement +$2- 4+x DM +1 ammo

Precision: $8 /Dice roll=(x= Roll a four sided dice for hit.)three ammo
Light +2 movement- 2+x DM
Regular- 4+x DM
Heavy -3 movement+$4- 8+x DM -1ammo

Scatter: $6 /Dice roll=(x= roll a four sided dice for hit) Three ammo
Light +3 movement- 1+x DM +Point blank(explanation at 1.) 3 -1 ammo
Regular- 3+x DM +Point blank 4
Heavy -3 movement +$3- 5+x DM +Point blank 6 +1ammo

Heavy weapons: Other units can carry ammo for a -1 movement debuff.. Takes ammo carrying unit's action to reload and must be within four pegs.

Rocket launcher: $10 -1 move +(-1*x) (x=how many rockets being carried -1 rocket.. So four rockets would take away three extra movement.)
Rockets explode in an 8 peg radius of the hit. Rockets deal 8 +x DM (x= 8 sided dice roll. Roll for every unit in explosion) 1 ammo.
Can buy one more shot for $4 making total ammo 2. Each rocket after the first one costs $2
Divides dodge by 2.

Heavy gun: $15 STR LV-1 -7 movement Lv-2 -4 movement LV-3 -2 movement. -x movement (X= -1*how many reloads carried) can shoot all units within a six peg long area.(side by side basically). Deals 6+x(X= A six sided die)
5 ammo

flamethrower.: $20 -3+-(-3*x) (x= reloads -1) 20 peg attack range (this is not the stat). does a 45 degree sweep from users position.
All units in area take 6+x DM (X= four sided die.) ALL units hit must roll a D20 and get above a fifteen or become panicked. (2.)
Ammo 3.

Melee. X=strength level.
small. (knifes and such)
+1 Melee 1+x+y DM(Y=coin flip.)
Medium (Swords ax's hammers maces)
+2 melee 2+x+y DM(Y=D3 roll)
Large(Larger versions of the previous)
+4 melee, needs both hands and -2 movements with Lv-1 strength 3+x+y DM(Y=D4 roll)
extra large.(Only gravity hammers so far.)
Lv 2 STR required. +4 melee. 4+x+y DM (Y=D6 roll)

1. How point blank works. shotguns give 10 range to rolls, so a roll of 10 is twenty. After X(x is the number of point blank is) pegs (its pegs, the thing we use to build with and we use these because i cant find a ruler) the shotgun looses 4 range. For every four pegs after it looses an additional 4 range. For example a shot at twenty four pegs away from a regular shotgun gets -20 range. This system works for now.

2. Panicked units only have one action. They roll a d20. 1-5 means it attacks the closest unit, even if its friendly. 6-14 means it runs in one of the clockwise directions. Pick using a d12. 15-20 means they run tot he nearest piece of cover and hunker down.

They give bonuses to units.
Each unit can only have three max.
If three are had then the most expensive title is doubled. (so if its spartan and two others then the spartan is $80)

+2 melee
can use Guardian armor

+3 range
+2 melee
+2 dodge
Can use spartan armor

+2 range
+1 melee

Glass cannon
Hp divided by 2
*2 dodge
*1.5 range
*1.5 melee
*1.5 damage

+5 armor
-5 dodge
+2 range
Movement divided in half.

Can attack once and remain invisible.

Lightning berserker
+4 hp
+1 action

Expert gunman
+5 range
*1.5 gun damage

Melee expert
+5 melee
*2 melee damage.

+5 movement
+2 dodge.

ANNNND thats all for now.

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wow a lot of fun stuff so fare.

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This is about as far as i got in my tired caffeinated state before falling asleep.
I want to add more titles, add in the grenades. put in more mechanics like cover.
This system is heavily inspired by both warhammer and xcom gameplay with a bit of DND pvp aspects, well, of how i have played DND PVP.

What follows is extra stuff.

Rockets are supposed to divide armor and dodge in half,

Multi unit hitting attacks have each unit roll defense.

Anyways, i got grunts and Cabal done in my head.

While you may think grunts are weak, Thats cuze they are.

Right arm-6
Left arm-6
Right leg-6
Left leg-6

Now, grenades and shields.

Smoke $4
for eight pegs from center point all units get +6 dodge.

Frag $6
For all units within six peg radius they take 4+(roll a D4) DM

Stun $5
Disables all readied actions and decreases dodge by half in six peg radius

All units within five pegs take 5+(D5)

As far as i know they're is only the riot and Promethean shields with the cabal holding doors.
I dont know how i want to do them. Give Shields health, or just have them be there. I'll put down health anyway.

Item Hp-15
+6 armor (shield direction must face attack for bonus.)
-3 dodge
-3 movement
-3 aim
Can bash for 1+str LV+ coin flip. DM

Energy shield
Item hp-10
+6 armor (shield direction must face attack for bonus.)
-1 dodge.
-6 range
Can be deactivated any time for free.
Can be activated at any time for one action.

Cabal shield
Only usable by Cabal
Item HP-50
+10 Armor
Shield bash.5+Str LV+ roll a D4.

Cover comes in half and full.
Half cover gives +4 armor to roles.
Full gives+8 armor.
Cover is destroyed by. explosives.
Can hunker down for double armor and half dodge.

Can use ONE action as a prepared action. It activates if the perimeters set by the controller are met.
Example. If a rocket hits close to this guy activate his energy shield.
These actions can be anything you can do normally.

Normal actions.
If it can be done, you can roll to do it. Push of a cliff, dog pile, vehicle jacking, roll for it and if it beats the other guys defense then you can do it.

Thats about it for now.

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Now the big question is, what sort of defense does the Ninja Turtle's shells give?

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Elemaster wrote: Now the big question is, what sort of defense does the Ninja Turtle's shells give?
Hey man, if you want to make a "DLC" pack for wacky stuff go ahead.
This is just a suggested guideline for a game.

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Heh, if I were to do something like this I may well make my own truth be told. But always figured it's good to have (relevant) options on deck (so no Monster High for example). But there could be decent campaigns for Turtles vs. Foot and whatnot. I do think should I brew something up I'd be more particular with the weapons, but that's a personal preference.

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well this is all really cool stuff. I think ive also seen this on Spartan forums as well. would love to see a actual game like x-com with this style.

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Elemaster wrote:
Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:01 pm
Now the big question is, what sort of defense does the Ninja Turtle's shells give?
maybe they should be the best armor

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