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Help with Painting Halo Guns - Community

Help with Painting Halo Guns

Tips & Tricks
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Hey guys! RS003 here, again! :)

I figured I'd make a thread regarding tips on painting your own Halo guns. I've done three project uploads on the gallery with some painted Halo guns, and I've gotten a lot of great feedback from the community on how game accurate they look.

If any of you have any questions, just drop a reply! I'll try to respond with some tips and hints ASAP. :)

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Not really. But I would love to know how I could keep water-based acrylic paint from chipping off of custom figs.

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Have you tried clear nail varnish? I think that keeps it on.

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Nope, I haven't even seen nail varnish at retail yet. Thanks for the info though, EVA! :)

Just some friendly advice: if you want to make your weapons have a really nice metallic paint job, try "craftsmart"'s Mettalic Paint, in Silver color.

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As others here have observed, if you don't "seal" your paint work, the paint will come off with subsequent handling or play. The best products for this application are the purpose made sealants from model or craft paint companies. I use either Humbrol Gloss, Satin, or Matte Cote depending on the finish sheen I'm looking for. Even if applying by brush, you want to use the dedicated Humbrol thinner to thin out the very thick Humbrol Cote sealer, then apply several thin coats of sealer with at least a day between each application. This makes for super durable paint jobs.

Happy Trails!
MTB Vince

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how do you make words such as SPNKR for the rocket launcher

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