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Should Mega have "leaders" in their Halo fireteams and CoD - Community

Should Mega have "leaders" in their Halo fireteams and CoD

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I think it would be cool to have a "Special Leader" With superb paint detail and deco. This has already appeared in the Terminator line. What do you guys think?

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ParziStudios wrote:I think it would be cool to have a "Special Leader" With superb paint detail and deco. This has already appeared in the Terminator line. What do you guys think?
Depends what you mean by special leader. If you mean like an actual character I'd say no unless it was like one of the ODSTs because it kinda defeats the whole purpose of army building (the ODSTs you can class as another ODST who just happened to have the same paint job).

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I think a better way to distribute special/named characters would be in smaller single figure sets like Brutus from the CoD line. I'm not sure how well sets like that sell though. I know I bought 4 of them to be Super-Zombie leaders for my Zombie horde. Granted my CoD and Halo "worlds" don't follow the games (as I've never played either) so my buying patterns may not follow the norm.
I prefer the Fireteam packs to be generic troops. Like what was said above, doing them that way makes for good troop builder sets.

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You could make your own custom fireteam leader, like I did, or you can give one of the Spartans some of the more exotic weaponry to make a squad leader

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I think the Halo Heroes line covers this space just fine. If you want to army build, you can buy the figure packs and if you want special figures, you can get the individual figures.

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boltz wrote:I think the Halo Heroes line covers this space just fine. If you want to army build, you can buy the figure packs and if you want special figures, you can get the individual figures.
Bear in mind this thread isn't specific to halo. But yes I do agree with your points.

in fact I'd go a step further and say the figures along the likes of the marine officer should be kept to actual sets - I mean I don't want my marines to be at a 1 officer per 3 marine ratio, I prefer a more realistic 1 officer (or sergeant since halos sergeants don't like proper head protection) to every 9-10 marines (this is more realistic to the games where a squad size is around 8-13 marines - I think these numbers include the officer/squad leader). COD doesn't have this problem cause while I see the guys with caps as squad leaders, they could just be any old soldier, especially since there's quite a few characters in COD who ditch real head protection for a cap, a hat or nothing at all.

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I personally think it would be kind of neat if one figure maybe has a stripe or other kind of insignia.

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